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Matthew R. Denny

  • Department of Biology
  • Washington University
  • St. Louis, Missouri

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We suspect that ille- already positive signs as a result of combining these gal hunting is still seen as a viable economic base. The positive values of community involve- Conservation education, revenue sharing and donating ment are clearly recognized in the survival of national schools and health buildings are all-important and have parks. In the case of Serengeti, the sum of different increased the appreciation that local communities have for approaches has increased the value of protecting the park wildlife as a purposeful resource. Law enforcement has tudes towards wildlife conservation are positive, but been in place for over fifty years but has not stopped ille- poaching levels have not declined significantly as was ear- gal activities. Poaching has an economic basis and, with- the recent approaches is delivering promising solutions. However, the present trends are promising and we At present, the wildlife sector is seeking to provide a sus- should allow them more time. In the meantime, we should tainable basis to provide economic incentives to the local constantly strive to evaluate and improve the system if we populations in the hope of alleviating poverty. The role of the govern- achieved by involving people in the utilization of wildlife, a ment is to provide an enabling environment for this resource that can satisfy basic needs if used wisely. The approach to flourish and hence for the Protected Areas to country has developed the Wildlife Management Areas survive. The Case Of Robben Island servation and tourism development can be seen as simi- larly out of focus. Just as the South Africa Nelson Mandela speaks of the hardships of Robben Island described in Long Walk to Freedom pres- prison life on Robben Island, which was placed on the ents a dichotomy of suffering and relief, of cold winter World Heritage List in 1999. He presents the prison com- winds and intense summer heat, and of oppressor and munity as comprising both the prisoners and the prison oppressed, the management ethos reflected in post- authorities. One particular spot, the limestone quarries, apartheid Robben Island shows the dichotomy that exists epitomizes the harsh conditions. Dry limestone dust between the values of the site authorities and the values envelops the sweating prisoners, who continuously dig the of the local community. The prison warders begin to see the futility thus disenfranchising the very generators of the heritage. It is wrongly assumed that site opportunities for the less-educated prisoners by bringing managers are themselves always aware of the significance them recommended educational materials. The report human dignity and a shared heritage that knows no illustrates how blind many site managers are. An even higher percentage had value is not apparent, however, in the management ethos no understanding of what the two documents mean in of those who run the World Heritage site. He took me first to the limestone quarries and stone quarry and the old section of the prison are the real then to an original section of the old prison, which is now Robben Island. It is essentially a question of values, and of In the view of the former inmate, the neglect of the part whose values should be pre-eminent. Seen in this context, capacity-building for site A second point worth noting here is that while the nomi- management has to take place in the context of the nation was based on six cultural criteria, thus acknowl- values and norms of the local society. According to Fielden and Jokiletho, the in the petition addressed to the site authorities on 27 purpose of conservation is to safeguard the quality and September 1991. This is true in Africa, especially in the con- sary to tell you what pains us most with regard to the text of local communities. Every month, every season and every year cus- is a set of values created by the people. A principle seems toms and traditions were practised culminating in one to be emerging here: heritage and values are synonymous major sacred gathering at Great Zimbabwe. This was and you cannot conserve or preserve that which local com- stopped by the white governments. But we soon discovered that our Lama and Howard Cutler demonstrate how even avowed new government was equally tough in preventing tradi- materialists fail to find happiness in materialism, but find it tional customs from being practised. A consultant named Hamo the validity of these observations is illustrated by the case Sasson recommended measures to preserve the fragile of Great Zimbabwe National Monument (Fig. These included controlling access and managing placed on the World Heritage List in 1986 on the basis of flows of visitors, both of which resulted in the prohibition several criteria: (a) it is an outstanding example of human of traditional, spiritual ceremonies. A Global Strategy Meeting for a representative and credi- It is important to note here that at the time of the nomi- ble World Heritage List was held in Zimbabwe in October nation, the local community was not consulted. With the advent of the Global Strategy, a new Periodic Report for Africa appropriately notes, before the approach for involving the local community was initiated