*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19


Resolution No. 20/1999 - Adoption of the Report of the Special Select Committee to Determine the Terms of Reference and Composition of the Constitutional Reform Commission
Resolution No. 19/1999 - Suspension of Standing Order No. 76(5)
Resolution No. 18/1998 - Death of Mr. Martin Wylde Carter, O.R.
Resolution No. 17/1998 - Consideration of Financial Paper No. 3/1998
Resolution No. 16/1998 - Consideration of Financial Paper No. 2/1998
Resolution No. 15/1998 - Approval of Denunciation of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Accordance with Article 12
Resolution No. 14/1998 - Difficulties Encountered by UG Law Graduates in pursuing thier professional certification
Resolution No. 13/1998 - Appointment of a Special Select Committee to determine the terms of reference and the composition of the Constitutional Reform Commission
Resolution No. 12/1998 - Confirmation of the Consumption Tax (Amendment) Order 1998 - No. 14 of 1998
Resolution No. 11/1998 - Ratification of Protocol II Agreement
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