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Dave M. Stocker, MD

  • Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Carepoint, PC
  • Denver, Colorado

If maternal hypotension negatively impacts on placental perfusion and the posterior position of the placenta within the uterus also negatively influences placental supply; it may be possible that a fetus with both of these factors present may suffer such a lack of blood flow that he or she is at increased risk of fetal death erectile dysfunction doctor seattle purchase suhagra pills in toronto. Is it possible then that a pregnant hypotensive mother with a posterior located placenta is more at risk of stillbirthfi Purpose of the study the purpose of this study was to determine if there was an association between hypotension and stillbirth impotence and depression suhagra 50mg without a prescription, posterior location of placenta and intrauterine fetal death erectile dysfunction treatment penile injections purchase suhagra amex, and a combined effect of association between hypotension erectile dysfunction diabetes reversible order suhagra canada, placenta location and fetal death purchase erectile dysfunction drugs discount suhagra 100mg with visa. The first step in establishing whether maternal hypotension and/or posterior located placenta do affect pregnancy outcome is to assess what is currently known via a literature review erectile dysfunction in young males causes buy generic suhagra pills. In the next chapter the literature supporting the notion that hypotension and/or placental location may be risk factors for stillbirth is reviewed and critiqued. In the following chapters the study design is outlined, and then the data analyses and results are discussed. Subsequently, recommendations for future research are made and methods for dissemination of results suggested. A detailed review of each of these papers follows which includes both critique and discussion. Then the literature reporting association between placental position and poor pregnancy outcome is reviewed and critiqued. Finally the gaps in the literature identified through this process are established. A separate search was made using MeSh terms, "pregnancy" "posterior" "placenta" "location" "position" and "site". Furthermore, the result of the hypotension in pregnancy search mainly consisting of papers published in German. Advice was sought from a researcher at the Joanna Briggs Institute in Adelaide, skilled in literature searches, who confirmed that the keywords used were both adequate and appropriate and that the scant results were indicative of little published literature in this area, not of poor search technique. The results of the literature are a mixture of prospective cohort, case-control, case-study or literature review articles and reports. Papers implicating persistent maternal hypotension and poor perinatal outcome referred to in this chapter are summarised in table 2. Other German papers consist of either literature review or small case studies looking at treatment of hypotension and perinatal outcome, have not been fully translated but have been read to the researcher by a person whose first language is German and are briefly referred to here. C Mc Clure Browne, an 70 English obstetrician, presented a paper titled "Survey of eclampsia Clinical Aspects. He included women who received their first antenatal visit prior to the end of the 13th week of pregnancy in order to establish an initial blood pressure reading. The purpose of this study was to establish if initial readings correlated to an episode of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia in the third trimester, which might negatively influence the outcome of the pregnancy. However, he also "noticed a curious fact that the very low systolic pressure (less than 105mmHg) showed a definite increase in perinatal mortality and abruptio placentae. They undertook an extensive study using data from a large multi-centered collaborative study of 58,000 women. Those with viable pregnancies who attended an antenatal clinic and had at least four antepartum examinations (38,636) were selected to study the relationship between high blood pressure, proteinuria, and fetal outcome. Like McClure Browne before them, these researchers were surprised to find a correlation between hypotension and fetal 45 death. They reported that diastolic hypotension, with levels less than 65mmHg in the last trimester yielded a threefold risk for fetal death. Both depict a "J" shaped curve, which suggests that maternal hypotension, is as much a risk factor for perinatal mortality as moderate levels of hypertension (see figures 2. However, other studies by Wolff, Bauer and 74 50 Bolte as well as Hohmann and Kuenzel do not wholeheartedly agree with the negative findings of these two studies. The hypotensive women were more likely to have problems throughout their pregnancy and birth. However, it is important to note that the numbers in each of these categories are small. These authors also prospectively followed this identified cohort throughout their pregnancies. Their hypotensive group was also more likely to have problems throughout their pregnancy and birth. These problems included preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm rupture of membranes, meconium stained liquor, low birth weight, low Apgar score as well as increased risk of perinatal mortality. All measurements were taken by the same investigator to minimise measuring errors. Whilst they report a statistically significant increase in frequency of premature birth in the hypotensive group, (6. These researchers did not find the same correlation as Goeschen and Harsanyi did for other poor pregnancy outcomes. The reasons for this difference are not readily apparent as all three studies appear to be similar in their methodological approach and rigor. Wolff defined hypotension as systolic less than 100mmHg and included other "light" hypotensive women in their normotensive group whereas the other two studies identified this group and analysed 74 their outcomes separately. Furthermore, the four studies may have been powered differently with the first two having 289 and 596 hypotensive participants respectively whereas Wolff only had 70 as they employed a 10:1 normotensive: hypotensive ratio and 50 Hohmann and Kuenzel did not describe how they arrived at examining 667 pregnant normotensive women and 423 pregnant hypotensive women. It is difficult to determine the affect that these differences may have made to these studies as power calculations are not discussed in any of these papers perhaps because the studies are old and these techniques did not become standard until later. For example, an Australian study by Ng and Walters investigated the effect of chronic hypotension during pregnancy. In a retrospective case-controlled trial, they studied 268 pregnant women throughout their pregnancy. One hundred and thirty four women with hypotension were placed in the study group and a further 134 women were identified as a control group. They also noted in the study group a tendency towards meconium-stained liquor, severe decelerations of the fetal heart during labour and premature birth. There were four perinatal deaths in the group of women with 50 hypotension and three in the normotensive group. Whilst this was not a statistically significant finding, it is a finding of interest from the point of view of this current study. Whilst they correctly maintain that blood pressure measurement has not changed substantially in the last 40 years they did not take into account some of the more obvious data collection problems with the earlier study on which their data relied. For example the data base 77 population was nearly 50/50% Caucasian / African American. One problem which Niswander 77 reported concerning this database occurred when a head nurse responsible for patient selection deliberately chose women with less voluminous notes to lessen her workload! This would have skewed the sample in her hospital towards single young primiparous women with uncomplicated pregnancies. They examined the effect of orthostatic changes in pregnancy on a group of antenatal attendees at their hospital. They specifically observed differences in lying and standing blood pressures and initially found that an analysis of the birth weight of newborns from women with and without subjective symptoms produced no significant differences. This finding implied that women who were more prone to difficulties in maintaining their blood pressure regulation were also women who tended towards poor pregnancy outcome. In a substantial study conducted in Britain, over 210,000 nulliparous women with singleton pregnancies were prospectively followed throughout their pregnancy. After calculating the expected number of perinatal deaths against actual numbers, they established a "linear quadratic fit" (p. The graph is more U-shaped than the earlier J-shaped graphs depicted by Browne and Friedman and Neff. There may be two possible reasons for this: firstly this graph depicts association between perinatal mortality and diastolic readings less than 50mmHg the earlier graphs stop at 55mmHg secondly, and probably more importantly, the number of 53 deaths due to hypertensive conditions in pregnancy have fallen over the years since the earlier studies perhaps due to increased monitoring and treatment of hypertension in pregnancy. Such monitoring and concern does not yet exist for the hypotensive pregnant woman. These authors suggest that persistent low maternal blood pressure may be a problem in pregnancy due to poor placental perfusion or decreased uteroplacental blood flow. Uteroplacental blood flow in hypotensive pregnancies 80 A small German study by Grunberger, Leodolter, and Parschalk found that placental perfusion in pregnant hypotensive women was significantly reduced. They found that placental perfusion was reduced in hypotensive women and concluded that a maternal blood pressure below 115/70 should be considered "alarming. They compared the umbilical blood flow of 40 pregnant women and also found a significant decreased flow in the hypotensive (less than 110/60) pregnancies compared with their normotensive control group. Klosa, Wilhelm, Schillinger, and 81 Hillemanns treated 10 pregnant women with norfenefrine hydrochloride (also known as Norphenylephrine hydrochloride: a sympathomametic vasopressor) and found that after treatment there were no differences in poor outcomes between their study group and 82 normal pregnancies. Likewise, Grunberger, Parschalk and Fisch studied 60 hypotensive women where half were treated with a mineralcorticoid to raise their blood pressure and thus their placental perfusion, whilst the other half remained untreated and were used as controls. They also found that the treated group had better outcomes, especially with increased birth weight. They found an improvement in orthostatic dysregulation in their hypotensive group after treatment. However, this drug is widely rated as a category X drug meaning that it is not recommended in pregnancy due to its ability to cause uterine contractions! Goeschen and his colleagues recognised this and state that after treatment that no case of increased uterine activity or premature birth was noted. These researchers surmised that such maternal exertion might cause a brief placental blood "through-flow inadequacy" which may affect the fetus. This finding confirmed their hypothesis that maternal hypotension can negatively influence the fetus during pregnancy but that this can be both detected and treated. Hypotension and placental site Not only is it thought that placental perfusion may be decreased in women with hypotension during pregnancy but some research suggests that placental site may also affect the efficiency of the uterine artery blood flow. Two studies have investigated whether placental position may influence placental perfusion in turn affecting fetal well being. In both normotensive and hypertensive pregnancies the right and left uterine artery flow velocity waveforms demonstrated significantly different systolic/diastolic ratios when the placenta was located unilaterally. They surmised that "perhaps implantation in the lower part of the uterus provides inadequate conditions for normal placental growth and perfusion" (p. These studies suggest that both lateral and low placentae may not provide adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus. Placental position research Research, which has been undertaken on other aspects of placental position other than on low placental implantation, has been sparse. Whilst some studies have looked at how placental position impacts on pregnancy outcome no research has been undertaken on the effect of the position of the placenta and any associated increased risk of stillbirth. The small number of papers reporting any relationship between placental position and pregnancy outcome are reviewed next. Placental location distribution Whilst there has been extensive research on low-lying placentae especially the crucial 27,85-87 importance of migration during pregnancy, surprisingly little research has been done regarding the actual distribution of placental location. Following the 18week ultrasound scan 45% of the women in their population had a posterior located placenta and 42 % had an anterior located placenta with the remaining positions being 88 scattered through fundal, lateral and low. The results of this study were used later when 58 making power calculations to establish a population norm for placental position distribution described later in this thesis. There were 14 nuchal cords in the 53 placentae which were posterior and only nine nuchal cords associated with the 109 placentae sited elsewhere in the uterus. It was not clear from the report whether the fetal heart decelerations associated with posterior location of the placenta were affecting babies who also had the umbilical cord around their neck. It may have been that it was the presence of a nuchal cord rather than the location of the placenta that was having a negative impact on the fetus. In particular, maternal sleep may be associated with 59 maternal hypotension and fetal hypoxia. Davydov, 90 Orlov, Samorodinova, and Khrustalkov, investigated 2396 women examining the location of the placenta and the clinical course of labour. They described the location of the placenta as either fundal, uterine body or lower uterine segment. One of the factors they studied was the possible influence of placental location on the Apgar score. They found that there were no cases of a low Apgar score less than four in the lower uterine segment group. Whereas the higher the placenta was sited in the uterus the greater the incidence of an Apgar less than four occurring i. Although this study did not distinguish between anterior or posterior located placental site it did demonstrate that a fundally located placenta could affect fetal well being. They presumed that if the placenta was located fundally then this placed the weakest point of the membranes over the cervical os and predisposed women to premature rupture of the membranes with all the negative consequences that brings to poor pregnancy outcome. Lurie, 92 Gomel, Sadan, Ginath, Rotmensch, and Glezerman evaluated the association between placental location and length of the third stage of labour. In a retrospective case-note audit they examined 200 consecutive singleton pregnancies for length of third stage.

