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Jason T. Schaffer, MD, FAAEM

  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, Department of
  • Emergency Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine,
  • Indianapolis, IN, USA

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One can also see characteristic rod-shaped, gram-positive bacilli that are not acid-fast. With prolonged antibiotic therapy, usually oral double-strength trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole given for a minimum of 1 year. Repeat intestinal biopsy should document the disappearance of the Whipple bacillus before therapy is discontinued. In a small bowel biopsy, the mucosa shows flat villa with markedly hyperplastic crypts. The responsible antigen is gluten, a water-insoluble protein found in cereal grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye. Withdrawal of gluten from the diet results in complete remission of both the clinical symptoms and the mucosal lesions. Although this disease is present worldwide, the distribution varies; the highest prevalence is in western Ireland. A pruritic skin condition that may be reversed with gluten restriction and is characterized by papulovesicular lesions in a symmetrical distribution on the elbows, knees, buttocks, face, scalp, neck, and trunk. Patients with dermatitis herpetiformis usually have the spruelike mucosal lesion in the small bowel, although most patients with celiac sprue do not develop skin lesions of dermatitis herpetiformis. The two diseases appear to be distinct entities that respond to the same dietary restrictions. Bacterial overgrowth is associated with a number of diseases and surgical abnormalities. The common link between these conditions is abnormal motility of a segment of small intestine, resulting in stasis. The aim of therapy is to reduce the bacterial overgrowth and consists of antibiotics and, when feasible, correction of the small intestinal abnormality that led to the condition. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the fifth most common malignancy worldwide-accounting for > 1 million deaths/yr. Irritable bowel syndrome is more common in men in areas outside the United States. Nearly 25% of patients are inappropriately diagnosed with lactose intolerance based upon dietary symptoms. What type of kidney stones are most often seen in a person with fat malabsorption Fat malabsorption leads to excess free fatty acids in the intestine, which then bind to luminal calcium, decreasing the calcium available to bind and clear oxalate. The increased luminal oxalate is absorbed, resulting in hyperoxaluria, which leads to calcium oxalate stone formation in the kidney. Any abnormality of the small intestine that results in local stasis or recirculation of intestinal contents is likely to be associated with marked proliferation of intraluminal bacteria. Through the excess production of enzymes that deconjugate intraluminal bile salts to free bile acids. Free bile acids are reabsorbed in the jejunem and are, therefore, unable to solubilize monoglycerides and free fatty acids into micelles for absorption by the intestinal epithelial cells. Fat absorption is extremely efficient, and most of the ingested fat is absorbed with very little excretion into the stool. Patients with steatorrhea, or increased excretion of fecal fat, may have up to 10 times this amount in the stool. Through a 72-hour stool sample collected while the patient is on a defined dietary fat intake of > 100 g/day. This test is highly reliable but neither specific nor sensitive in determining the etiology of steatorrhea. Paralytic ileus is a relatively common disorder and occurs when neural, humoral, and metabolic factors combine to stimulate reflexes that inhibit intestinal motility. Drugs such as phenothiazines and narcotics inhibit small bowel motility and also may contribute to paralysis. Clusters of food or foreign matter that have undergone partial digestion in the stomach then failed to pass through the pylorus into the small bowel, forming a mass in the stomach. Substances typically composing bezoars include hair (trichobezoars) and, more commonly, plant matter (phytobezoars). With abdominal mass, gastric outlet obstruction, attacks of nausea and vomiting, and peptic ulceration when bezoars become large. Factors important in the formation of bezoars include the amount of indigestible materials in the diet (pulpy, fibrous fruit or vegetables such as oranges), the quality of the chewing mechanism, and loss of pyloric function, which limits the size of food particles that may enter the duodenum. Which tests are used in the initial diagnostic evaluation of a patient with suspected obstructive jaundice The only special study that is routinely useful in the early evaluation of obstructive jaundice is an ultrasound of the gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver. Ultrasound is fairly specific for detecting gallstones and ductal dilatation (the latter signifying ductal obstruction). Liver scan in the patient with extrahepatic ductal obstruction is not routinely useful. It may reveal evidence of cholestasis and cholangitis but will not help to determine the cause. A liver scan using technetium sulfur colloid is of very little value in the jaundiced patient. Indirectly with a marker substance contained in glomerular filtrate, which is then excreted in the urine. The amount of this substance leaving the kidney (urinary mass excretion) must equal the amount of marker substance entering the kidney as glomerular filtrate. The marker substance must not be reabsorbed, secreted, or metabolized after entering the kidney tubule. The marker substance is chosen so that its concentration in the glomerular filtrate is equal to its concentration in the plasma. Likewise, the amount of the substance leaving the kidney in the urine equals the urinary concentration of the substance (Ux) multiplied by the urine flow in mL/min (V). Because creatinine is an endogenous substance, derived from the metabolism of creatine in skeletal muscle and fulfills almost all of the requirements for a marker substance: it is freely filterable, not metabolized, and not reabsorbed once filtered. Creatinine is released from muscle at a constant rate, resulting in a stable plasma concentration. The creatinine