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Mihai Luchian Azoitei, PhD

  • Assistant Professor in Medicine
  • Member of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute

Because of the 3-month life span of red blood cells narrow spectrum antibiotics for sinus infection cheap 3 gr fosfomycin free shipping, full-blown megaloblastic anemia may take many weeks to become apparent antibiotics effects on body quality 3 gr fosfomycin. Other clinical sequelae of folate deficiency include loss of appetite treatment for uti breastfeeding buy cheap fosfomycin online, fatigue bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa order fosfomycin, diarrhea infection the game discount fosfomycin online american express, glossitis bacteria without cell wall order generic fosfomycin canada, and delirium. Epidemi ological studies as well as prospective controlled trials have found a similar inverse relationship between folate intake and the incidence of colon cancer (Freudenheim et al. Alcohol consumption interferes with the absorption and metabolism of folate (Herbet 1999). In a large prospective study, greater than two alcoholic drinks per day doubled the risk of colorectal cancer, and the risk increased further with low folate intake (Giovannucci et al. Three studies have shown that increased folate intake reduces the risk of breast cancer in women who consume alcohol regularly (Rohan et al. As previously mentioned, serum homocysteine is associated with cardiovascular disease. In fact, over 80 studies have found that even moderately elevated levels of homocysteine increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (Gerhard and Duell 1999). What is not yet known is whether lowering homocysteine levels with folate will decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease (Stampfer and Malinow 1995). Several randomized placebo-controlled trials are currently being conducted to specifically answer this question. In recent years, several investiga to rs have focused attention on the association between decreased folate intake and cognitive impairment in the elderly (Weir and Molloy 2000). In a cross-sectional Canadian study of subjects 65 years or older, low folate levels were associated with depression, short-term memory impairment, and dementia of all kinds (Ebly et al. Other studies have shown an association between decreased serum folate levels (Snowdon et al. In the Health Professional Follow-up Study, increased folate intake was associated with a decreased risk of ischemic stroke in men (He et al. It is quite possible that vascular and other forms of dementia are more prevalent with folate deficiency (Ebly et al. Vitamin Disorders 161 There are no known adverse or to xic effects associated with excessive folate intake. Meg aloblastic anemia occurs with vitamin B12 deficiency and is indistinguishable from that of folate deficiency. Consumption of large amounts of folic acid in individuals with undiagnosed B12 deficiency could correct the anemia without addressing the underlying deficiency (Higdon 2002). The principal forms of vitamin B12 in the human body are methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. Cyanocobal amin is the form used for food fortification and vitamin supplements and is readily converted to 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin (Higdon 2003). Vita min B12 is an important cofac to r required for the proper function of the enzymes methionine synthase and L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. This process involves a methyl group transfer from 5-methylene tetrahydrofolate to cobalamin, resulting in the formation of methylcobalamin and tetrahydrofolate. Methylcobalamin in turn donates its methyl group to homocysteine to form methionin, and in the process cobalamin is regenerated. The other main function of vitamin B12 is the synthesis of succinyl-CoA from L methylmalonyl-CoA by the enzyme L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, which requires 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin as a coenzyme. Gastric acid and enzymes are required to free protein-bound vitamin B12 from ingested food, allowing it to bind proteins called hap to corrin or R-proteins. Unlike folate, where deficiency is typically due to decreased intake, vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly is generally the result of decreased absorption, with the exception of strict vegans. Owing to large hepatic s to res and efficient enterohepatic 162 Geriatric Nutrition recirculation, the effective half-life of vitamin B12 is long, and a deficiency state may take several years to develop. Deficiency in the elderly ranges between 4 and 43% (Baik and Russell 1999, Joshi and Morley 2006), depending on the population studied and the serum marker and cu to ff points used to define deficiency. Because the release of protein-bound dietary vitamin B12 is dependent on gastric acid, con ditions resulting in hypochlorhydria may lead to deficiency. Atrophic gastritis effects up to 30% of older adults (Baik and Russell 1999, linus) and may result in decreased absorption of vitamin B12 due to decreased acid secretion. Prolonged use of histamine (H2) recep to r antagonists or pro to n pump inhibi to rs can potentially have a similar effect. Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, due to hypochlorhydria or other causes, may result in B12 deficiency because of bacterial competition for uptake of the vitamin. Total gastrec to my results in B12 deficiency secondary to loss of intrinsic fac to r and acidity. Approximately 10 to 30% of patients who undergo partial gastrec to my have inadequate B12 absorption (Sumner et al. Pernicious anemia may affect 2 to 5% of individuals over the age of 60 years and may be more prevalent in certain populations (Carmel 1996, Institute of Medicine 2001, Joshi and Morley 2006). Among family members of patients with pernicious anemia, approximately 20% will also develop the disease. Since enteric vitamin supplementation is poorly absorbed, intramuscular vitamin B12, usually hydroxycobalamine, is necessary to treat the deficiency state associated with pernicious anemia. Regardless of the cause, vitamin B12 deficiency is diagnosed by hema to logical tests. Direct serum measurement of vitamin B12 can be used to assess for deficiency, but serum levels are not a sensitive indica to r of tissue levels or to tal body s to res (Lindenbaum et al. These metabolites accumulate due to impaired methionine synthase and L-methyl malonyl-CoA mutase function. Homocysteine levels can also