*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Hon. Richard E. Sinclair

To provide objective, administrative and technical support to the constitutional
functions of the Parliament of Guyana and the People of Guyana

  • Name :Hon. Richard E. Sinclair
  • Designation :
  • Political Party : A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) + Alliance for Change (AFC)
  • Date Became Parliamentarian : 2020
  • How to Contact a MP :You may click on the envelope to the left to send a message.
  • Committee Membership :


Related Parliamentarians

In the Chamber

  • Speeches delivered: ()
  • Motions Laid:()
  • Questions asked: (10)
  • Petitions Made: ()
  • Bills Presented: ()
No Speeches/Presentations found for Hon. Richard E. Sinclair
No Motions found for Hon. Richard E. Sinclair
  • Notice Paper No. 265 - Names of Textbooks for each Subject in the Secondary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 273 - Cost of Delivery of Secondary Education in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 266 - Number of hard copies of Textbooks in the Secondary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 267 - Teaching Vacanies in the Secondary School in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 268 - Names of Subjects done in the Primary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 269 - Names of Textbooks for each Subject in the Primary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 270 - Number of hard copies of Textbooks in the Primary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 271 - Teaching Vacancies in the Primary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 264 - Names of Subjects done in the Secondary Schools in Region No. 8 - answered by
  • Notice Paper No. 272 - Cost of Delivery of Primary Education in Region No. 8 - answered by
No petitions found for Hon. Richard E. Sinclair
No Bills found for Hon. Richard E. Sinclair

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