clearance is commonly determined from a 24-hour collection of urine. This time period is used to average out the sometimes variable creatinine excretion that may occur from hour to hour. However, it requires constant intravenous infusion, making it somewhat impractical for routine clinical use in patients. Because total creatinine excretion in the steady state is dependent on muscle mass, day-to-day creatinine excretion remains fairly constant for an individual and is related to lean body weight. Creatinine excretion levels measured on a 24-hour urine collection that are substantially less than the estimated value suggest an incomplete collection. The production of urea is not constant and varies with protein intake, liver function, and catabolic rate. In addition, urea can be reabsorbed once filtered into the kidney, and this reabsorption increases in conditions with low urine flow, such as volume depletion. Urinary excretion of a substance is simply the total amount of a substance excreted per unit of time, usually expressed in mg/min. Clearance expresses the efficiency with which the kidney removes a substance from the plasma. The volume of plasma that must be completely cleared of a substance per unit of time accounts for the amount of that substance appearing in the urine per unit of time. The urinary excretion of X is 10 mg/min, but this measurement does not indicate the efficiency with which the substance is removed from the plasma. How does measurement of urinary protein excretion help in the evaluation of renal disease Normal urinary protein excretion < 150 mg/day, with albumin constituting < 50% of this protein. Glomerular proteinuria occurs when the normal glomerular barrier to the passage of plasma proteins is disrupted. Quantitatively, tubular proteinuria is usually < 1 g/24 hr, and glomerular proteinuria is usually > 1 g/24 hr. Significant degrees of proteinuria (>150 mg/day) could indicate intrinsic renal disease. Quantification and characterization of the proteinuria are useful in detecting the presence of renal disease and also in determining involvement of the tubule, glomerulus, or both. Examination of this sediment is an important part of the work-up of any patient with renal disease. The examination should be performed by the physician before diagnostic or therapeutic decisions are made. Because the daily load of metabolic products amounts to approximately 600 mOsm and the maximal urine concentrating ability of the human kidney is about 1200 mOsm/ kgH2O, there is a minimal obligate urine volume of 500 mL/day for most people. It is important to make the distinction between oliguria and anuria so that these diagnostic entities will be considered and appropriate therapy planned. List the four general mechanisms by which abnormally increased urinary protein excretion (>150 mg/day) occurs. Damage to the glomerular filtration barrier (in glomerulonephritis), leading to leakage of plasma proteins into the glomerular ultrafiltrate. Suboptimal reabsorption of the normally filtered protein as a result of tubular disease. This recovery of the small amount of normally filtered protein (usually $2 g/day) allows for the normal excretion of < 150 mg/day of protein. Proteinuria resulting from disease states that lead to excessive levels of plasma proteins. The proteins are filtered and overload the reabsorptive capacity of the renal tubules. Proteinuria that occurs because of the addition of protein to the urine after glomerular filtration. Because all the other features are a consequence of marked proteinuria, some authorities restrict the definition of "nephrosis" to heavy proteinuria alone. In adults, the most common cause is diabetes nephropathy, which is a secondary cause of nephritic syndrome. In children, the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome is minimal change disease, also called "lipoid nephrosis" or "nil disease. When evaluating patients with nephrotic syndrome, which diseases must you rule out before considering the syndrome to be due to a primary renal disease The distinction between these causes and primary renal disease is important for a number of reasons. Treatment of such disorders may involve simple discontinuation of the offending agent. Management may need to be directed at a systemic disease (infection) rather than at the renal lesion itself. In the nephrotic syndrome, decreased effective arterial blood volume can lead to various degrees of renal underperfusion, resulting in renal failure in severe cases. Common organisms include Streptococcus (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Haemophilus influenzae, and Klebsiella spp. Hypercoagulable state manifested by an increased incidence of venous thrombosis, particularly in the renal vein, which may be due to urinary loss of antithrombotic factors. Nephritic syndrome results from many different etiologies but is traditionally represented by postinfectious glomerulonephritis following infections with certain strains of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. Some forms of glomerular diseases are characteristically nephrotic in their presentation whereas some aggressive forms of proliferative glomerulopathies present as nephritic syndrome. One third of elderly patients with membranous nephropathy have underlying malignancy (colon, stomach, or breast). Extrarenal involvement, if present, is usually secondary to consequences of the glomerular insult. What are the characteristics of the clinical syndromes that are manifested by the primary glomerulopathies How does routine urinalysis help in the evaluation of a primary glomerular disease Only certain serotypes of group A (beta-hemolytic) streptococci are nephritogenic. Type 12 is the most common type, but types 1, 2, 3, 18, 25, 49, 55, 57, and 60 are also nephritogenic. Recent evidence indicates that nephritogenicity is more closely related to endostreptosin, a cell membrane antigen. Other streptococcal cytoplasmic antigens and autologous antigens also have been implicated. The proteinuria is < 3 g/day in > 75% of patients, although proteinuria in the nephrotic range is occasionally seen. Hematuria is almost always present in either gross (smoky urine) or microscopic form. In children, the immediate and late prognosis are quite favorable in both epidemic and sporadic cases.

