Motor Vehicles And Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2013, Bill No. 8 Of 2013
Speech delivered at: 58thSitting - Tenth Parliament - 13 June, 2013
13 June, 2013
Minister of Public Works [Mr. Benn]: Mr. Speaker and Hon. Members, the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee, has been pretty detailed and distinct in his description of the issue which he seeks to have arranged in a proper way in the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Amendment Bill to take account of the realities which now obtain with respect to the use of the motor vehicles in the commission of a crime. The question of the proper registration and the new procedures required there to make sure that there is a clear and transparent record of the ownership, the transfer of motor vehicles in relation to being able to undertake the continuing fight against crime. Much of them these days involve the use of motor vehicles as the Hon. Minister did say. The use of vehicles in the commission of crime whether they are rented out or leased out. We have had situations, of course, where people report after the commission of a crime when there is a discovery of the involvement of a vehicle in respect to the commission of a crime then there is the story that the vehicle was, in fact, stolen and the circumstances are not sufficiently clear to the authorities as to the ownership and the use and the authorisation with respect to that vehicle.
I, of course, support the issues with respect to the registrations, the transfers, the procedures to be adopted with respect to the transfer to the motor vehicles is the one of the activation of the demerit system, clause 33 (a) to (h). As the Minister said, this outlines the regime for the activation of the demerit system. I think this has been long overdue. It is very important. We all, as users of the road, as drivers of motor vehicles, to have in the crowded and congested roads and streets that we have to always have a clear focus as to what sanctions may apply accumulatively if we make breeches with respect to the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act so I think significantly we are coming into the modern age, as the Minister said, with another piece of progressive legislation in the form of this amendment with respect to brining in the point demerit system so that there is the individual responsibility of the operator of a vehicle as to what the responsibilities are, of what sanctions are applicable on the next infringement and that the operator should have the clear sense and the clear responsibility of trying to take every action to make sure all of the time that they should avoid as much as possible taking any action which would prevent repeat occurrences with respect to our traffic laws and I welcome the amendment with respect, particularly, to this issue.
In a general sense I have to note the rejection in the House previously, of the Evidence Amendment Bill 2013 that the Hon. Minister, Mr. Clement Rohee, presented. I would like to say and to urge as much as I could that the House needs to recognise the urgent nature of these Bills and amendments and the fact that they are pertinent and relevant and the fact too of the responsibility we have to make sure that we in this House take proper ownership and responsibility with respect to the nation’s business as it relates to these particular amendments and Bills presented by the Hon. Minister. This is not a personal matter or a personal struggle between one side of the House and a particular Minister or Member. This is the nation’s business and I repeat that these Bills and amendments that are being presented here today are urgent, pertinent and relevant so I want to urge Members on all sides of the House to recognise this and that we try to be responsible with respect to this or else we might be viewed by the nation as a whole if we continue to reject urgent matters in this House. The question arises as to our own relevance. The question arises as to whether we are acting in a pernicious or a malicious way and so without attempting to lecture I want to urge Members on all sides of the House to lend the support to this particular Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2013 and also for us to take hold of the larger responsibility we have in this honourable House to lead and to do the nation’s business in a responsible way. I thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Applause]
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