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Thierry H. LeJemtel, MD

  • Department of Medicine
  • Division of Cardiology
  • Tulane University School of Medicine
  • New Orleans, LA

From the total data set medications such as seasonale are designed to order mesalamine with amex, one could calculate that the expected number of contacts between any 87 subjects should be 40 nail treatment order 800mg mesalamine fast delivery. The method of asking people about their contacts becomes considerably more sensitive when sexual contacts are the issue treatment quincke edema cheap 800mg mesalamine with amex, which is a somewhat paradoxical situation since this is probably the one area of infectious disease epidemiology where contact patterns are most important the treatment 2014 generic mesalamine 400mg with amex. An example of an attempt to elucidate a network of sexual contacts by the interview method comes from a study in Iceland [4] treatment quadratus lumborum generic mesalamine 400mg without a prescription. They were asked to identify all their sexual contacts during the preceding 7 years, including demographic characteristics (age, sex, residence, occupation, etc. The reason for the last question was mainly to be able to collate the responses from all the subjects, making sure that the same person identified by two different subjects would not be counted as two. It is easy to understand that the description and analysis of networks such as these are far from straightforward. The study of susceptible exposure attack rate in families requires careful elucidation of the actual networks of transmission, since it is important that the tertiary and higher order cases are differentiated from the true secondary ones. The examples above showed how actual networks between individuals could be chartered. Data on contact structures could also be attained by interviews, and one example is given by surveys on sexual habits in random samples of a population. In one such survey in Sweden [5], a random sample of young adults were asked about their age at first heterosexual intercourse and also about the age of their partner. One obvious conclusion from this is that it must be unusual for young Swedes to both be virgins in their first intercourse, which should play a role for the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases in these young age groups. An interesting finding that emerges in virtually all surveys on sexual habits from many countries is that the average reported number of lifetime heterosexual partners is always higher for men than for women. Since a heterosexual intercourse involves one man and one woman, the total number of women partners reported by men should be the same as the total number of men partners reported by women. If there are equal numbers of the two sexes in the population, the average numbers should also be the same. This discrepancy has never been satisfactorily explained, even if sex-related propensity to over- or under-report number of partners could be one reason. Broken lines indicate where the points should have been if both partners had been of equal age. Contact Intensity Rate of Partner Change A central concept in epidemiological literature on sexually transmitted diseases is rate of partner change, or perhaps more appropriately rate of partner acquisition. This is defined as the average number of new partners that a person will have in a given time period, most often a year. It is thus just the same thing as, the contact rate, in the formula for R0 in Chapter 11. Do all people have a rate of partner change which could be given a value just like their age or height The second problem is that even if we could assign a value for rate of partner change to a person, would this show any constancy over time In the models discussed in Chapter 11, we just assumed an average contact rate for the population, or for large subpopulations, and this assumption could be valid even if individuals within that population changed their contact rate with time. From such figures, one can get an estimate of the rate of acquisition of new partners. This is not straightforward, however, since one must take into account that partnerships could last across the boundaries of the time periods studied: if a person reports that she has had two partners in the last year, this could mean that she had two new partners, but equally well that one relationship ended and another commenced during the last year. To get a slightly more reliable estimate, one usually subtracts the figure for partners in the last year from the figure for partners in last 5 years and divides this by 4. Regardless of the exact method of calculation, the problem with time constancy of the value remains. There is really no way of knowing that this figure will apply to the future behaviour of this person: a subject reporting a high rate of partner change could enter into a stable monogamous relationship tomorrow. The next problem is that the figure in itself is a poor descriptor of the actual contact pattern. A person X who reports two partners during the last year could have first had partner A and then partner B. However, a not uncommon situation must be that X had a continuing relationship with A during the year and a short contact with B. On Friday, 12 April 1985, a 16-year-old high school girl developed mild cough, running nose, conjunctivitis and sore throat whilst still being in school. Over the weekend, she developed a hacking cough, but she went back to the school on Monday. The Study of Contact Patterns 189 A total of 69 secondary cases in the school had onset of measles between 24 April and 3 May with an epidemic curve just like a point-source outbreak. There were no other co-primary