Susceptibility testing is not routinely recommended and should be reserved for cases of treatment failure chronic pelvic pain treatment guidelines cheap 2 mg trihexyphenidyl visa. Surgical debridement may also be indicated regional pain treatment center trihexyphenidyl 2mg, especially for disease involving the closed spaces of the hand advanced diagnostic pain treatment center ct cheap trihexyphenidyl 2 mg on-line, and for disease that has failed to respond to standard therapy myofascial pain treatment guidelines discount 2 mg trihexyphenidyl with amex. Adequate chlorination has pain medication for dogs on prednisone 2mg trihexyphenidyl mastercard, however, substantially reduced rates of colonization in swimming pools. Infection is typically acquired from a soft tissue injury to the hand in an aquatic environment. Cases occur in both healthy and immunocompromised hosts throughout the United States. The lesions usually appear as papules on an extremity, especially on the elbows, knees, feet, and hands, progressing subsequently to shallow ulceration and scar formation (see the online supplement). Most lesions are solitary, although occasional "ascending" lesions develop that resemble sporotrichosis. The organisms may be introduced into the skin through previous abrasions contaminated while cleaning freshwater fish tanks ("fish tank granuloma") or by scratches or puncture wounds from saltwater fish, shrimp, or fins. Infection involved the upper limb in 95% of patients, with involvement of deeper structures in 29%. Diagnosis is made from biopsy material, histologic examination, and culture (410). Isolates are also susceptible to clarithromycin, sulfonamides, or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, and susceptible or intermediately susceptible to doxycycline and minocycline. There have been no comparative trials of treatment regimens for skin and soft tissue infections due to M. Central venous catheter infections are the most important clinical infection caused by this organism. When isolated from respiratory specimens, this species is most often a contaminant. This species is susceptible to multiple antimicrobial agents including aminoglycosides, cefoxitin, clarithromycin, minocycline, doxycycline, quinolones, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and imipenem (412). However, cases of clinical disease caused by this species were rarely documented except for childhood cervical lymphadenitis (88, 101, 340). Some have suggested that its most common reservoir was tap water, and changes in chlorination, have removed it from this source. The clinical presentation was indistinguishable from other mycobacterial pulmonary pathogens. In the laboratory, the niacin test is sometimes positive, leading to possible confusion with M. Most recoveries have been single positive specimens that are smear negative and not associated with clinical disease, suggesting environmental contamination as a likely source (420, 421). For several clusters of isolates, organisms were also recovered from the local tap water, suggesting it as the likely organism source (420). There are also reports of intraabdominal infections, as well as reports of disseminated disease in immunocompromised patients. Recent pseudo-outbreaks involving contaminated water supplies have been described (108, 422). The newer 8-methoxy fluoroquinolone, moxifloxacin, seems to have activity against M. Recent reports suggest a regimen including clarithromycin, moxifloxacin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole may be successful. Recent studies have shown this resistance to relate to the presence of a chromosomal erythromycin (macrolide) methylase gene. Antituberculous medications are not active, with the exception of ethambutol, to which M. They exhibit variable susceptibility to cefoxitin and the older fluoroquinolones and are usually resistant to the macrolides (423). For severe infections, amikacin or imipenem are the parenteral agents most often used. In previously reported cases, chemotherapy was successful when combinations of more than two drugs were used (425). Although the optimal duration of treatment has not been established, a three- to fourdrug regimen that includes 12 months of negative sputum cultures while on therapy is probably adequate. Therapy with combination antituberculous medication based on in vitro susceptibilities for 4 to 6 months should be successful for extrapulmonary M. Differentiation of the species usually requires molecular techniques so that most clinical laboratories still refer to the collective designation, M. Moreover, most of the isolates of this complex have previously been presumed to be nonpathogenic so that little attention has been focused on this group of organisms (429). Of the cases cited, 59% involved tenosynovitis, and 26% were associated with pulmonary disease. One-half of the patients with tenosynovitis were treated with local or systemic corticosteroid and only onehalf of the patients who were followed for 6 months showed clinical improvement. The other half of the patients required extensive debridement, and surgical intervention or amputation (431). Some reports have also indicated potential pathogenicity of this organism for the lung. In 1983, a case of localized cavitary disease in the lung with multiple isolations of M. In one report, all six of the isolates from a single center and 90% or more of an additional 22 isolates of M. Infection is believed to occur through abraded or compromised skin after contact with contaminated water or soil. The lesions occur most commonly in children and young adults and often result in severe scarring and deformities of the extremities (88). Preulcerative lesions are often painless and can be treated effectively by excision and primary closure, rifampin monotherapy, or heat therapy. Postsurgical antimycobacterial treatment may prevent relapse or metastasis of infections. Clarithromyicn and rifampin may be the best choice for controlling complications of the ulcer. Drug treatment of the disease has been disappointing; surgical debridement combined with skin grafting is the usual treatment of choice (436). Supplementation of media with egg yolk or reduction of oxygen tension enhances the recovery of this species. Molecular techniques have been developed that may lead to more rapid identification of the organism. Clusters of