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Fatal scleromyxedema: involvement includes topical, intralesional, Reprort of a case and and systemic steroids, topical and intraleoverall is poor. Scleromyxedema associated with arthritis and myopathy: a therapy, retinoids by possibly reducing 2 Dubreuilh W. Updated classification of polyneuropathy: clinical and laboratory characteristics the underlying disease process; howpapular mucinosis, lichen associated with myxedematosus, and scleromyxedema. The acute angles are the rhomboid transposition flap is a In utilizing a rhomboid flap, it is critical to 60 degrees and the obtuse angles are 120 work-horse for us in the temple area. Plan the donor flap site in a way flaps that are created, undermined and ceptible surgical scar can be obtained in to insure that the resulting scar is optimally transposed. The depth of undermining is just below the reticular dermis, in the subcutaneous plane. In the temple area, care must be taken to avoid injury to the temporal branch of the facial nerve. Tunga penetrans is endemic in Central and South America, Caribbean, Africa, India, and Pakistan. Although rare and sporadic in the United States and many other countries, it has been reported in people who have traveled to the endemic areas. Following this case report there is a discussion of Tungiasis, potential complications, treatment alternatives, and preventative measures. Introduction Tungiasis is an infestation of the female sand flea, Tunga penetrans. When the female sand flea becomes impregnated it needs the blood supply of a host to mature and release its eggs. It burrows into the epidermis and dermis and maintains an opening to release its eggs outside of the skin. It is brought to the United States from travelers to the Figure 3 endemic regions. He also denied any systemic symptoms including fever, chills, nausea, endemic in Central and South America, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. In lesion was solitary and there was no eviendemic areas prevalence ranges from 1540 %. It has also spent time walking on the beach in sandals been reported in the West Indies. The main habitat of the flea is the warm, His dermatologic history was significant dry soil and sand of beaches, stables, and for inactive plaque stage mycosis funstock farms. Biopsy of staining demonstrated the body cavity of sand flea, a poor jumper, which burrows the lesion was deferred due to pending an insect inserted into the epidermis and into human skin most often on the feet knee surgery. Other parts patient reported that the lesion slowly the cavity were eggs, hollow ring-like comof the body can be affected. Early physical exam will show a small, Tungiasis is an infestation by the burrow(Figure 1) inflammatory papule with a central black ing sand flea Tunga penetrans. The punctum or ulceralect jumping fleas, avoidance of contamition through which it breathes and excretes nated areas, avoidance of stray animals, carries the potential for secondary infectreating infected reservoir hosts (livestock tion. The lesion can range from asymptoand domestic animals), and improving matic to pruritic and/or extremely painful. With its head in the upper dermis, Conclusion the flea feeds on the blood vessels of its host while its caudal tip of the abdomen at Tunga penetrans is a serious health the skin surface forms the punctum. Over threat in endemic, underdeveloped areas the next 1-2 weeks, eggs are released from with depressed socioeconomic conditions. After all the eggs are these resource-poor communities battle released, and without complications, the with heavy infestations and serious compliflea dies and is shed from the skin of the cations. For ground hatch in 3-4 days, become pupa in the majority of cases outside of the 10-14 days, and then become adults in 1-2 endemic areas standard therapy is suffiweeks. Isolated, uncomplicated lesions tend the clinical differential diagnosis of Tunto be self-limited. Even though Tungiasis is giasis includes: fire ant bite, tick bite, scarare in the United States, physicians should bies, cercarial dermatitis, early creeping have a high clinical suspicion as more peoeruption, myiasis, folliculitis, dracunculiasis, ple travel to endemic areas. In addition, nodular cutaneous T-cell lymphoma was considered in References this patient due to his history. Arthropod Infestations and Vectors of Dismay include severe inflammation, ulceraease. Therapy of Tungiasis: lymphadenitis, bone necrosis, autoamputaa Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial with Oral Ivermectin. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio tion of the digits, secondary infections de Janeiro, vol 99(8): 873-876. European Journal of Dermatoltions (Staph aureus or gram negative bacogy 1999; 9(1):57-59 1 7. Emerging Infectious Diseases [serial Treatment includes many medical and online] 2003 August; 9(8). When the flea is engorged surgical options include curettage or surgical excision to remove the cavity. In endemic areas where there is a higher incidence of heavy infestations there is a need for an effective systemic agent. Oral Ivermectin has been investigated, but fails to demonstrate clinically significant efficacy. First described in 1895 by Jadassohn1, we now have a much better understanding of the immunologic complexity of this delayed type hypersensitivity. We present a case of a 22-year-old woman who presented to our contact dermatitis clinic with a fifteen-month history of a pruritic and sometimes-painful rash. Historical Perspective Clinical Review As a medical student, Paul Langerhans was the first to identify these cells in 1868. The histology of acute lesions But just where in the skin does sensitizaChase first described the relationship of exhibit spongiosis with or without intraepition to an allergen occurfi Marion contact allergy and delayed type hypersendermal vesiculation and a mixed dermal sitivity. Subacute and series of articles describing the skin as an tact allergy to small molecular antigens and chronic lesions can produce confusing hisoriginator and site of hypersensitivity. In his attempt to locate this site, Following re-exposure to the allergen, an patch test approved by the U. Food and he showed that intracutaneous injection of inflammatory response recognized as an Drug Administration