be elevated because of renal failure or folate or vitamin B6 deficiency. Clinical symp to ms of vitamin B12 deficiency, and megaloblastic anemia, are not reliable diagnostic to ols. They typically are late manifestations of vitamin B12 defi ciency and could result from an array of other conditions. Subacute combined degeneration refers to involvement of both posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord. Central nervous system manifestations also include mental confusion, memory loss, and depression. Although Vitamin Disorders 163 it was devised to shed light on the specific cause of the deficiency, it is cumbersome to administer and interpret and is fraught with multiple potential sources of error in the frail elderly (Fairbanks et al. Perhaps the best means of detecting tissue depletion of vitamin B12 is the transcobalamin assay (Stabler 1995, Metz et al. Traditionally, the treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency consisted of intramuscular injections of cyanocobalamin. More recently, however, enteral supplemen tation is favored, despite the age-associated decreased absorption of vitamin B12. Even in pernicious anemia, passive absorption of oral supplementation will prevent recurrence of deficiency if administered in sufficient amounts (Kuzminski et al. As with folate and vitamin B6 deficiency, hyperhomocysteinemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Although studies have shown a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease with high levels of folate and vitamin B6, no such findings have yet been shown with vitamin B12 (Joshi and Morley 2006, Eikelboom et al. Vitamin B12 deficiency has also been implicated as a risk fac to r for malignancy and neuropsychiatric disorders. Increased serum levels of homocysteine and decreased levels of vitamin B12 were associated with biomarkers of chromosome damage, and supplementing folate and vitamin B12 at 3. These findings, however, were observed mostly in younger individuals, and it is not entirely clear as to which vitamin predominantly infiuences risk. In a case-control observational study, postmenopausal women with vitamin B12 levels in the lowest quintile had more than twice the risk of breast cancer compared to those in higher quintiles (Wu et al. The investiga to rs found no such correlation between breast cancer and serum levels of folate, vitamin B6, or homocysteine. A causal relationship between breast cancer and vitamin B12 deficiency cannot be made from this obser vational study. The reason for the association between vitamin B12 and neuropsychiatric disorders is unclear. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the methylation and synthesis of myelin sheath and certain neurotransmitters. Decreased synthesis of methionine and S-adenosylme thionine will affect this function. Although decreased nutritional intake resulting from depression or dementia undoubtedly plays a central role in nutritional deficien cies, the association appears to be more complex than that. Nutritional fac to rs as a cause of dementia and depression are less well studied, but some experts believe that vitamin B12 and general nutrition play a protective role, not yet fully unders to od, in the development of these conditions (Nourhashemi et al. Finally, it is worth noting that neuropsychiatric disorders due to cobalamin deficiency may develop in the absence of anemia or elevated mean corpuscular volume of red cells (Lindenbaum et al. It is found in many fruits and vegetables in varying concentrations, most notably kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries, currant berries, red pepper, broccoli, to ma to es, pota to es, and raw leafy vegetables such as parsley. The concentration of vitamin C in a single food source varies depending on season, shelf time prior to consumption, method of s to rage, and cooking practices. For example, supermarket broccoli can lose a third of its vitamin C content compared to wholesaler or fresh broccoli, and boiling vegetables can cause a 50 to 80% loss of the vitamin (Johnson et al. Prolonged boiling may destroy vitamin C, but the majority of vitamin loss from cooking is due to leaching of the vitamin in to the cooking water. Steaming vegetables, using microwave ovens, or cooking with minimal amounts of water will decrease vitamin C loss. Vitamin C is absorbed in the small intestine through an energy-dependent transport process. A to tal daily dose of 200 mg of pure vitamin C ingested in divided doses would have nearly complete bioavailability (Levine et al. With increasing doses, the percent absorption decreases, even as the absolute amount absorbed increases. Food components such as glucose might decrease bioavailability by decreasing absorption. A number of medications are known to lower vitamin C blood levels, by either decreasing absorption or increasing excretion. For example, two aspirin taken four times a day has been shown to lower white blood cell vitamin C levels by 50% within 1 week, primarily due to increased renal excretion (Basu 1982). Vitamin C undergoes glomerular filtration and concentration-dependent Vitamin Disorders 165 active tubular reabsorption (Levine et al. Though no organ system functions as a s to rage site for vitamin C per se, the adrenal glands, pituitary, thymus, and retina can concentrate the vitamin at over 50 times serum levels (Jacob 1999). The brain, spleen, testicles, liver, thyroid, leukocytes, pancreas, and kidneys normally contain 5 to 25 times the blood levels of vitamin C (Groff et al. Cellular accumulation of ascorbic acid is mediated by active transport, and cells may saturate at lower doses (100 mg/day) despite low plasma levels. As a general rule, vitamin C levels are approximately 20% higher in women than in men, and non smokers have higher levels than smokers (Institute of Medicine 2000, Johnson et al. Deficiency may occur in up to 5% of frail elderly and is caused by insufficient dietary intake (Joshi and Morley 2006). Vitamin C is essential for the syn thesis and integrity of collagen, which is a crucial structural component of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bone, and is important in wound healing. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the synthesis of nor epinephrine and carnithine, the latter being necessary for transfer of fat in to mi to chondria for energy production. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that limits the harmful effects of free radicals generated during normal metabolism or exposure to pollutants and to xins such as smoking.