mid-1990s the consultation of local communities was not in an attempt to reverse the trend of increased poaching, part of the process of compiling tentative lists and prepar- vandalism and other activities that created conflict. The co-manage- ment body, made up of representatives of both the site authorities and the local community (led by the two chiefs), not only regulates the traditional ceremonies but is involved in other activities, including conservation Great Zimbabwe (Matenga, 2001). For example, the local community at Great Zimbabwe seriously on board in awareness-raising strategies are crit- was adverse to the elimination of the baboons which were ically important to the survival of heritage sites. However, rather than poisoning or shooting the baboons, other means acceptable to the spirits were agreed upon. The Kasubi Tombs World Heritage site also illustrates local community any time that conservation measures the virtues of adopting diagnostic rather than ipso facto were being taken. The Great Zimbabwe case clearly demonstrates the problem arising from post mortem strategies as opposed to diagnostic strategies. In this particular case the local community leaders, led by the local spirit medium, are insisting that the vast network of tunnels beneath the Great Zimbabwe monument be excavated Kasubi Tombs, Uganda and exhibited. The tunnels had traditionally offered homes and places of refuge to the local population. The site authorities oppose such excavations, rightly pointing to the Kasubi Tombs survive on the strength of the idiom and the damage they could cause to both the structural and traditions of the Baganda, which go back to the thirteenth archaeological heritage. In a ulated roles for each individual engaged in site manage- recent publication, Arthur Pedersen (2002) writes that at the ment, decision-making or technical activities. Thus members of the Ngeye reference to values, just as the reference to identity is in fact clan are the thatchers and no one but them may climb on a reference to norms. Young members of the clan receive systematic in sharp contrast to that of the site authorities. The current problem, as observed in the Periodic Report for Africa, is that society is involved peripherally, if at all. As a result, the local artisans and craft- Society itself has to be examined closely for an under- workers were trained in the conservation of earthen archi- standing of its nature and composition. This process and its tecture and indigenous construction materials (wood, outcomes are essential for determining how to build capac- grass, fibre, etc. To rein- the impressive cultural landscape is firmly anchored in the force the traditional management systems, a Kasubi three pillars of norms, values and society. In essence, capacity-building was therefore at three levels: the strategic (policy-making) level, involving the upper echelons of the Buganda kingdom. In all of this the Department of Antiquities and Museums, which is the national agency, is playing a crucial advisory, financial and technical role, Sukur Cultural Landscape, Nigeria while at the same time ensuring continued congruence of local community and World Heritage values and practices. For example, in order to give the heritage a mean- ported by a third tier made up of the young men who are ing in the lives of the community, the permanent custodi- organized into age grades or groups. Critical to all this is the principle of pri- issues resolved, the Sukur Cultural Landscape in 1999 mogeniture, which sustains the qualities of the landscape. The Four Cases and their Lessons emphasizes the interdependence of the spiritual and tem- poral worlds, albeit in a defined hierarchical relationship the picture emerging from the foregoing analysis is that and clearly linking the top to the bottom, the young and the local community has sometimes been consulted only the old (Munjeri, 1997). The Great Zimbabwe and Robben Island cases illustrate the pit- What this illustrates is that it is best if the local community falls of this approach. At that stage, after practices and underwrites both the local and the universal values. This tends to com- should in such instances be restricted to motivating the promise their case. In such cases the best approach is As the meeting of international experts recommended at therefore one based on laissez-faire principles. This not only Fortunately, the Periodic Report for Africa notes that since attracts the tourism that will bring the economic benefits 1996 there has been a growing trend in that direction. This is out- these positive developments, however, have been an out- lined in our training manual (Munjeri et al. Initially the focus was on the monumental heritage, such as the architecture of Step 1: the Hidi palace and the archaeology of the site. Non-par- Social assessment, identification of stakeholders, and for- ticipatory strategies were adopted and even the heritage mation of an inclusive management committee, aided by authorities of Nigeria were involved only superficially social scientists who are trained to understand and analyse because the drive was coming from elsewhere. The boundaries of the site itself were Data gathering that fully involves the local community. Among other things, oral tra- alone on the World Heritage List because this will be to dition can be an invaluable source of information.