is the Thin-layer Rapid a sensitizing material resulted in peripheral eczematous dermatitis is seen. Test contains 23 allergens and a strated that a hypersensitivity reaction the delayed type. Although this test only could not be elicited if the antigen is adminrequired and may occur following one contains approximately 1. This fact is important for the rate but insensitive method of detecting monally, intratesticularly, and intracardially). Although complex, a fundademonstrate the reproducibly of a positive and an organ that could be sensitized. Patients are instructed not to In summary, when performed and interdorsal hands bilaterally and symmetrically get their back wet, shower, or perspire preted correctly, patch testing is a reliable with spreading to her palms, scalp, posteheavily during this entire time period. She Patch test reactions are recorded on a simple to apply and read, but is in fact, a reported her legs were only intermittently quantitative scale as recommended by the complicated procedure. International Contact Dermatitis Research relevant positive allergen requires expertise She had no significant past medical history Group1 (Table 1). The absence of a posiin contact dermatitis on the part of the cliniand denied a personal history of atopy. Contact dermatitis education, includFamily history was negative for atopy, psoWet or loosened patches or removal prior ing patch testing, should be an integral part riasis, autoimmune disease, or other skin to the 48 hours may result in a false negaof every dermatology residency program. Inadvertent washing of the A recent survey by High and Cruz report was to ampicillin, which caused hives. Application of potent topical steroids to the site of testing several days prior or during testing can blunt the Figure 2 Figure 1 immune response. This is also true for doses of systemic corticosteroids greater than 20mg per day. A study by Soni and Sherertz found that 27 of 43 patients were found to have additional relevant allergens when further patch testing was performed. Relevance is classified as possible, probable, certain, or past depending on the clinical situation. It is dependent on the knowledge Figure 1-4 Erythematous scaly plaques involving the face, neck, dorsal hands, and experience of the clinician. University Hospitals of Cleveland Screening Series of these allergens, she was completely *additional allergens added to North American Screening Series (Chemotechnique, Malmo, Sweden) clear except for one residual patch test site on her left upper back. Nickel and rubber accelerators Carba Mix Goldsodium thiosulfate were relevant to her use of an eyelash Neomycin sulfate Ethyl acrylate curler. These histofrom school and social activities because of logical features are nonspecific, but most this condition. The difmatitis clinic, the patient was scheduled for ferential diagnosis had included lupus erypatch testing. She was tested to her hair Figure 5,6 A low and high power view thematosis (possible subacute type), gel as is and the North American Screenmagnification demonstrating a spongidermatomyositis, eczema, guttate psoriasis ing Series (Chemotechnique Diagnostics otic epidermis with focal areas of neuand prophyria cutanea tarda. Carba Mix 1+ A punch biopsy of skin from the nape of the neck had been performed (Figure 5,6). Neomycin 2+ It demonstrated a spongiotic epidermis Bacitracin 2+ with an occasional apoptotic keratinocyte and focal areas of neutrophils in the straMixed Dialkyl Thioureas 1+ tum corneum. Prevalence and relevance of contact dermatithis allergens: A meta-analysis of 15 years of published It is an effective preservative with outstandtional allergic contact dermatitis in hairT. North American Contact Dermatitis Group Patch-Test Results, 1998 to 2000 Am J Contact Dermat (methylisothiazolinone) in an approximate true contact allergen. Relevance of Positive Patch-Test women, with cosmetics being the principal Relevance must be determined and addiReactions to Cocamidopropyl Betaine and Amidoamine 16 Dermatitis 2004;15(1):7-9. Allergy to Cocamidopropyl Betaine and Studies have shown that up to 10% of Amidoamine in North America Dermatitis 2004;15(1):5-6. Cosmetic allergy: incidence, nonionic surfactant found primarily in perpatients patch tested are allergic to cosdiagnosis, and management Am J Clin Dermatol sonal care products. It is commonly found in over 600 and Suppression of Contact Sensitivity J Invest Derm personal care products including sham1981;76(4):275-278. The skin as an immunologic organ J Am Acad Derpoos, bath gels, body washes, liquid determatol 1985;13(3):530-536. Epidermal Cell-Induced Generation of facial, eyelid, neck, and/or hand dermatitis. In patients with recurrent genital herpes or herpes zoster Geriatric Use Famvir Of 816 patients with herpes zoster in clinical studies who were treated with Famvir, 248 (30. No overall differences were observed in the incidence or types of Tablets adverse events between younger and older patients. Genital herpes can also be transmitted in the absence of symptoms through asymptomatic viral shedFlatulence 1. If medical management of recurrent episodes is indicated, patients should be advised to initiate therapy at Abdominal Pain 1. The following adverse events have been reported during post-approval use of Famvir: urticaria, hallucinations and Carcinogenesis: Two-year dietary carcinogenicity studies with famciclovir were conducted in rats and mice. An confusion (including delirium, disorientation, confusional state, occurring predominantly in the elderly). Because increase in the incidence of mammary adenocarcinoma (a common tumor in animals of this strain) was seen in these adverse events are reported voluntarily from a population of unknown size, estimates of frequency cannot be female rats receiving the high dose of 600 mg/kg/day (1. Table 6 lists selected laboratory abnormalities in genital herpes suppression trials. No increases in tumor incidence were reported in male rats Selected Laboratory Abnormalities in Genital Herpes Suppression Studies* treated at doses up to 240 mg/kg/day (0. Famciclovir and penciclovir were negative in in vitro tests for gene mutations in bacteria (S. The no observable effect level for sperm and testicular toxicity in rats following chronic administration (26 weeks) was 50 mg/kg/day (0.