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The clear commitment to co-management demonstrated by many stakeholders in the region presents an important opportunity for collaborative efforts to ensure that on-farm management practices evolve in ways that reflect the dual goals of food safety and ecological health. Emerging Foodborne Pathogens: Escherichia coli O157:H7 as a Model of Entry of A New Pathogen in to the Food Supply of the Developed World. Prevalence of and associated risk fac to rs for shedding Cryp to sporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia cysts within feral pig populations in California. Environmental load of Cryp to sporidium parvum oocysts from cattle manure in feedlots from the Central and Western United States. Food Safety and Environmental Quality Impose Conflicting Demands on Central Coast Growers. Ecological fac to rs influencing survival and growth of human pathogens on raw fruits and vegetables. Vec to rs and conditions for preharvest contamination of fruits and vegetables with pathogens capable of causing enteric diseases. Resolving conflicting priorities concerning food safety issues in leafy green vegetatbles. Approaches to controlling Escherichia coli O157:H7, a foodborne pathogen and an emerging environmental hazard. Exposure of non-target small mammals to rodenticides:short-term effects, recovery and implications for secondary poisoning. Remediation of herbicides in runoff water from container plant nurseries utilizing grassed waterways. Terrestrial activity and conservation of adult California red-legged frogs Rana aurora dray to nii in coastal forests and grasslands. Per capita utilization of selected commercially produced fresh fruits and vegetables: 1970-1994. Using vegetation and polymers to control sediment, nutrients, and bacteria in irrigation run-off from vegetable fields. Shiga to xin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in feedlot cattle and Norwegian rats from a large-scale farm. Evaluating Residual Tree Patches as Stepping S to nes and Short-Term Refugia for Red-Legged Frogs. Adverse Affects of Chronic Copper Exposure in Larval Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana Pipiens). An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection from unpasteurized commercial apple juice. Salmonella infections in the common raccoon (Procyon lo to r) in western Pennsylvania. Central Coast Water Quality Data Assessment: Final Report on Central Coast Water Quality Data. Screening for potential human pathogens in fecal material deposited by resident Canada geese on areas of public utility. Incidence and tracking for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a major produce production region in California. Escherichia coli O157:H7 Survival and Growth on Lettuce Is Altered by the Presence of Epiphytic Bacteria. Do a threatened native amphibian and its invasive congener differ in response to human alteration of the landscapefi Invasive species shifts in on to genetic resource partitioning and microhabitat use of a threatened native amphibian. The risk of disease to lives to ck posed by contamination of farm s to red feed by wildlife excreta. Feral pigeons as a source of verocyo to xin-producing Escherichia coli, Veterinary Record, 142:309-310. Plant-insect communities and preda to r-prey ratios in field margin strips, adjacent crop fields, and fallows. Bullfrogs, disturbance regimes, and the persistence of California red-legged frogs. Correlation of enterohemorhagic Escherichia coli prevalence in feces, hides and carcasses of beef cattle during processing. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake and decreasing fat and sugar intake in families at risk for childhood obesity. Prevalence and clonal nature of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on dairy farms in Wisconsin. Letter to California Firms that Grow, Pack, Process, or Ship Fresh and Fresh-cut Lettuce. Canada goose (Branta canadensis) droppings as a potential source of pathogenic bacteria. Effectiveness of grassed waterways in reducing runoff and sediment delivery from agricultural watersheds. Isolation of Escherichia coli O86:K61 producing cy to -lethal distending to xin from free-ranging birds of the finch family. Effects of copper sulfate on growth, development and escape behavior in Epidalia calamita embryos and larva. Pathogenic diseases and movements of wintering European starlings using feedlots in central Kansas. Preventative Measures to Protected Against Liability Relating to Foodborne Illness. Preliminary evidence that American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) are suitable hosts for Escherichia coli O157:H7. Proceedings of 23rd Vertebrate Pest Conference, University of California, Davis, 5-6. The role of constructed wetlands in secondary effluent treatment and water reuse in subtropical Australia. Development of a procedure for discriminating among Escherichia coli isolates from animal and human sources. Human development is linked to multiple water body impairments along the California Coast. Outbreaks associated with fresh produce: incidence, growth, and survival of pathogens in fresh and fresh-cut produce. Groundwater nitrate dynamics in grass and poplar vegetated riparian buffer strips during the winter. Fate of physical, chemical, and microbial contaminants in domestic wastewater following treatment by small constructed wetlands. The role of Mice in the epizootiology of Salmonella enteritidis infection on chicken layer farms. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2008 Program and Abstracts Book. Removal of Salmonella and microbial indica to rs in constructed wetlands treating swine wastewater. Use of Riparian Corridors and Vineyards by Mammalian Preda to rs in Northern California. Sources of nutrient pollution to coastal waters in the United States: Implications for achieving coastal water quality goals. Genetic relatedness of Salmonella isolates from nondomestic birds in southeastern United States. Risk fac to rs for the occurrence of Escherichia coli virulence genes eae, stx1 and stx2 in wild bird populations. Effectiveness of agricultural management practices in reducing concentrations of pesticides associated with to xicity to aquatic organisms. Patterns of aquatic to xicity in an agriculturally dominated coastal watershed in California. Use of to xicity identification evaluations to determine the pesticide mitigation effectiveness of on-farm vegetated treatment systems. Prevalence and pathogenicity of Shiga to xin-producing Escherichia coli in beef cattle and their products. Paris, France: World Meteorological Organization, United Nations Environment Program, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Detection of Escherichia coli O157; H7 from Musca domestica (Diptera; Muscidae) at a cattle farm in Japan. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on fresh-cut apple tissue and its potential for transmission by fruit flies. Food safety risks and mitigation strategies for feral swine (Sus scrofa) near agricultural fields. Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feral swine near spinach fields and cattle, central California coast. Escherichia coli O157:H7 in faeces of cattle, sheep and pigs in the southwest part of Norway during 1998 and 1999. Personal Communication from key informant at the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. Potential for plant-based remediation of pesticide contaminated soil and water using nontarget plants such as trees, shrubs, and grasses. An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections traced to jerky made from deer meat. Incidence, duration, and prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 fecal shedding by feedlot cattle during the finishing period. Efficacy of Natural Wetlands to Retain Nutrient, Sediment and Microbial Pollutants, Journal of Environmental Quality, 37:1837-1846. Prevalence and characteristics of shiga- to xin-producing Escherichia coli from healthy cattle in Japan. Riparian Vegetation, Forest Stewardship Series, University of California, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication No. Vegetative treatment systems for management of open lot runoff: review of literature. Project Report for the California Leafy Greens Research Board, April 2008-March 2009. Prevalence of Escherichia coli serogroups and human virulence fac to rs in faeces of urban Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Effects of introduced mosqui to fish and bullfrogs on the threatened California red-legged frog. Commodity Specific Food Safety Guidelines for the Production and Harvest of Lettuce and Leafy Greens. Draft 2007-2008 Salinas and Arroyo Seco Rivers Emergency Channel Maintenance Application. Personal exposure to airborne dust and microorganisms in agricultural environments. Safety of consumer handling of fresh produce from the time of purchase to the plate: A comprehensive consumer survey. Herbicide fate under conservation tillage, cover crop, and edge-of field management practices. Detection and characterization of shiga to xin-producing Excherichia coli from seagulls. Presentation at the International Food Technologist Annual Meeting, June 6-9, 2009. Evaluating acute to xic methyl parathion application in constructed wetland microcosms. Environmental Dust Exposure as a Fac to r Contributing to an Increase in Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella Populations on Cattle Hides in Feedyards. Detection and characterization of fecal vero to xin-producing Escherichia coli from healthy cattle. Detection and characterization of shiga to xin-producing Escherichia coli in feral pigeons. Biodiversity loss in the temperate zone: decline of the native fish fauna of California. Occurrence of Cryp to sporidium parvum and bacterial pathogens in faecal material in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population. Health effect of vegetable-based diet: lettuce consumption improves cholesterol metabolism and antioxidant status in the rat. Verocy to to xin-Producing Escherichia coli in Wild Birds and Rodents in Close Proximity to Farms. Microbial water quality improvement by small scale on-site subsurface wetland treatment.

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Vitamin D is present in a range of food supplements (including fish oil products) and licensed medicines bacterial infection in stomach buy fosfomycin 3 gr mastercard. Recommended amounts the establishment of recommended intakes of vitamin D is difficult because it is produced endogenously as a result of exposure to sunlight antibiotics beer buy generic fosfomycin from india, which cannot readily be quantified bacteria heterotrophs fosfomycin 3 gr overnight delivery. This marker is employed because it reflects the main s to rage form of precursor substrate for vitamin D antimicrobial agents examples order 3 gr fosfomycin fast delivery, 1 antibiotic resistance in the environment buy fosfomycin 3 gr otc,25-dihydroxyvitamin D antibiotics in chicken discount 3 gr fosfomycin otc, the formation of which is under homeostatic control. Brief overview of non-nutritional beneficial effects Vitamin D analogues have been reported to induce cell differentiation and reduce proliferation, and based on in vitro and epidemiological studies it has been suggested that vitamin D could protect against both prostate and colon cancer. It has been proposed that the anti-proliferative effect of vitamin D may be of benefit in the treatment of psoriasis (and treatment with the vitamin D analogue calcipotriol is of established benefit). There are also some claims that vitamin D may inhibit or s to p the development of a number of au to immune disorders, such as rheuma to id arthritis, and that it or its analogues may suppress 2 transplant rejection. In the kidney, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D regulates calcium transport in the proximal tubule; in the small intestine, it regulates calcium and phosphate uptake from the gut. Vitamin D2 and D3 are generally assumed to have equal levels of efficacy in humans, although recent data suggest that vitamin D3 may be more efficient at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (Trang et al. Deficiency Prolonged vitamin D deficiency in infants and children results in rickets. In adults, vitamin D deficiency results in osteomalacia, the clinical symp to ms of which include skeletal pain and muscle weakness and pathological fractures. Less severe vitamin D deficiency (usually referred to as vitamin D insufficiency) is associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism and increased bone loss, leading to high risk of fractures. Groups such as black, Asian, institutionalised older people, and those who habitually cover the skin may form less vitamin D endogenously as a result of exposure to sunlight, and are vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency. Individuals with a decreased capacity for intestinal absorption of vitamin D, for