hospital isolates have been reported from the United States, the United Kingdom, and in other areas in Europe. It has been speculated that the organism enters the hospital from municipal water mains, then multiplies in the hospital heating tanks where the temperature is 43 to 45 C, the optimal temperature for growth of this organism (442). In addition, the response of this organism to therapy is variable and does not always correlate well with the results of in vitro susceptibility. Therapy should be continued until the patient has maintained negative sputum cultures while on therapy for 12 months. It has been observed that sputum conversion occurs readily, but relapse rates are high even with macrolidecontaining regimens. Surgical resection of the affected lung may be appropriate in selected patients who have sufficient lung function and fail to respond to chemotherapy. A quinolone, preferably the 8-methoxy quinolone moxifloxacin, could be substituted for one of the antituberculous drugs. Therapy for extrapulmonary disease would include the same agents as for pulmonary disease. Important issues to be answered include prevalence and incidence rates, including geographic differences in those rates, and potential risk factors. However, greater awareness of factors at the molecular level, such as mutations and polymorphisms, and at the morphologic level, such as the roles of sex and chest shape, will gradually improve our understanding of susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases of individual patients. Nevertheless, multicenter, controlled trials are desperately needed for answering the many important questions about optimal therapy that remain unanswered. There is a need for a disease treatment model that will allow agents to be tested without significantly long monotherapy exposure. New antimicrobial agents are urgently needed to shorten or simplify therapy, provide more effective therapy, and diminish drug side effects. The identification of specific immune defect(s) might prove the essential element for the development of new therapeutic approaches. Interest in developing new drugs with mycobacterial disease activity is limited by the lack of economic return for these relatively rare diseases. The rating system includes a letter indicating the strength of the recommendation, and a roman numeral indicating the quality of the evidence supporting the recommendation (3) (Table 1). Laboratory Procedures Collection, digestion, staining, decontamination, and culturing of specimens. The clinician should use in vitro susceptibility data with an appreciation for its limitations. Fiberoptic endoscopes: the use of tap water should be avoided in automated endoscopic washing machines as well as in manual cleaning. However, even these species can, under some circumstances, cause clinical disease. Acknowledgment: the committee thanks Elisha Malanga, Monica Simeonova, and Judy Corn of the American Thoracic Society for patient and excellent administrative support. American Thoracic Society statement: diagnosis and treatment of disease caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Assessment of partial sequencing of the 65-kilodalton heat shock protein gene (hsp65) for routine identification of mycobacterium species isolated from clinical sources. Isolation of Mycobacterium avium complex from water in the United States, Finland, Zaire, and Kenya. Tanaka E, Kimoto T, Matsumoto H, Tsuyuguchi K, Suzuki K, Nagai S, Shimadzu M, Ishibatake H, Murayama T, Amitani R. Skin test reactions to Mycobacterium tuberculosis purified protein derivative and Mycobacterium avium sensitin among health care workers and medical students in the United States. The epidemiology of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases in the United States: results from a national survey. Mycobacterial species and drug resistance patterns reported by state laboratories. Joint Position Paper of the American Thoracic Society and the Centers for Disease Control. Pectus excavatum and scoliosis: thoracic anomalies associated with pulmonary disease caused by Mycobacterium avium complex. Interleukin12 production by human monocytes infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis: role of phagocytosis. Rapidly growing mycobacterial lung infection in association with esophageal disorders. Clinical features of pulmonary disease caused by rapidly growing mycobacteria: an analysis of 154 patients. Polyclonal Mycobacterium avium complex infections in patients with nodular bronchiectasis. Tuberculosis associated with infliximab, a tumor necrosis factor alpha- neutralizing agent. Susceptibility testing of mycobacteria, nocardiae, and other aerobic actinomycetes. Comparison of sputum induction with fiber-optic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Sensitivity of fluorochrome microscopy for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis versus non-nontuberculous mycobacteria. False-positive results for Mycobacterium celatum with the AccuProbe Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex assay. Sulfonamidecontaining regimens for disease caused by rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium kansasii. Multisite reproducibility of E-test for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium abscessus, Mycobacterium chelonae, and Mycobacterium fortuitum. Multisite reproducibility of results obtained by the broth microdilution method for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium abscessus, Mycobacterium chelonae, and Mycobacterium fortuitum. Intrinsic macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium smegmatis is conferred by a novel erm gene, erm (38). Mycobacterium haemophilum: microbiology and expanding clinical and geographic spectra of disease in humans. Cervical lymphadenitis caused by a fastidious mycobacterium closely related to Mycobacterium genavense in an apparently immunocompetent woman: diagnosis by culture-free microbiological methods.