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It is important to ensure that the infant is safely and comfortably prepared to receive foods at mealtimes anxiety symptoms in males buy serpina 60caps low cost. When they are about can pick up harmful microorganisms anxiety psychiatrist serpina 60caps sale, lead paint dust anxiety symptoms zoloft cheap serpina 60 caps mastercard, 6 months old anxiety 100 symptoms 60caps serpina otc, most infants develop the ability to and more that may be consumed during eating anxiety symptoms blood pressure generic serpina 60caps without a prescription. Infants are usually chair (or similar chair) and secure the infant in ready to drink from a cup when they can curve their it anxiety symptoms 35 discount serpina 60 caps fast delivery. This practice reduces the risk that the infant lips around the rim of a cup and can sit without will choke on the food or fall out of the chair. Reassure parents and caregivers that spills infant who is lying down with food or eating while and some mess normally occur as an infant learns playing, walking, or crawling can easily choke. The to use a cup, and that maintaining patience during parent or caregiver should sit directly in front of this time is important. It should not be used for a long period of time: it is not a bottle or a pacifier. As sippy cups have become a convenience for parents and caregivers, their use encourages the infant to carry the cup and drink more often. Frequent sips of infant formula or juice put infants at higher risk for developing early childhood caries. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends avoiding frequent, repetitive consumption of any liquid containing fermentable carbohydrates from a bottle or no-spill training cup. A person cannot be healthy without As an adjunct to health care services, the having a healthy mouth. The identification of oral health problems may be a part of the nutrition risk assessment. It also gives insight into the workings of other Identification of oral health problems is based parts of the body that cannot be seen. By carefully on self-reported information obtained from examining the mouth, teeth, and tissues, experts participating parents and caregivers or from a can see signs of nutritional deficiency, infections, documented diagnosis of dental problems by a immune disorders, and even cancers. The good news is that it can be 2 primary teeth, which erupt over the first 2fi years of prevented. The primary teeth are mouth and teeth clean are all important for ensuring critical for the following key points in development: that an infant develops and maintains healthy, strong teeth. Each been recalls due to possible bacterial growth in the infant teethes at his or her own rate. There is no cause for alarm if infant teeth have not yet erupted during this timeframe. Signs of 4 minerals are deposited in this foundation to form a teething include the following: hard tooth structure. Resulting reactions can discomfort may be a family tradition, but parents include gum irritation and swelling; seizures when and caregivers should be aware that some there is an overdose; and methemoglobinemia remedies may be harmful to an infant. They (see page 136 for definition), which reduces the should always speak with a health care provider oxygen carried through the bloodstream. These usually contain benzocaine, a topical they produce to remain on the tooth surface instead infant, for instance, through shared eating utensils of being washed away by saliva. The longer plaque or toothbrushes, which increases the risk of the stays undisturbed on the tooth surfaces, the greater infant developing dental caries, especially if the is the likelihood that the bacteria will produce acids mother has untreated dental caries. For this decay, surrounding teeth may move into the empty reason, it is advisable for parents and caregivers to space. Then permanent teeth may erupt without take the following steps:9 having sufficient room to be placed properly. Every teeth are bathed in liquids containing fermentable infant should have healthy teeth if a regimen is carbohydrates (infant formula, other milks, followed that includes eating healthy foods that fruit juice, sweetened water, or other sweetened are low in sugar and cleaning teeth in a careful beverages) for prolonged periods of time during the and consistent manner. Even though primary teeth will ultimately be replaced with permanent teeth, severe decay to the primary Cavities begin to form between the two front teeth. Children with early childhood caries tend to experience more hospital and emergency room visits. Those with early childhood caries experience pain, increased risk of infection, poor physical growth, poor learning ability, and increased school absence and activity restrictions. Taking a bottle to bed, or unsupervised use of a bottle or sippy cup holding any liquid other than water during