example following partial gastrec to my, are also at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency, as are patients with liver, renal and cardiopulmonary diseases. Some anticonvulsant drugs may interfere with hepatic metabolism of vitamin D and so raise requirements. Absorption and bioavailability Vitamin D is absorbed from the small intestine as bile salt-dependent micelles and circulated in the body via the lymph. Absorption of polar derivatives, such as 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is more efficient and less dependent on bile salts. These polar derivatives are generally not present in any significant amount in food or food supplements, although small amounts of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are found in meat and breast milk. Vitamin D in plasma is bound to vitamin D-binding protein and transported to the liver where it undergoes 25-hydroxylation and is released in to the circulation bound to -2 globulin. Additional 1-hydroxylation then occurs in the kidney, producing the active form of the vitamin. It is also metabolised to water-soluble metabolites, such as calcitroic acid, and excreted in the urine. Toxicity Human data Excessive vitamin D intake may lead to hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and the resorption of bone resulting in the deposition of calcium in soft tissues, diffuse demineralisation of bones and irreversible renal and cardiovascular to xicity. Patients with sarcoidosis are abnormally sensitive to vitamin D, due to uncontrolled conversion of the vitamin to its active form in the granuloma to us tissue. Although the condition is uncommon, it would be a potential hazard if affected individuals were to take supplementary vitamin D. For example, in a study in which 63 older individuals (females over 60 years, males over 65 years) were given 0. However, in a 5 month study in which 61 younger adults (mean age, 41 years) were given 0. The difference may reflect differing prior states with hyperparathyroidism or hypovitaminosis D possibly occurring in the elderly. Animal data In animals, excess vitamin D causes hypercalcaemia, resulting in deposition of calcium in soft tissues and bone demineralisation, anorexia, weight loss, anaemia and weakness. The authors noted that although less to xic, vitamin D2 was still functional in this species. Excess vitamin D2 during gestation in rabbits led to decreased foetal viability, an increased number of abortions, and supravalvular lesions in the offspring. High doses of vitamin D appear to affect maternal calcium, phosphate and cholesterol homeostasis and neonatal calcium homeostasis. In rodents, administration of high levels of vitamin D2 during gestation resulted in retarded foetal and placental growth, loss of ossification of foetal bones and foetal skeletal degeneration, resulting particularly in facial malformations. Carcinogenicity and geno to xicity There are no data relating to the carcinogenicity of vitamin D. Mechanism of to xicity Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism and can increase calcium uptake from the gut, reabsorption of calcium from the kidney and resorption of calcium from bone. The condition is characterised by high circulating levels of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 and functionless vitamin D recep to rs. The gene coding for the vitamin D recep to r has been reported to be polymorphic, and sensitivity to vitamin D has been shown to vary depending on genotype. The majority of studies have reported significant changes at supplementation levels of approximately 0. A problem in characterisation arises from the difficulty in ascertaining whether a particular serum calcium level on vitamin D supplementation does or does not indicate normality. In deficient individuals serum calcium levels would be expected to rise less than in those initially replete. Vulnerable groups 2 Infants are at risk of developing hypervitaminosis D; hypercalcaemia has been reported at vitamin D intakes of 0. Adults with disease states such as sarcoidosis, Mycobacterium infections and idiopathic hypercalciuria and hypercalcaemia more vulnerable to hypercalcaemia resulting from moderate vitamin D intakes (0. Serum calcium levels were significantly raised in the vitamin D-treated group and two of the subjects developed hypercalcaemia (serum calcium 2. In the healthy subjects (n = 30), serum calcium levels were significantly raised in the 0. Serum calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and creatinine levels were measured before and after the trial period. Serum calcium and creatinine levels did not significantly 140 Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals 2003 differ in control or treated groups after the trial period, and were not outside the normal ranges in any individuals. Of the 1634 subjects who received the active supplements, 877 completed the study. However, the rate of dropout from the study was similar in both treated and placebo groups and there were no significant differences in the reasons reported for withdrawal (death, non-compliance, inability to walk during the study, loss to follow-up, intercurrent illness, gastrointestinal effects). Serum calcium levels were measured every 6 months and one subject in the treated group withdrew from the study due to mild hypercalcaemia (serum calcium 2. No other subjects had hypercalcaemia at any point during to the study and it was reported that no subjects developed renal calculi. A proposed explanation for this was that apparently the fortification of the milk was sporadic and only at times in excess. All patients had elevated serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels, with 6/8 having elevated serum vitamin D3 concentrations. All patients drank locally produced milk (118-710 mL/day) which contained vitamin D levels ranging from undetectable to 6. Although primarily a study of effects on bone mineral density, serum calcium and creatinine were moni to red. There was a small but significant increase in serum calcium levels over the lifetime of the study in the treated group, but levels were within the normal range. The number of treated individuals with hypercalciuria was not significantly different to the number of untreated controls with hypercalciuria, although the study was of low statistical power to detect such differences. There was no evidence of hypercalcaemia; mean serum calcium concentrations were within the normal range (2. They were injected with 45Ca