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes influenza updates October through May on its website. The suspicion of influenza can be confirmed through rapid tests done in the office from nasal or throat swabs. Some rapid tests may only detect influenza A or detect influenza A and B but not distinguish between the two strains. Children < 2 years of age were at increased risk and the highest hospitalization rates occurred among children < 1 year. Pregnant women with H1N1 influenza had a markedly *Although influenza infection may present with mild upper respiratory tract symptoms without fever. The clinical symptoms included influenza-like illness with fever, cough, sore throat, and rhinorrhea. Antiviral agents that reduce the duration and severity of influenza are also indicated for severe disease. Newer neuroaminadase inhibitors (zanamivir and oseltamivir) are effective against both influenza A and B. All of these drugs should be given within the first 48 hours from the onset of symptoms and reduce the symptomatic phase by about 1 day. Intravenous antiviral agents are currently in trial for treatment of patients with severe influenza and were available under compassionate use during the 2009 pandemic. Many community groups, churches, pharmacies, and groceries also sponsor opportunities to receive vaccine. Amantadine, rimantadine, and zanamivir may also be used for prevention in those exposed to influenza before receiving the vaccine or those unable to receive the vaccine. Which groups at high risk for complications of influenza should receive the seasonal vaccine Who should receive the seasonal influenza vaccine because of high likelihood of transmitting the virus to high-risk groups Everyone over 6 months of age who does not have a contraindication to influenza vaccine. Who can receive intranasally administered live, attenuated seasonal influenza vaccine Healthy, nonpregnant adults < 50 years without high-risk conditions and who do not have contact with severely immunocompromised individuals. Which immunizations should a person who has had a splenectomy or functional asplenia. A rash, followed in weeks to months by involvement of other organ systems (including cardiovascular and neurologic systems and joints) often accompanies the initial infection. The entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve producing pain and numbness over the anterolateral thigh. If carpal tunnel syndrome is present, the symptoms of pain and paresthesia are reproduced. Compare the neurologic findings in a patient with the following nerve root compressions: L4, L5, and S1. A painful inflammation of the bursa superficial to the greater trochanter of the femur. Symptoms include lateral pain described as the "hip," although the hip joint itself is not involved. Commercially available, small, lightweight pads can be easily worn daily and prevent hip fractures after falls. A fracture that involves the distal phalanx and extends into the interphalangeal joint also should be referred. Inflatable "donut" cushions should not be used because they can lead to pressure ulcers. If a patient has no signs of nerve root compression and mild-to-moderate pain, usual activity should be encouraged. Muscle relaxants such as diazepam and cyclobenzaprine are needed only for patients with severe muscle spasm. What should be done if the patient has severe pain or signs of nerve root compression Patients with occupations that require prolonged sitting or standing, bending, or lifting will need evaluation and counseling to prevent future back injury. Impingement syndrome occurs when the supraspinatus tendon is injured through repetitive motions and is "caught. Mild inflammation of the costochondral junction that produces localized warmth, swelling, erythema, and pain. Occurrence of symptoms of depressed mood or undefined somatic symptoms as the anniversary of the death of a spouse, relative, or close friend approaches. An anniversary reaction may also occur after any significant loss such as that of a job, limb, health, or divorce. Women are most often affected, and symptoms may present in adolescence or the early 20s. If panic attacks accompany agoraphobia, the patient has at least four of these symptoms when in a public place: Dyspnea Dizziness, faintness Sweating Palpitations Feelings of unreality Trembling Chest discomfort Paresthesias Feeling of doom or Choking sensation Hot and cold flashes fear of death 151. The bipolar syndrome characterized by at least one episode of major depression and at least one hypomanic episode. The hypomania is characterized by an abnormally elevated mood (for that individual) but the mood change does not impair function or require hospitalization. Are antipsychotic drugs associated with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death Yes, particularly in patients with dementia in whom these medications are frequently used for behavior management. A positive answer to at least two of the questions warrants further evaluation for possible alcoholism. Describe the stages of alcohol withdrawal and how soon after the last drink they occur. The triad of: & Recurrent sinus and respiratory infections & Bronchiectasis & Situs inversus (occasionally) Male patients may also have immotile spermatozoa. The dysfunctional cilia are unable to effectively clear and move mucous secretions of the respiratory tract. Tricyclic antidepressants appear to be most effective for reduction of pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances, although duloxetine (a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) is the only antidepressant approved for fibromyalgia treatment. Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2009, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Wallach J: Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2006, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. The practice of giving an impression and recommendation to a physician without actually interviewing and examining the patient and reviewing the laboratory, radiographic, and medical records data. Consultants should avoid giving recommendations without having seen a patient because the premise for the curbside may be in error. What are some examples of common and appropriate areas of consultation for the internist By initially focusing on the most significant problem for the patient and referring physician. Most patients with "multiple problems" actually have an extensive, sometimes inactive past medical history. The consultant may also help return (or start if necessary) the care to a primary care physician in the outpatient setting. The most important diagnosis may not be the reason the consultation was requested. Uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes in the hospital is often