the day, should be discouraged. After 12 months, encourage whole fruit development in general, these steps are over fruit juice, but any juice consumed should recommended:15 be part of a meal or snack and from an open cup. Q When juice is introduced, it should be pasteurized Take good care of personal oral health: even before 100 percent fruit juice. Also, avoid giving infants an infant is born, it is important and safe during carbonated beverages. It includes plant foods and lifelong good habit of regular dental care that will dairy products; excludes eggs. It includes plant foods, infant or young child shows signs of dental problems dairy products, and eggs. It medical or dental health care provider as soon as includes plant foods and a few to several kinds of possible. If left untreated, dental caries can become animal products such as fish, seafood, eggs, and very serious, possibly requiring the extraction of dairy products. It includes plant foods only; excludes any foods from animal sources, such as dairy products, gelatin, and honey. It includes unpolished rice and Families or individuals choose vegetarian diets other whole grains, legumes, seaweed, fermented for religious, philosophical, economic, ecological, foods, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, health, or personal reasons. This diet can have stages generally defined as a diet that includes primarily or of increasingly severe dietary restriction that only plant foods. Generally, dairy and grains) and usually excludes certain or all animal products, red meat, and poultry are excluded at foods. Advise parents and caregivers to make diets have been known to compromise nutrient their health care provider aware of this dietary status. It includes raw or dried fruits, implications for the health and nutrition of infants berries, juices, grains, legumes, and a few and children. Within each classification, As vegetarian diets become more restrictive, the there may be variations of the foods eaten:23 nutritional and health risks for infants increase. Work with the parent or a dietary evaluation and should be given appropriate caregiver at initial and follow-up nutrition counseling information about the deficiencies related to sessions to ensure that the diet is nutritionally vegetarian diets. The following section or caregivers of infants on vegetarian diets, the provides details on these nutrients. If key points are appropriately addressed when feeding a vegetarian Feed Infants the infant, it should be possible for the infant to receive Right Balance of Nutrients an adequate balance of nutrients and thus achieve optimum growth and development. Thus, encourage parents and caregivers to select a variety of foods, Vitamin A including those with a moderate or low fiber content. These foods weaning from human milk or soy formula; providing include leafy or deep yellow or orange vegetables some refined grain products and peeled fruits and and fruits such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, vegetables, and feeding more frequently, can help spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, oranges, and provide adequate calories without adding significant cantaloupe. Also, a small amount of fat can be added to the foods to help absorption into the body. B12 occurs only in animal foods and very few planned carefully to ensure that a sufficient quality plants. The few plants with B12, such as algae and seaweed, are not always easy to find in the store. Mothers who choose a vegan diet for their infant should be advised to breastfeed or use commercial Advise parents and caregivers who decide to keep soy-based infant formula in order to deliver adequate their infants on a vegan diet to take these steps: B12. Soy- milk, a vegan breastfeeding mother should consume based infant formulas are nutritionally balanced. Such drinks should not be fed as substitutes for mother and infant to a health care provider for infant formula. Vegetarian, and particularly age should receive an adequate amount of iron in vegan, infants who are not breastfed should be the first year of life. These formulas poultry, and fish include iron-fortified infant cereal provide adequate vitamin D for vegetarian infants and other enriched and whole-grain products, in the first 12 months of life. Since these plant foods contain poorly absorbed nonheme iron, it is recommended to feed After an infant reaches 12 months of age, soy milk vitamin C-rich foods at the same meal, which will fortified with vitamin D may be introduced to the help increase iron absorption. In addition, other fortified or enriched grain products; milk caution against using certain vegetables that products such as cheese and yogurt are a zinc contain nitrate. These can range from taking in too much air while feeding and becoming cranky to developing gastroesophageal reflux, to developing the more serious gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can