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These testicular changes were the presence of such antibodies in the seminal plasma of not associated with antisperm antibody status as only 4% of men after vasectomy and the appearance of 212 measured by the indirect immunobead assay erectile dysfunction treatment news purchase 100mg suhagra amex. The literature review that pregnancy occurred in the wives of 11 of 13 men found no reports of death as a result of vasectomy in without seminal plasma sperm agglutinins after contemporary American urological practice erectile dysfunction pills in malaysia generic 50 mg suhagra with visa. This case occurred in Europe and was reported Thomas (1981) showed no statistically significant 62 in 1992. In addition, a large cohort study did not show difference in the level of serum sperm agglutinating or any association between overall mortality and immobilizing antibodies one year after vasectomy 97 vasectomy. These investigators found low to moderate titers of immobilizing or agglutinating antisperm Guideline Statement 5. If the patient declines influence of antisperm antibodies on pregnancy rates local anesthesia or if the surgeon believes that local after vasectomy reversal are rare. The precise prevalence anesthesia with or without oral sedation will not be of impaired fertility due to anti-sperm antibodies is adequate for a particular patient, then vasectomy may unknown. Expert Opinion In a review of this topic, Kutteh (1999) concluded that the most rigorous studies have not proven a cause and Discussion. Vasectomy can be safely performed in effect between abnormal immune parameters, such as the almost all patients using local anesthesia alone. A pneumatic injector, also known as application of anesthetic cream at the vasectomy site in a jet or no needle device, has been used to deliver addition to standard injection of local anesthesia also may anesthetic agent transcutaneously. Several small studies have shown that topical clear that intra-operative pain is reduced by this application of anesthetic cream before local injection of technique compared to standard injection technique. Furthermore, the pain during decision regarding the use of anesthetic cream should be the remainder of the procedure was 16. These differences were not topical cream should be applied by a health care statistically significant. Infiltration of local score differences for the initial injection were anesthetic agent into the skin and perivasal tissue is significantly different between local infiltration and local always necessary prior to performance of a vasectomy, infiltration with cord block and between local infiltration regardless of whether topical anesthetic cream is used. Other Important Points of Technique for Local Overall, the opinion of the Panel is that it is unclear Anesthesia. In the opinion of the Panel, the smallest to a clinically significant extent; this decision is left to the available needle should be used for the injection of local judgment of the individual practitioner. Pneumatic anesthesia because small gauge needles typically produce injection may be especially suitable for needle-phobic less pain than larger gauge needles. Although this agent or topical cutaneous spray reduces pain during difference was statistically significant (p<0. Buffers have been added to local anesthetic However, these data do indicate that the pain associated agents to reduce pain during intradermal injections of with needle diameters in this range is minor. Patients may be told that the anesthetic often takes and for fresh solutions were 23. Alteration of any of the specific steps and is described in detail in text and with diagrams by Li 222 does not allow the surgical technique to be called et al. Two special instruprepared by EngenderHealth ments (vas ring clamp and vas dissector) are essential ( The area of dissection around the have been specially designed for no-scalpel vasectomy vas is kept to a minimum. Apply the vas ring clamp around the vas, perivasal tissue and overlying skin before making the skin opening 3. There are two key surgical steps in performing vasectomy: 1) isolation of the vas 5. The risks of intraoperative above the skin opening and early postoperative pain, bleeding and infection are related mainly to the method of vas isolation. Re-grasp a partial thickness of the vas with the vas ring success and failure rates of vasectomy are related to the clamp rather than encircling the vas with the ring method of vas occlusion (see next section titled Vas Occlusion Techniques). Divide the vas, with or without excision of a vas successfully to isolate the vas. If all of these specific steps are not used, then the Single midline or bilateral incisions. Fewer adverse events were reported When difficulty in isolating the vas is encountered or with a single incision and the procedure time was 225 anticipated, as may be expected with a history of surgery reduced, but no statistical testing was performed. The for testicular maldescent or perivasal scarring from a Panel opinion is that there is no clear advantage to previous operative procedure, a larger incision similar to making one or two skin openings. Even midline and bilateral incisions should be left to the in these more difficult vasectomies, the vas ring clamp clinical judgment of the surgeon performing vasectomy. Small (fi10 mm) openings in the scrotal skin, either skin openings for vasectomy should be positioned to as a single midline opening or as bilateral openings provide access to the straight portion of the vas. Minimal dissection of the vas and perivasal tissues, openings allow better access to the straight portion of the which is facilitated by using a vas ring clamp and vas, make it easier to perform mucosal cautery and create vas dissector or similar special instruments longer vas remnants on the testicular side of the vasectomy. The opinion of the Panel is that occlusion of the three finger technique described in Appendix A for the vas is more easily performed in the straight portion immobilizing the vas or for making the skin opening has than in the convoluted portion of the vas. These the performance of the anastomosis during variations include the use of the thumb rather than the vasovasostomy if reversal of the vasectomy is requested middle finger behind the scrotum and other modifications later. In the open access vas during isolation will cause the ipsilateral testis to approach, the skin opening(s) are made before the vas move. In one study, this technique was used in 2,150 ring clamp or similar instrument is applied to the vas. The techniques and/or the flow of fluid and sperm within the randomized trial was a multi-center study at eight sites 59 vas lumen may be blocked by one of several methods. This technique is rarely, if ever, used the comparative study included 1,203 vasectomies. The length of the vas segment excised is Division/excision: Division with or without excision of most commonly approximately 1 cm but varies between a vas segment. Folding back: A method of folding and suturing each the length of the vas segment excised is most commonly divided vas end on itself to prevent the two cut ends approximately 1 cm. Cauterizing the trical cautery to the vasal mucosa via intraluminal posimucosa while simultaneously limiting cautery damage to tioning of the cautery device to create a luminal plug