because the patient is not receiving the usual prescriptions. What are the ways of succinctly documenting the findings of a medical consultation A consultation report should not read as an unfocused history and physical examination or generic progress note, but should answer the question(s) posed by the requesting physician and provide clear and specific recommendations. Procedures with minimal invasiveness and little to no associated bleeding risk are cystoscopies, breast biopsies, and bronchoscopic procedures. Monitoring and appropriate treatment by an anesthesiologist of a patient during a procedure that usually uses a local anesthetic. In spinal anesthesia, the anesthestic agent is inserted into the subarachnoid space, and in epidural anesthesia, into the epidural space. There still may be complications of hypotension and respiratory depression with these techniques, and there is less airway control because the patients are not intubated. Routinely ordered tests fail to help physicians predict perioperative complications, are expensive, can delay needed surgery, and can result in further morbidity if additional unnecessary and invasive confirmatory testing is performed. The internists also determine the likelihood and nature of specific complications that may occur around the time of surgery. This is particularly important to recognize in patients awaiting elective or cosmetic surgical procedures. Which medical conditions are most important to identify preoperatively because they may be contraindications to surgery The patient and family history is the best predictor of potential bleeding risk during surgery. Much of the preoperative consultation involves identifying and managing acute illness or exacerbations of chronic illness. Patients with unstable or significant underlying disease (particularly cardiac, pulmonary, and diabetes) are most likely to benefit from preoperative assessment. How does a preoperative medical interview differ from a conventional medical interview The physician should identify specific medical conditions or symptoms that may be associated with perioperative morbidity. The internist then documents how these conditions were diagnosed, what records substantiate the diagnosis, what treatments have been effective (or ineffective), and whether further diagnostic or follow-up testing is needed to better clarify these diagnoses. The interview usually does not focus on the illness requiring surgery; rather, the "history of present illness" becomes a discussion of concomitant or chronic illnesses that impact upon the perioperative period. The consultant does not simply document that a patient has hypertension and diabetes; instead, she or he documents the chronicity of the hypertension diagnosis, the presence of any end-organ damage. An accurate medication record is crucial to reduce the likelihood of medication errors of omission (a chronically prescribed medication that is omitted during the perioperative period) or commission (an incorrect dosage of a medication that is prescribed during the hospitalization). If a patient has never undergone prior surgery, the consultant can inquire about a family history of unexplained or sudden intraoperative death or muscle disorders. The incidence of malignant hyperthermia is estimated at 1:50,000 adults and 1:15,000 children and is fatal in 10% of patients. If necessary, genetic testing and a skeletal muscle contracture test can be used for diagnosis in asymptomatic patients with an appropriate family history. A detailed cardiopulmonary review of systems including history of chest pain, angina with description of typical pattern, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, paroxysmsal nocturnal dyspnea, wheezing, and peripheral edema. Most adult patients referred to an internist for preoperative assessment will have some degree of chronic organ impairment. Most medications are safely taken with a small amount of water the morning of surgery. Patients with severe hypertension or recurrent angina are advised to take their usual medications as scheduled before surgery. Diuretics such as furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide are customarily discontinued while the patient is fasting owing to concerns about dehydration or hypokalemia, but the evidence supporting this practice is limited. Aspirin, warfarin, and heparin are often discontinued preoperatively, but it is crucial that physicians understand the specific diagnosis that led to patients being prescribed these medications. For patients at high risk for intracoronary thrombotic events but at low risk for catastrophic surgical bleeding, it may be advisable to continue antiplatelet medications (such as aspirin) perioperatively. Diabetic patients who are insulin-dependent or require insulin to maintain glucose control should continue to receive basal (long-acting) insulin while fasting, but at lower dose, with more frequent monitoring and with hydration to prevent hypoglycemia. Rapid correction with medication may induce myocardial and cerebral ischemia and is of no proven benefit. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Update the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). Unnecessarily delayed urgent surgery or complications caused by invasive procedures. Performing routine cardiac "stress tests" on patients does not improve perioperative morbidity or mortality. In what situations does the current evidence most clearly support use of beta blockers for patients in the perioperative period For patients already taking beta blockers and those undergoing vascular surgery with high cardiac risk as identified by ischemia on preoperative testing. The role of perioperative beta blocker use continues to be closely reviewed and recommendations are likely to be modified. What are the goals of preoperative assessment of a patient with chronic lung disease What degree of impairment from pulmonary function tests precludes safe surgical intervention What are some specific ways to lower the risk of perioperative pulmonary complications in patients with chronic lung diseases Those with: & Major orthopedic procedures such as repair of pelvic, hip, or leg fractures & Multiple major trauma & Spinal cord injury & Abdominal or pelvic malignancy undergoing resection. A complete description of the indications of the methods is available in the reference.