cause symptoms including vomiting, abdominal pain, and upper respiratory infection. Not to be confused with vomiting, spitting Preparing Foods up is a common occurrence in infants less than 12 months old. Until that age, the muscle located Some foods commonly included in vegetarian between the stomach and esophagus is not diets may be coarse and hard to digest and/or may sufficiently developed to keep all the food inside the require teeth for chewing. Discuss with the parent or stomach after eating, so some of the food comes caregiver the importance of modifying the texture of back up. Vomiting is the Guidelines to ensure that certain foods are suitable forceful throwing up of stomach contents through for infants to consume include the following: the esophagus and mouth. Sometimes spitting up means the can cause choking: granola-type cereals, cooked infant has eaten more than the stomach can hold; whole-grain kernels, and plain, dry wheat germ. Nut butters can be After a feeding, it is usual for a small amount of served if they are creamy, not chunky, and spread human milk or infant formula to come out of an in a thin layer on a cracker or piece of bread. Reflux is defined as the spontaneous, effortless regurgitation of material from the stomach into the esophagus. Pyloric stenosis is the thickening of the minutes without success muscle at the stomach exit that prevents food from passing into the intestines and causes projectile Preventing Constipation vomiting after every feeding. Pyloric stenosis: Thickening of the muscle at the stomach exit that prevents food from passing into the intestines and causes projectile vomiting after every feeding. It requires surgery within the first two to six weeks of life to open the narrowed area. Talk with parents and caregivers impatient or angry; advise them to keep calm, about proper formula preparation, safe storage seek help, and treat their infant gently. To avoid overfeeding, try to When feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed, wait at least 2 to 2fi hours from the start of one parents and caregivers should consult their health feeding to the next. The motion and body contact may Academy of Pediatrics, last modified November 21, 2015, be reassuring.

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Reducing the incidence of campylobacteriosis and other foodborne Methods diseases would minimize the health effects of sequelae anxiety symptoms in women buy discount serpina 60caps online. In addition to the direct ef- adverse health outcomes resulting from a previous infec- fects of these illnesses anxiety symptoms upon waking up buy 60caps serpina with amex, infection with some pathogens can tion by a microbial pathogen and clearly distinguishable result in sequelae anxiety 9 things buy serpina 60caps with visa, which can be severe anxiety synonyms discount 60caps serpina mastercard, require multiple from the initial health event (10) anxiety burning sensation buy serpina once a day. Each stage of Each of these 4 sequel illnesses are preceded by differ- our calculation was represented by a probability distribu- ent gastrointestinal infections and have unique character- tion anxiety medicine for dogs order serpina master card, and our fnal estimates of incidence, hospitalizations, istics. We used a separate se- Incidence of Sequelae quelae multiplier for each pathogen that resulted in ReA. The estimates of incidence of acute gastroen- troenteritis cases caused by that pathogen (1). For each teritis were based on notifcation data for Campylobacter sequel illness, we reviewed relevant studies published spp. Sequelae multipliers extracted from the literature about domestically acquired foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis* 1. Because of the sever- es that resulted from infectious gastroenteritis (12,20,24). The ReA bacterial multiplier was then case numbers and in multipliers using probability distribu- also multiplied by the foodborne multiplier for Campylo- tions (Figure), which is adjusted from the hospitalization bacter spp. Sequelae-associated deaths were estimated by us- ing the same methods as for hospitalizations (Figure). Input data arose from the data sources discussed above or from multipliers that are discussed below. We estimated domestically applied mul- tipliers for the antecedent bacterial gastrointestinal patho- gens using notifable surveillance data from each state, extrapolated to give national estimates (1). In 2006, high campylobacteriosis notifcation rates of foodborne campylobacteriosis was approximately 13% (>3,800 cases per million population) prompted increased higher in 2010 than 2000 (1); this increase led to a 13% research on Campylobacter spp. Similarly, we estimated that the rate of foodborne tions, including Campylobacter spp. We estimated a yearly rate of 1,620 incident cases tion data showed many more hospitalizations than incident of sequelae