and, 3 days 141 2 Part 2 Fat Soluble Vitamins later, divided in to two groups, one of which received standard diet (control) and one of which received diet providing 0. Two pigs from each group were sacrificed 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 14 days after division in to the two treatment groups. Pigs fed the high level of vitamin D lost weight; anorexia, weakness, rough hair coat and laboured breathing were also observed. In the treated group, hypercalcaemia began at 12 hours after starting the high vitamin D diet, and progressed rapidly after two days. Interpretation of the radioiso to pe studies indicated that bone was the primary source of the increased plasma calcium, since food intake and, therefore calcium absorption from the gut, was depressed. The resulting hypercalcaemia, seen in the upper two dose groups, was thought to result primarily from intestinal absorption of calcium, not from bone loss and tissue degeneration, as hypercalcaemia per se was not always associated with soft tissue calcification in pigs. Hypercalcaemia results in the deposition of calcium in soft tissues, diffuse demineralisation of bones and irreversible renal and cardiovascular to xicity. Moderate levels of vitamin D intake may enhance renal s to ne formation in predisposed individuals. It has been suggested that excess vitamin D may be linked to heart disease, but there is limited evidence for this. Data are available from a range of human supplementation studies, but the levels of vitamin D intake at which hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria occurs vary between studies. Likely reasons for this include differences in populations studied; for example, several of the studies are in older people, a group vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency, while other studies are in younger adults, who are not likely to be vitamin D deficient. Individuals and groups are also likely to differ in their exposure to vitamin D sources other than supplementation, such as consumption of vitamin D-fortified foods and through exposure to the sun. Excess vitamin D during gestation in rats and rabbits led to a number of adverse reproductive effects. High intakes of vitamin D are associated with elevated levels of calcium, which in turn lead to soft tissue calcification, demineralisation of bones, and renal and cardiovascular to xicity. By contrast, apart from the rare individuals with granuloma to us diseases, who are abnormally sensitive to the effects of vitamin D, there are others, notably older people, who have a high prevalence of primary hyperparathyroidism. Others, with tertiary hyperparathyroidism due to prolonged vitamin D deficiency, may show falsely low serum calcium levels in response to vitamin D. There is therefore a particular need for large studies covering all sections of the population. In contrast, the lowest level of vitamin D at which effects have been observed was 0. The reason for the difference is not known but may be due to difference in other sources of vitamin D exposure or in the study populations. The use of an uncertainty fac to r is not appropriate because the value is derived from an overview of a number of human studies which measured sensitive biochemical markers of calcium homeostasis. Due to the difficulties in assessing to tal vitamin D exposure, an estimate for to tal intake has not been provided. Such an intake, or more, might well be required under medical supervision in managing overt or occult deficiency states. It should be noted that scaling on a body weight basis to children and infants may not be appropriate for vitamin D as it may lead to the recommended intake for an infant not being met. These compounds fall in to two classes, to copherols and to cotrienols, which exhibit the biological antioxidant activity of vitamin E. If the vitamin E is present in the form of dl - to copherol (all-rac - to copherol), then 0. All higher plants (that is plants other than algae) appear to contain - to copherol in leaves and other green parts, while - to copherol is generally present in lower concentrations. Animal tissues tend to have low concentrations of vitamin E, with the highest levels occurring in fatty tissues though this varies according to the intake of vitamin E. Occurrence in food, food supplements and medicines Plant oils are the main dietary sources of vitamin E (560-1600 mg/kg in soybean oil, 530-1620 mg/kg in corn oil and 50-150 mg/kg in olive oil), with meat (0. The amount of vitamin E in foods at the point of consumption is difficult to assess as it depends upon the effects of processing, s to rage and preparation. Vitamin E is present in a variety of dietary supplements at doses of up to 268 mg/day in multi-constituent products and 670 mg/day in single constituent products. Vitamin E is also present in licensed medicinal products; the highest doses authorised are 20-100 mg. Potential deficiency, however, could be excluded if the lower intakes are maintained over prolonged periods. Measurement of serum plasma concentration of - to copherol provides the simplest and most direct evidence of vitamin E status. Another widely used indica to r of vitamin E status is the extent of haemolysis of red blood cells in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. In a cancer prevention study, the incidence of prostate cancer was 32 % lower and mortality was 41 % lower in men taking - to copherol, either with or without fi-carotene, than in those not taking the vitamin supplement. Vitamin E is thought to have a role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, through inhibition of oxidation of low-density 2 lipoprotein. Vitamin E has been reported to relieve the symp to ms of fibrocystic breast disease. Vitamin E has been used to treat scleroderma and it has been reported that it may prevent retrolental fibroplasia and intracranial haemorrhage in premature infants. Function It is unclear whether vitamin E functions solely as a lipid antioxidant, or whether it might also be required for the function of some other critical, but unknown metabolic fac to r. However, current information suggests that the effects of vitamin E are consistent with an antioxidant role. In this regard, vitamin E is thought to have basic functional importance in the maintenance of membrane integrity in virtually all cells of the body. Non-antioxidant functions have also been proposed for but not fi- to copherol including modification of gene transcription and expression.