of the muscular layer of the vas prevents sloughing of the scar tissue without creating full-thickness thermal damcauterized portion of the vas, which could occur if its full age to the vas after division/excision of the vas thickness is destroyed by cautery. It uses monopolar electrocautery delivered by a Hyfrecator through a reusathe most commonly utilized vasectomy occlusion techble needle. The fascial layer may be placed Open-ended vasectomy is the technique of leaving the over the testicular or the abdominal end. Typically it is testicular end of the divided vas unoccluded while occombined with other techniques such as ligation and excluding the abdominal end. This resulted in assigning Grade C as the Challenges in Interpreting the Evidence. The Panel strength of evidence for the body of literature on the effiundertook review of the vas occlusion literature with the cacy of vas occlusion. Given the limited certainty associgoal of identifying with a high level of certainty specific ated with the use of Grade C evidence, the Panel focused techniques that consistently produce occlusive effectiveon identifying methods of vas occlusion that produce ness. However, the vas occlusion literature suffers from consistent findings, including acceptably low failure serious methodological flaws that reduce certainty rerates, across multiple studies with large numbers of pagarding conclusions about the relative efficacy of various tients. Examples of reports that have uncertain signifiture, the Recommendations below were created. Philp Panel acknowledges that, in creating an evidence-based (1984a) reported on a series of 14,047 vasectomies guideline, these Recommendations are necessarily based among which six men reported late recanalization with on the data that are available in the medical literature. It is not clear from this report exactly how the panel recognizes that there may be other techniques many couples were followed for pregnancy occurrence. Because the divisional methods: number of patients who were followed and the timing of 1. The Panel chose to define the acceptaFollow-up regarding pregnancy for a minimum of ble rate of vas occlusion failure as fi 1%. The opinion of the Panel is that, for a method of vas occlusion to be recommended, it should have occlusive failure rates which are consistently fi1% in large numbers of patients across studies conducted by different surgeons. One non-divisional technique also is recommended: non divisional extended electrocautery. Failure rates for this technique was performed over the testicular end, and in two study ranged from 0. Failure rates for this six study arms were from non-randomized observational technique ranged from 0. Although the observational study; these two arms reported an overall majority of these data were from non-randomized failure rate of 1. Additional support for the efficacy of study arms both divided the vas and excised a segment. This paper reported 0% from the single high-quality study, the panel judged that recanalizations with use of this technique. One of the three study interpreted these data to indicate that non-divisional arms was from Barone (2004), the high-quality vasectomy with extended electrocautery of the vas also is observational study, and reported a failure rate of consistently effective. Because of the low failure rates, by surgeons whose personal training and/or including the low failure rate from the high-quality study experience enable them to consistently obtain arm, the panel judged that this technique also is satisfactory results with such methods. Both study arms were from the same study less and has focused occlusive technique evaluated a total of 171 patients and reported failure rates 46 recommendations on techniques that produce consistently of 4. The satisfactory results across multiple surgeons and large panel judged that, given the available evidence, numbers of patients. The Panel interpreted these data to mean, overall, that the balance between benefits and risks/burdens for these techniques is uncertain. However, individual surgeons who have the training and/or experience that produce consistently satisfactory failure rates of 1% or less are justified in using these techniques. One paper reports the findings from a 10-year period at the Marie-Stopes Clinic during which 45,123 vasectomies were performed at more than 20 centers by up to 30 clinicians. Six study arms Thirty-one study arms evaluated occlusion by ligatures of reported failure rates of less than 1. Thirteen studies reported rates higher for this technique is uncertain but that some surgeons than 2. A single-group design (Barone 2003) with more methodological rigor than most studies. Labrecque (2006) reported that in the only randomized controlled trial (Sokal 2004) the early recanalization rate for this technique was 25. The panel interpreted this wide range of failure rates to mean, overall, that the balance between benefits and risks/burdens of this technique is uncertain. Again, the Panel interpreted this wide range of failure the extended dissection may be associated with a higher rates to indicate that, overall, the balance between risk of surgical complications, may make vasectomy benefits and risks/burdens of this technique is uncertain reversal more difficult to perform and may make but that some surgeons achieve consistently satisfactory vasectomy reversal less likely to be successful. The single study by a single surgeon, making it unclear if panel agrees with the lack of value of histologic results would replicate and generalize to other surgeons examination of resected vas deferens segments as a and settings. The literature discretion of the surgeon, it may be helpful to send was also examined to determine whether adjunctive excised tissues for histological evaluation for techniques for vas occlusion are associated with confirmation of vasal tissue. The standard definition of contraceptive effectiveness is 143, 147, 149, 150, 160, 234 Due to these inconclusive reports, the absence of pregnancy. The standard definition of the Panel cannot make a recommendation for or against occlusive effectiveness is post-vasectomy azoospermia. However, some men fail to achieve azoospermia after Similarly, it is not clear whether irrigation of the vasectomy yet never father a pregnancy. For example, abdominal end of the vas with various solutions enhances one study found sperm in the semen of 18 of 186 (9. The average time evidence to establish the optimal length of vas which since vasectomy was 10. Vasectomy failure also may result from fi Number of semen aliquots that should be examined recanalization at the vasectomy site. Sperm clearance reconnection of the vas ends, either directly or by miafter vasectomy is time dependent with both large intercrocanaliculi, after vasectomy. Sperm may persist in the ejaculate Sterility: the inability to cause pregnancy for many months after vasectomy. There are wide variations in the lack of complete follow-up data also creates uncertainty clearance of residual sperm in the seminal vesicles or regarding true sperm clearance rates. Rigorous semen examination including Nevertheless, some men have continued to have sperm or centrifugation and examination of hundreds of sperm parts in the semen which have been found for as microscopic fields is likely to find more sperm than less 251, 253 long as 31 years post-vasectomy.

