*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19


Resolution No. 60/1995 - Suspension of Standing Orders Nos. 46(2) and (3)
Resolution No. 59/1995 - Ratification by the Government of Guyana of the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women (the Convention of Belem do Para)
Resolution No. 58/1995 - Ratification by the Government of Guyana of the Protocols of Amendments to the Chapter of the Organisation of American States
Reolution No. 57/1995 - State Paper on the Conventions and Recommendations adopted at the 74th Session of the International Labour Conference
Resolution No. 56/1995 - Suspension of Standing Orders No. 46(2) and (3)
Resolution No. 55/1995 - Consideration of Financial Paper No. 1/1995
Resolution No. 54/1995 - Affirmation of the Guyana Co-operaative Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank (Dissolution and Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 1995 - No 2 of 1995
Resolution No. 53A/1995 - State Paper on the Conventions and Recommendations adopted at the 74th Session of the Internaitonal Labour Conference
Resolution No. 53/1995 - Confirmation of the Consumption Tax (Amendment) Order 1995 - No. 3 of 1995
Resolution No. 52/1995 - Approval of Estimates of Revenues and Expenditure for the year 1995
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