illnesses, 50 hospitalizations, and 0. This fnding probably is attributable to repeat hos- per million population circa 2010. Estimated number of sequelae illnesses resulting from domestically acquired foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis, Australia, circa 2010* Sequelae, pathogen Median no. Third, our study does not estimate all is within the range from a New Zealand study, which found sequelae illness from foodborne disease pathogens. This point estimate is higher than our We used Australian data and systematic reviews wherever current estimate of 70, although the credible interval in- possible. Therefore, our estimates method of assessing changes in sequelae incidence over for sequelae hospitalizations and deaths may be conservative time, the approach is useful because it enables comparison because they do not account for these coding errors. Estimated number of sequelae-associated hospitalizations and deaths caused by domestically acquired foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis, Australia, circa 2010* Hospitalizations Deaths Sequelae Median no. Giardia lamblia infections become clinically evident by eliciting symptoms of irritable bowel garet Curran, Patricia Desmarchelier, Gerard Fitszimmons, Ka- syndrome. Postinfectious Sinclair, Lisa Szabo, Hassan Vally, and Mark Veitch for their as- irritable bowel syndrome after a food-borne outbreak of acute gastro- enteritis attributed to a viral pathogen. Incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome among pa- tients with Campylobacter infection: a general practice research this project was funded by the Australian Government De- database study. Association between Campylobacter infection and modelling group at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Foodborne illness, Australia, circa den of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome in the Netherlands. Higher rate of producing Escherichia coli infection in Argentinean children: risk culture-confrmed Campylobacter infections in Australia than in factors and serum Shiga-like toxin 2 values. Marked campylobacteriosis decline after interventions aimed at poultry, New Zealand. Hengxian County (2010 population 860,000 persons), Prevalence and located in southern China, was one of the areas sampled in 1989 (survey 1) and 2002 (survey 2), and a third survey Intensity of was conducted in the county in 2011. Clonorchiasis, the Study Hengxian County, Survey 1 sampled 1 natural village from each of 5 dif- ferent towns in Hengxian County. The same procedures Si-Liang Wei, Chang-Hai Zhou, were followed in survey 2, but only 3 towns were sampled. Dozens of households were surveyed were conducted in Hengxian County, China, where soil- from each administrative village, and all household mem- transmitted helminthiases and foodborne clonorchiasis are bers >5 years of age were eligible for participation; fi200 endemic. We compared the data and found that the preva- villagers were selected in each administrative village. In lence of helminthiases decreased and the prevalence and each survey, a single fecal sample from each participant intensity of clonorchiasis increased over time, especially was used to prepare a Kato-Katz thick smear to determine among men. Clonorchiasis control/intervention measures the presence of helminths and count C. Over- nematodes, including roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), all prevalence was standardized according to data from the whipworms (Trichuris trichiura), and hookworms (Ancy- 2010 census for Hengxian County. Logarithmic correlation was ern and northeastern China, where residents commonly eat used to explore the relationship between prevalence and in- raw fsh. According to 2 national parasitic disease surveys fection intensity in age groups. Determina- made it economically possible for more residents to include tion coeffcients (R2) were 0. A national clo- stantial increases in the patterns of clonorchiasis prevalence norchiasis surveillance system should also be established and infection intensity. These fndings indicate a transitioning to gather up-to-date information and inform public health pattern of the most prominent parasitic disease changing from policymakers (13). Distribution patterns of prevalence and infection intensity among sex and age groups showed Acknowledgments that men have been most affected by increases in C. Thus, control measures and health Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, education programs are urgently needed, especially among Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Hengx- men, to reduce C. Green indicates the frst survey (1989); purple indicates the second survey (2002); red indicates the third survey (2011). Analysis of the results of two nation- wide surveys on Clonorchis sinensis infection in China. Biomed Mr Qian works as an assistant professor at the National Insti- Environ Sci. His research focuses on the epidemiology of clonor- situation of soil-transmitted nematodiasis at monitoring spots from chiasis, including the disease burden, intervention strategies, and 2006 to 2010 [in Chinese]. Program of comprehensive control on intestinal helminth infections in schools [in Chinese]. The global epi- demiology of clonorchiasis and its relation with cholangiocarcinoma. Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; 207 Infect Dis Poverty. Mycobacterium the patient had lived abroad for >10 years and had recently returned to the United States from Queensland, Australia, ulcerans Infection where he spent his last month hiking in the Daintree Rain- forest. Pathologic fndings on the biopsy Missouri, specimen were nonspecifc (reactive epidermal changes and ulceration). Jassim, Ian Kerst Hornstra, specialties and underwent 2 more biopsies; specimens were and Sarah L. Pathologic fnd- ings from the specimens showed extensive necrosis with- Buruli ulcer, the third most common mycobacterial dis- ease worldwide, rarely affects travelers and is uncommon out granulomas. We report a travel-associated case gangrenosum with bacterial superinfection, and treatment imported from Australia and review 3 previous cases di- was initiated with oral antimicrobial drugs (amoxicillin/ agnosed and treated in the United States. The differential clavulanate 875/125 mg twice daily) and prednisone (60 diagnoses for unusual chronic cutaneous ulcers and those mg/day). Transient improvement occurred, but in late No- nonresponsive to conventional therapy should include My- vember, the toe lesion worsened. Cases are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa sue was sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- but also occur in subtropical and nontropical regions. Previous medical history indi- confrmed a Mycobacterium species, most closely match- cated hypertension and hyperlipidemia. No previous ommendations (1), was changed to rifampin (900 mg/day or 10 mg/kg bodyweight), clarithromycin (1,000 mg/day), and moxifoxacin (400 mg/day). In February 2014, after Author affliations: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Progression of lesions caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans infection before, during, and after treatment. In areas of Australia where Buruli ulcer dis- extremities, similar to cases in Africa, where lesions com- ease is nonendemic, diagnosis is delayed (13). A hallmark monly develop on the extremities of adults and on the of imported cases is the diffculty in arriving at a diagnosis trunk, head, neck, and upper limbs of children (6). However, in Australia, the median time from symp- resolving furuncle, and pyoderma gangrenosum. Because the ern Africa; the case-patient described herein had returned organism is slow growing, prolonged culture (>3 months) from Australia. Characteristics of persons with Mycobacterium ulcerans infection diagnosed and treated in the United States but acquired in a different country* Time, wk, to Final Time, Length, mo, Patient Location Risk Travel first drug treatment mo, to of drug Surgical no. Except for negative smear results for patient 1, culture and smear results for all patients were positive. Furthermore, depending on the bacterial Dr Thomas is a fellow in the Division of Infectious Diseases load and focal distribution, bacteria may not be detected at the Washington University School of Medicine. Molecular analysis of tissue is the most research interest is in hospital-acquired infections and health care sensitive and specifc method for rapid and confrmatory epidemiology. Treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans availability of effective drugs was limited, so surgery was disease (Buruli ulcer): guidance for health workers. Standard antimi- bacterium ulcerans infection (Buruli ulcer): frst reported case in a crobial treatment, according to World Health Organization traveler. McGann H, Stragier P, Portaels F, Gascoyne Binzi D, Collyns T, cers nonresponsive to conventional therapy. Painful Buruli ulcer in of different diagnostic methods for the laboratory diagnosis of Bu- a Malian visitor to France. Mycobacterium ulcerans infection: factors infuencing diag- Euclid Ave, Campus Box 8051, St. Envi- From the 301 samples, we detected M and S segment ronmental temperature probably affected the monthly and genes from 34 and 29 samples, respectively. The viruses did not cause cytopathic effects in Vero more recently were reported in Japan (2) and South Korea E6 cells during isolation. We conducted reverse phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method on the basis of the partial M (Figure 2, panel A, Author affliation: Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nccdc. Some Korea isolates clustered with the major group gcheongbuk, Chungcheongnam, and Gangwon Provinces of China isolates, forming the second group.

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