The competence of American strains tal transmission was confirmed in Brazil in pregnant women who of Ae erectile dysfunction 2 purchase discount suhagra on-line. The French Polynesian data suggested perinatal transmission; the Brazilian cases Non-Vector-Borne Transmission suggest that it can also occur transplacentally during pregnancy erectile dysfunction before 30 discount suhagra 100mg on-line, Laboratory contamination erectile dysfunction treatment hong kong discount suhagra 100 mg with amex. In 2008 erectile dysfunction lexapro buy genuine suhagra online, an American scientist conducting mosquito field work in Senegal became ill with common sympconsidered as well (310 erectile dysfunction treatment electrical discount 100mg suhagra with mastercard, 311) erectile dysfunction incidence age suhagra 100 mg mastercard. He mission by transfusion, a specific nucleic acid testing protocol was also had prostatitis and hematospermia. Also, in December 2013, Zika fevers were documented during this outbreak, but the possiduring the French Polynesian outbreak, a 44-year-old man sought bility that asymptomatic posttransfusion infection occurred canmedical care for hematospermia. Unfortunately, blood samples collected within of urinary tract infection, prostatitis, urethritis, or cystitis, and he the first week after transfusion were not available. One of the infants remained asymptomatic, blood transfusion was reported in Brazil in December 2015 (206). Other leClinical Laboratory Testing sions that have been demonstrated in mice are skeletal myositis, Several blood disorders, such as leucopenia (28, 144, 145, 217, 221, myocarditis, and lung edema in those with marked myocarditis 230, 247, 259), the presence of activated lymphocytes (144, 145, (9). Histopathologic examination of infected mouse brains 221, 259), thrombocytopenia (144, 145, 221, 222, 241, 242, 247, showed neuronal degeneration, cellular infiltration of the cords, 307), albuminemia (2), the presence of bile pigment in urine (2), and inclusion bodies of Cowdry type A in damaged nerve cells. Nevertheless, a standard complete blood count is inoculated intracerebrally (321). Immunohistochemistry analysis with monoton rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits (117). The use of a saliva sample increased the rate of level requires additional testing. The target the E-encoding gene (350), the membrane-envelope juncuse of filter papers was implemented in remote Pacific countries to tion (M/E-encoding gene), the partial envelope (pE)-encoding improve the surveillance of dengue fever (356). The protocol now routinely used by the Institut Louis Malarde, French Polynedeveloped by Lanciotti et al. Of note, Theiler and Casals demonWhen molecular testing is negative, serology can be considered, strated that a secondary Flavivirus infection resulted in an increase but because of the cross-reactivity noted above, results should be in heterologous antibodies to other viruses of the same group interpreted with caution (179). If the patient had a previous Flaviviresults highlight the need for the confirmation of at least some rus infection or is living in a country where fiaviviruses are encases during outbreaks by molecular and/or viral isolation. In this setting, the shipment of filter papers spotted In tropical Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Americas, inwith blood to reference laboratories is of great value for diagnostic fection with more than one pathogen is common and care must be confirmation. In countries with advanced laboratory capacities, exercised in ascribing a clinical diagnosis (2). The patient was a 34-year-old European serodiagnosis difficult, especially for patients with a prior Flavivimale infected subcutaneously with the strain isolated in Nigeria in rus infection. Mallet, Department of Health of French Polynesia; top right, bottom left, and bottom right photos by V. In French Polynesia, most of the patients Before the French Polynesian outbreak, Zika fever was described sought medical care for a rash probably after the viremic stage. The incubation period based on a limited number of cases and one outbreak investigaranged from 3. Evolution, with the description of severe neurological complications tion can be biphasic; in French Polynesia, some patients sought (18). In French Polynesia, the Polynesian outbreak (Direction de la Sante de la Polynesie Franannual number of reported cases was 5, 10, 3, and 3 in 2009 to caise. In December 2013, the first patient with patient with a rash or an elevated body temperature (37. A confirmed case: is a suspected case with a positive labSante de la Polynesie Francaise. Compared to the esti9 underwent mechanical ventilation, but no deaths were reported July 2016 Volume 29 Number 3 Clinical Microbiology Reviews cmr. In Venezuela, an increase of 2eral etiologies of microcephaly have been identified (35) and to 3-fold from the national baseline has been recorded. Ocular complications in affecting not only the brain but other organs, might occur. These the annual number of reported cases of microcephaly in Brazil reports will be reviewed in an upcoming issue of Clinical Microbiranged from 150 to 200 (384). The Brazilian Ministry of Health were reported in late November in Brazil (two adults with neurodeclared a national public health emergency on 11 November logical disorders and one newborn) (37, 393). In