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Patients with newly diagnosed severe hypothyroidism or myxedema should have surgery delayed if possible. Generally the day before surgery with nephrology consultation for post-operative dialysis. Not for mild anemia, but those with hemoglobin < 8 mg/dL may benefit from transfusion, depending on the etiology of the anemia. Bleeding, encephalopathy, hypotension, sepsis, and worsening of liver dysfunction. I felt her pulse in the carotid artery in her neck; it was weak, difficult to detect. Unlike the usual thumping carotid artery, her pulse rose only reluctantly to the examining finger. It was no great Oslerian feat of diagnosis on my part to suspect that she had severe aortic stenosis. S2 is normally split into aortic (A2) and pulmonic (P2) components caused by the closing of the two respective valves. The degree of splitting varies with the respiratory cycle or physiologic splitting. With inspiration, the negative intrathoracic pressure leads to increased venous return to the right side of the heart and a decrease to the left side. With expiration, the negative intrathoracic pressure is eliminated and A2 and P2 occur almost simultaneously. The largest contributor to the physiologic third heart sound (S3) split is the respiratory variation in the timing of the pulmonic closure sound. A widening of the split of A2 and P2 with expiration and shortening of the split with inspiration (the opposite of normal). The mechanism behind an S3 is controversial, but it may be due to an increase in the velocity of blood entering the ventricles (rapid ventricular filling). When present, an S3 usually represents myocardial decompensation associated with heart disease. A high-frequency early diastolic sound associated with mitral or tricuspid valve opening. A diastolic rumble at the apex confirms the physical diagnosis of mitral stenosis. What is the differential diagnosis of an abnormal early diastolic sound heard at the apex and lower left sternal border Cardiac auscultation in various positions helps to detect a tumor plop; likewise, cardiac symptoms in these patients are often related to body position. A thrust of exaggerated height that falls away immediately from the palpating fingers and is typically found in patients with a large stroke volume. What is the likely cause of a systolic ejection murmur, best heard at the second right intercostal space, in an 82-year-old asymptomatic man Aortic sclerosis is characterized by thickening and/or calcification of the aortic valve and, unlike valvular aortic stenosis, is typically not associated with any significant transvalvular systolic pressure gradient. How is aortic stenosis differentiated from aortic sclerosis by physical examination The following clinical findings are present in patients with aortic stenosis but absent with aortic sclerosis: & Diminished carotid arterial upstroke. Standing increases the murmur intensity, and leg-raising and squatting decrease the murmur intensity. Very large and prominent A waves occurring when the atria contract against a closed tricuspid valve. Regular "cannon" A waves are seen in a junctional or ventricular rhythm in which the atria are depolarized by retrograde conduction. Kussmaul originally described the disappearance of the pulse during inspiration, though. Pulsus paradoxus can occur when the fall in intrathoracic pressure during inspiration is rapidly transmitted through a pericardial effusion, resulting in an exaggerated increase in venous return to the right side of the heart. In patients with chronic constrictive pericarditis, early ventricular filling is unimpeded. During this early filling phase, the ventricle is too small and has not yet "perceived" the constricting effect of the calcified or thickened pericardium and, thus, filling is unimpeded. Once the ventricle meets the thick or calcified "noncompliant" pericardium, ventricular filling suddenly slows and corresponds to the "pericardial knock" sound. Although found in chronic constrictive pericarditis, the steep Y descent rarely occurs in cardiac tamponade. When the clinical triad of cardiac tamponade was first described by Claude Beck in 1935, he noted hypotension, elevated systemic venous pressure, and a small, quiet heart. The condition was commonly due to penetrating cardiac injuries, aortic dissection, or intrapericardial rupture of an aortic or cardiac aneurysm. An inspiratory increase in systemic venous pressure commonly present in chronic constrictive pericarditis but rarely detected in acute cardiac tamponade. Some patients may not develop pathologic Q waves but develop a significant > 25% decrease in R wave amplitude. The most common flutter rate is 300 bpm, and the most common ventricular rates are 150 and 75 bpm, respectively. A capture beat is a normally conducted sinus beat interrupting a wide-complex tachycardia. The dropped beat may occur regularly, with a fixed number (X) of beats for each dropped beat (called an "X:1 block"). Where does the venous a-wave appear in the cardiac cycle and what specific component of the cardiac cycle does it correspond to Production of first through fourth heart sounds (S1, S2, S3, and S4) in the cardiac cycle. What are the cardiac and noncardiac causes of chest pain and their characteristics Exercise testing is the most common provocative test used by clinicians to confirm the clinical diagnosis of exertional angina pectoris. Myocardial ischemia is induced in these patients by an increase in myocardial O2 demand, primarily due to the increase in heart rate with exercise. In the patient with typical exertional angina pectoris and two or more coronary risk factors (associated with! In such patients, coronary angiography is recommended in the latter case (positive treadmill thallium test) but not in the former. After Treadmill Thallium (%) Positive test: 99 Negative test: 85 Positive test: 90 Negative test: 30 59. A 31-year-old man complains of a sudden onset of sharp left chest pain, increased by deep inspiration and coughing. A 56-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute onset of squeezing and diffuse, anterior chest