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Sequence types and plasmid carriage of uropathogenic Escherichia coli devoid of phenotypically detectable resistance. Antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens among Swedish nursing home residents remains low: a cross sectional study comparing antimicrobial resistance from 2003 to 2012. Antibiotics in general 85 (89) 480 155 (91) 733 153 (87) 457 131 (66) Penicillins 25 (26) 40 40 (23) 52 41 (23) 48 42 (21) 59 Trimethoprim 12 (13) 43 22 (13) 93 8 (5) 8 6 (3) 7 Sulphonamides 27 (28) 46 67 (39) 110 50 (29) 78 42 (21) 53 Metronidazole 7 (7) 11 11 (6) 13 8 (5) 8 7 (4) 8 Quinolones 21 (22) 31 22 (23) 36 14 (8) 18 18 (9) 23 Macrolides 13 (14) 29 23 (13) 31 23 (13) 25 27 (14) 43 Mecillinam 74 (77) 149 118 (69) 233 104 (59) 193 60 (30) 97 Nitrofuran to in 19 (20) 53 35 (20) 104 19 (11) 29 11 (6) 18 Tetracycline 5 (5) 8 9 (5) 21 6 (3) 9 6 (3) 9 2nd generations cephalosporins 2 (2) 3 2 (1) 6 0 0 2 (1) 3 Penicillins w. Results of the Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis comparing case groups with the uninfected group. We performed the multivariate analysis based on the initial studentfis t-test, with all variables with P<0. Subsequently we did a simple manual backward step analysis including variables with P<0. Simplified manual backward stepwise elimination procedure including variables with P<0. On that same day, antibiotic treatment was initiated and given subcutaneously once a day for three consecutive days. Bacteroides was used as an indica to r organism for impact on the Gram-negative anaerobic population. Three antibiotics (cefo taxime, dicloxacillin, and clindamycin) promoted overgrowth of E. Of these, only clindamycin suppressed Bacteroides, while the remaining two antibiotics had no negative impact on Bacteroides or Gram-positive organisms. The remaining six antibiotics, including ciprofioxacin, did not promote overgrowth of E. Other, so-far-unknown bacterial popu lations must be of importance for preventing colonization by incoming E. Ma ability of nine common antimicrobials, including antibiotics used jor sources for resistance in E. Finally, urinary Published ahead of print 4 August 2014 tract infections are primarily caused by E. Pheno and genotypic characterizations were performed by using lands) weighing 26 to 30 g were used. To test bacterial growth in collected fecal samples from mice, Two cages constituted one group and each group received one antibiotic. Treatment containing cefotaxime at 32 mg/liter and vancomycin at 6 mg/liter were was given subcutaneously in the neck once a day for three consecutive used. The Gram-positive aerobic population was selected on 5% blood days (day 1 to day 3). Inoculation of mice with the bacterial strain was agar plates containing gentamicin at 5 mg/liter, and the Gram-negative done through a stainless steel orogastric feeding tube on day 1 prior to anaerobic population was selected on anaerobic plates containing genta initiation of treatment. The intestinal fiora was unaltered prior to the micin at 32 mg/liter and vancomycin at 16 mg/liter. At the containers and an anaerobic atmosphere created by using AnaeroGen end of day 8 all mice were sacrificed. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the described mouse intestinal colonization model. On day 1, mice were inoculated once with acillin, since neither Etest nor disks for dicloxacillin were available). Thus, each mouse diffusion test methodology has been described elsewhere (15), and a sim 7 was given an inoculum of 2. All results were inter the mice were left for 3 h before the first doses of antibiotics were preted according to current recommendations from the European administered subcutaneously. Each treatment group, consisting of four Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Doses were chosen to mimic the serum antibiotic con group receiving 65-Ec-09 only was included in both runs. All antibiotics were group of mice that received treatment with cefotaxime without receiving administered subcutaneously once each day for 3 consecutive days. The animal experi antibiotics were chosen based on their selective abilities found in the ment was approved by the Danish Centre for Animal Welfare and carried study. Dicloxa were performed on isolates from both study runs, they were not per formed until both runs had been completed. Thus, isolates tested were cillin and clindamycin showed the highest selective abilities (P isolated from frozen samples. Data for the impact on the original microbiota as Gram-nega Isolatesfromthefollowinggroupsweretested:cefotaxime(day2from tive anaerobic fiora, represented by Bacteroides, and Gram-posi both study runs and day 1 from the first run), cefuroxime (day 2 from tive fiora, respectively, are shown in Fig. None of the antibiotics both study runs and day 1 from the first run), ampicillin (day 2 from both study runs), dicloxacillin (days 1, 2, 4, and 8 from the first run and days 2 used had an inhibiting or promoting impact on the Gram-positive and8fromthesecondrun),clindamycin(days1,2,4,and10fromthefirst fiora (P 0. Only clindamycin had an impact on the Gram one and days 2 and 8 from the second run), and benzylpenicillin (day 2 negative anaerobic fiora, as it completely eliminated the Gram from second run). The conservative Bonferroni correction 65-Ec-09 over time among the three antibiotics (P 0. It has been shown that antimicrobial impact on the the model has some limitations, since it does not include clin to tal anaerobic population is proportional to the impact on the ical aspects of selection, such as treatment with multiple antimi Bacteroides population (19). Furthermore, we discovered that dicloxacillin, changes in the to tal Enterobacteriaceae population could poten with no obvious infiuence on either the Gram-negative anaerobic tially have described, in detail, fac to rs infiuencing colonization. We have results could indicate that not only Gram-negative anaerobes have not tested the mice used in this study for the presence of cipro a key responsibility upholding colonization resistance. It appears fioxacin-resistant strains, and such a presence could explain the that, as for penicillin (29), an antibiotic with limited impact on lack of selection seen here. Furthermore, extrapolation of results Gram-negative bacteria can select for a resistant E. We have no obvious explanation for the selective ability Serum Institut, Hvidovre University Hospital, Roskilde University, and of dicloxacillin, since this drug had no impact on the Gram-neg Copenhagen University. Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli: a combi In summary, our study confirms that antibiotics with an im nation of virulence with antibiotic resistance. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae: an emerging public-health concern. Costs of bloodstream infections caused by Escherichia coli and in Penicillin pharmacodynamics in four experimental pneumococcal infec fiuence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production and inadequate tion models. Infections with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase parison of the effect of cefepime with four cephalosporins against pneu producing Enterobacteriaceae: changing epidemiology and drug treat mococci with various susceptibilities to penicillin, in vitro and in the ment choices. Community infections caused by extended qnrA1, qnrB19 and qnrS1 on ciprofioxacin treatment of isogenic Escherichia spectrum beta-lactamase-producing. Intra and extracellular activities of dicloxacillin healthy controls who have never had a urinary tract infection. Agents Che siella pneumoniae: risk fac to rs for infection and impact of resistance on mother. Bellissimo-Rodrigues, F, Carolina A, Gomes F, Dinis A, Passos C, antibiotics, vancomycin, erythromycin and gentamicin. Characterization of third performance of bacterium and yeast identification by a commercial ma generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from bloodstream in trix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of fiight mass spectrometry fectionsinDenmark. Quantitatively different, yet qualitatively alike: a meta-analysis of the major extended-spectrum -lactamase-producing lineage in the Co the mouse core gut microbiome with a view to wards the human gut mi penhagen area. Methods: this was a triple-case-control study with three case groups and one group of uninfected controls, all from general practice. These were individually compared to a group of 200 individuals with negative urine samples. Case groups had a significantly higher use of antibiotics than the control group within 30 days prior to infection (P<0. Plasmids with genes coding for co-resistance to beta-lactams, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and sulphonamides are now a common observation, leaving the isolates multi-drug resistant (3,5). Finally, recent publications have identified travel to high-prevalence countries and lifestyle to be involved in colonization and infection (10,13,15). Antibiotic resistance and subsequent inappropriate empirical therapy are associated with increased mortality, a higher use of broad-spectrum antibiotics as well as increased healthcare costs (6,8,14). Uncomplicated infections with a community-onset are often diagnosed and treated empirically at general practices without preceding susceptibility tests. There is therefore an essential need to rapidly identify patients at risk to avoid the continuous selection of resistant strains and inappropriate antibiotic therapy (5,17). In Denmark, we have comprehensive nationwide databases on hospital contacts and prescription of medicine from general practices. Thus, Denmark is an appropriate site for investigation of epidemiological fac to rs associated exclusively with non-hospitalized patients with E. All groups consisted of a unique collection since a patient could only be included in one group and only once. The uninfected group was therefore represented by patient data only, with no existing microbiological analysis. Prescription of medicine was not available from hospital settings and data included community-associated prescriptions only. Disc Diffusion was performed using the Disk Diffusion Test Methodology (Version 1. For Vitek 2, isolates found resistant to mecillinam were tested by disk diffusion or Etest to confirm resistance. All strain found as I (intermediately resistant) and R were reported as resistant and strains found as S were reported as susceptible. A difference in zone of inhibition >5mm between disks with and without inhibi to r combinations was considered a positive phenotypic result as previously described (26,27). The method was chosen albeit a recently published paper indicates that some isolates are possibly assigned incorrect phylogroups (30). Statistical analysis the triple-case-control study was analysed using a conservative two step evaluation. We left out variables with no immediate relevance for the study and included all medications prescribed, admissions to hospitals and hospital diagnoses. A second run was performed as a simplified manual backward stepwise elimination procedure including variables with P<0. Odds ratios were estimated with the reservations needed for the study design and are therefore not shown (33). Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness of Fit test was evaluated for all multivariate analyses. Results from the initial univariate t-tests are not shown, but appropriate p-values from chi-square and Fisherfis exact test are presented in written text and appropriate tables. Relevant data on patient characteristics and use of antibiotics are shown in Table 1. We found that patients in the three case groups were significantly older than among the uninfected controls (P<0. Conversely, there was no significant difference in age between the case groups (P>0. Furthermore, there were more men among the uninfected group than in the resistant and the susceptible groups, but no significant difference among the case groups. When assessed as part of the multivariate analysis, there was a significant difference between both gender and age for all case groups compared to the uninfected group (P<0. Risk fac to rs for case groups compared to the uninfected group Results of the multivariate analyses are found in Table 2. During 90 days prior to sampling, few antibiotics and diagnoses were found as independent risk fac to rs. The use of five and two specific antibiotics were independent risk fac to rs for the resistant and susceptible groups, respectively (all P<0. In the period of 30 days prior to index sample, prescription of antibiotics in general was significant in all case groups, when analysed by chi-square (P<0. There was no significant difference in number of community and healthcare-associated infections, (P>0. All case groups had significantly more positive urine samples and significantly more samples positive for E. Regarding prescriptions 90 days prior to index sample (Table 1), mecillinam was given to 55% of patients, nitrofuran to in to 14% and sulphamethizole to 19%, respectively. In this group 58% received mecillinam and 13% nitrofuran to in, respectively with 27% receiving sulphamethizole. Distributions of phylogroups were very similar among the three case groups with phylogroup B2 dominating and group D being the second largest group: Phylogroup A, 7-10%; phylogroup B1, 1 6%; phylogroup B2, 45-58%; phylogroup D,22-32%; and non-typeable, 4-13%, respectively.

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