the middle of December, 1,761 cases were reported in 13 pecially dengue and chikungunya (271, 395). As of late January 2016, Brazil has reported 3,893 Zika fever in areas where dengue and/or chikungunya are encases of microcephaly since October 2015 (209). Cases were redemic can be difficult to diagnose clinically, highlighting the ported in 21 states and 724 municipalities (31). The current treatment guidance is based on a limited body and epidemiologic data favor the hypothesis of cause and efof evidence. Treatment with acetylsalicylic brains of microcephalic newborns (31, 37, 276, 308, 388). Prevention mune complications, following up pregnant women and congenmeasures are therefore the same as for all Ae. As widely distributed the emergence of these arboviruses was associated with the Ae. Zika virus emergence in the experience of the recent emergence of arboviruses and the mosquitoes in southeastern Senegal, 2011. Berthet N, Nakoune E, Kamgang B, Selekon B, Descorps-Declere S, first time with severe neurologic disease. Arbovirus affecting humans in southeast Senegal: surveillance in assessment: Zika virus infection outbreak, Brazil and the Pacific region. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockas public health problems. Pan American Health nonspecific host adaptation during arboviral experimental evolution. Potential of ancestral sylvatic dengue-2 viruses to Medical Genetics Society-Zika Embryopathy Task Force. Proposed antigenic classification of amination of and new insights into components, mechanisms, and registered arboviruses I. Introduction of West Nile virus in the Middle East sure: a refiection of increasing numbers of imported cases. Vazeille M, Moutailler S, Coudrier D, Rousseaux C, Khun H, Huerre trinity of the 21st century. Drivers, dynamics, and control of Reunion (Indian Ocean) exhibit different patterns of infection in the emerging vector-borne zoonotic diseases. Sequential adaptive mutations encontributions of phylogenetics to understanding the history and epidehance efficient vector switching by chikungunya virus and its epidemic miology of the preeminent arboviral disease. Uganda (yellow fever, Rift Valley fever, Bwamba fever, West Nile, Antibodies against certain arboviruses in sera from human beings and Mengo,SemlikiForest,Bunyamwera,Ntaya,UgandaSandZikaviruses). Epidemic of dengue-4 virus in Yap State, Federated States of Miyellow fever in Uganda with Aedes (Stegomyia) africanus Theobald as cronesia, and implication of Aedes hensilli as an epidemic vector. Recent data from serological surveys on the prevalence of outbreak of dengue fever in Yap State. Bwamba fever and its virus associated with an epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, 2007. European Centre for Disease Prefor antibodies against arthropod-borne viruses in the sera of indigenous vention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden. European Centre for Disease Prevention and with arboviruses: relationship between titers and source of erythrocytes. Mora J, Becerra N, Lagos N, Vera L, Olivares B, Vilches M, Fernandez Zika virus infection. Zika virus: rapid spread in the dengue serotypes suggests rise in hyperendemicity in urban centers of Western Hemisphere. Tappe D, Rissland J, Gabriel M, Emmerich P, Gunther S, Held G, albopictusfromtenAmericancountriesasacrucialfactorinthespreadof Smola S, Schmidt-Chanasit J. Detection of autochthonous Zika virus transmission in Leparc-Goffart I, Schoenlaub P. Delbue S, Ferrante P, Mariotto S, Zanusso G, Pavone A, Chinaglia M, mail archive no. Franco L, Di Caro A, Carletti F, Vapalahti O, Renaudat C, Zeller H, ofAedesalbopictus,withimplicationsforitsintroductionintootherparts Tenorio A. A review of the invasive mosquitoes in July 2016 Volume 29 Number 3 Clinical Microbiology Reviews cmr. Autochthonous dengue fever imported to England Zika virus infection after travel to Tahiti, December 2013. Review of ten-years presence of Aedes albopictus in Western Pacific Region, Manila, Philippines. Two cases of Zika fever imported from terization of Bagaza, Kedougou, and Zika viruses. Extensive nucleotide changes and deletions within the envelope albopictus (Skuse): a potential vector of Zika virus in Singapore. Control of the Aedes quencing of Zika virus from amniotic fiuid of fetuses with microcephaly vectors of the dengue viruses and Wuchereria bancrofti: the French Polin Brazil: a case study. Serological and virological studies of the woodland virus after vaccination against yellow fever. TransmissionofWestNilevirusthroughbloodtransalbopictus in susceptibility to infection with dengue viruses. Dussart P, Petit L, Labeau B, Bremand L, Leduc A, Moua D, Matheus French Polynesia, November 2013 to February 2014. Continuous cell lines and immune ascitic fiuid pools in pathogen inactivation (amotosalen and ultraviolet A light illumination) arbovirus detection. Identification Zika virus in plasma with amotosalen and ultraviolet A illumination. Molecular amplification assays for the detection of nuclei or nucleoli of cells infected with Zika or Langat virus. Meeting of directors bornefiavivirussequencesusinguniversalprimersandreversetranscripof World Health Organization reference centres for arboviruses, Chlation/polymerase chain reaction. Comparison of Flavivirus universal primer pairs and development Public Health dx.


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