pain associated with diaphoresis and dyspnea. Among these diagnoses, the first three are most common and should be carefully considered in the diagnostic work-up of this patient. Finally, a chest x-ray is helpful in the work-up of patients with acute chest pain to look for evidence of pneumothorax, cardiac enlargement suggestive of cardiac failure, or wedge-shaped pulmonary consolidation suggestive of acute pulmonary embolus. Syncope, defined as a transient loss or impairment of consciousness, can be due to a wide variety of etiologies, both cardiovascular and noncardiovascular. Characteristically, these patients present with syncope during or immediately after exercise. However, one or more cardiovascular complications were less frequent with a thiazide diuretic than with any other antihypertensive drug. Yusuf S, Sleight P, Pogue J, et al: Effects of an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients. Contraindications to beta blockers must be carefully weighed against their potential therapeutic benefits. For example, a beta blocker should be avoided in a patient admitted to the hospital with acutely decompensated heart failure but may be started at lower doses then gradually increased in patients with well-compensated and stable heart failure. Edema is a dose-dependent side effect and readily responds to lowering of the calcium channel blocker dose. Angina is typically described as a pressure or bandlike sensation in the middle of the chest that is precipitated by exertion and relieved by rest. Described by Myron Prinzmetal in 1955, this disorder is associated with sudden localized spasm of a coronary artery that usually occurs near an atherosclerotic plaque. In patients with variant angina, myocardial ischemia is primarily due to a decrease in O2 supply rather than to an increase in O2 demand. In some patients with vasospastic angina, the duration of episodes of angina pectoris may be prolonged during therapy with propranolol, a noncardioselective beta blocker. In others, especially those with associated fixed atherosclerotic lesions, beta blockers may reduce the frequency of anginal episodes. Noncardioselective beta blockers may, in some patients with vasospastic angina, leave a receptor-mediated coronary arterial vasoconstriction unopposed and thereby worsen anginal symptoms. Do calcium blockers differ in efficacy and safety when used in the management of variant angina compared with classic effort angina In contrast to beta blockers, calcium blockers are quite effective in reducing the frequency and duration of episodes of vasospastic angina. Along with nitrates, calcium blockers are the mainstay of treatment of vasospastic angina because of their proven efficacy and safety. His past medical history reveals intermittent claudication after walking 50 yards. This elderly man has three medical problems: asthma, intermittent claudication, and chronic stable angina. Of the available antianginal drugs, beta blockers are contraindicated because of the presence of asthma. Cardioselective beta blockers, such as metoprolol or atenolol, may be used cautiously in low doses in asthma, but noncardioselective beta blockers are not safe in this patient. However, the presence of peripheral vascular disease, manifested by intermittent claudication, also is a contraindication for the use of any beta blocker. Calcium channel blockers or nitrates are thus the antianginal drugs of choice in this patient. There is less evidence to suggest a beneficial effect of aspirin in chronic stable angina pectoris. Recent studies showed that approximately 3% of the population are poor metabolizers of clopidrogel and, therefore, the drug is less effective. The trigger for this platelet aggregation is usually rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque in an artery with < 50% stenosis and causes acute subendocardial ischemia. The hospital mortality was significantly reduced in patients treated with streptokinase within the first 6 hours. Most important, there was a remarkable 50% reduction in hospital mortality in patients treated within 1 hour of symptom onset. The ability of the drug to "stick" to the outer clot surface is called "fibrin affinity. Strategies specifically targeting the inhibition of platelet aggregation, such as aspirin, low-molecular-weight or unfractionated heparin, and clopidogrel, are routinely recommended. Another important advantage of balloon angioplasty over thrombolytic drug therapy is reduced risk of intracranial hemorrhage, a dreadful complication of thrombolysis, particularly in elderly patients. However, coated drug-eluting stents are more prone to thrombosis than bare metal stents and require a longer duration of treatment with the platelet inhibitor clopidogrel. Restenosis is most common in the first 6 mo after balloon angioplasty or stent placement and presents with recurrent angina; stent thrombosis can occur up to several years after a coronary stent placement and presents with an acute myocardial infarction. Are drug-eluting coronary stents more or less likely to be complicated by restenosis compared with bare metal stents These two coated stents have been developed specifically to inhibit proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, the primary mechanism for restenosis over the first 6 months after stent placement. Both drug-eluting coronary stents have now been demonstrated in large randomized clinical trials to cause significantly less restenosis than the so-called bare metal stents. Coated stents are also associated with substantially decreased need for readmission with recurrent angina and repeat coronary interventions. Other causes of death include cardiac rupture, pump failure due to massive infarction, acute mechanical complication such as ventricular septal rupture or acute mitral regurgitation, and cardiogenic shock. Thus, these patients should be readily identified at initial clinical presentation and aggressively treated. In these patients, diuretics or preload-reducing drugs such as nitrates worsen the low cardiac output state and hypotension and should be avoided.


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