cases and no third generation, so the only explanation is that they were all infected by the one primary case. Fifty-eight of the secondary cases were interviewed about contacts with the girl on 12 or 15 April, and 11 of them had been in the same class, studying together in the cafeteria, or taking the same school bus as her. The only two places where the remaining 47 cases interviewed could have met her were the cafeteria and the hallway. The standard assumption for measles is that a susceptible has to be within some 2 m from a case to be exposed. The researchers counted how many students would pass within 2 m of a certain point in the hallway during a break period and found this to be 179 on average. Assuming random mixing in the hallway, the probability for any student of passing the primary case during a 5-min break would be 179/1722 = 0. We could thus guess that 65% of the secondary cases, or 45 pupils, could have had contact with the primary girl during 15 April, when she was probably at the peak of her infectivity. The nice thing with this study is that by analysing the contact pattern it shows that the assumption of 2 m as the effective zone of contact must be wrong. This is due to the fact that different contact structures according to rate of partner change give rise to very different epidemic situations. In the first instance, consider a situation where people having a given rate of partner change mostly or only have contacts with people with the same rate. Those who have a high rate would have contact with others with high rate, and those with low rate have contact with others with low rate. Cases of the disease in low-rate people would then mostly occur in those rare instances when a high-rate and a low-rate person had contact. The disease would only remain endemic within the group of people with high rates, and if this group was small compared to the total population, overall endemic prevalence could be low. A second type of contact structure would be that rate of partner change did not influence choice of sexual partner at all. However, the final endemic prevalence of the disease could be higher than in preferential mixing scenario, since it could spread to much larger sections of the population. Most human activities arranged to create contacts between people, such as bars, dance places, clubs, and so on, try to bring kindred souls together. It is difficult to imagine a social arrangement aimed at bringing people together who are as dissimilar as possible. The contact structure according to rate of partner change is very difficult to study in conventional surveys. Whilst data may be readily collected on the number of partners that the subjects themselves have had, we cannot usually reach these partners with the same question. In a study in Gothenburg, Sweden, 400 women with chlamydia infection were asked about their number of male partners in the last 6 months [7]. The distribution among these 400 women was: 1 Partner 228 2 Partners 135 3 Partners 32 4 Partners or More 5 From these 400 women, it was possible to contact 400 partners (for some of the women, no partner was found, for some more than one; that there were exactly the same number of men as women happened just by chance). A man who has had contact with many women must have a higher probability of being named as a contact than one who has only had sex with one woman. This is quite evident from the much higher figure for men than for women reporting four partners or more. This means that a contact matrix for these 800 people can only be interpreted for the women, that is, the matrix below should only be read along the horizontal rows: Men No. Among partners of women in that group, 69 had only had that woman as a partner, 16 had had one more, 14 had had two more women, and so on. If women showed exclusive preferential mixing, all the figures of the above table should have been on the diagonal from upper left to lower right, since a woman would only choose a partner with her own rate of partner change. If on the other hand, mixing had been completely at random, the distribution along each of the four rows should have been similar and equal to the total distribution in the row at the bottom, since all women should choose among the men in the same fashion, regardless of their own rate of partner change. If the choice had been at random, these 228 relationships should be divided on the four columns just like the bottom row. That the distribution of the observed table is unlikely to be at random can be proven by calculating the actual 2 value, which gives a p <. A different approach to the analysis of mixing patterns comes from a study of hospital inpatients in Stockholm County (population 1. The register of all inpatients of all the hospitals in the county is computerized with a personal identifier that makes it possible to follow a person over 192 Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology several admissions. For each person year of birth, sex, dates of admission and discharge, and ward identifier was available. The data made it possible to see whenever two people had been patients in the same ward at the same time, and how long they spent there together. It became clear that the network was clearly assortative as concerns length of stay: people who had long periods in the hospital tended to be in the same ward as other people who stayed long. Since the longer one stays in the hospital, the more contacts one has with other patients, the network is also assortative regarding number of contacts. Another finding from the study was that the variance in lengths of stay varied greatly. This is due to the fact that people with many contacts will be at greater risk to acquire and pass on an infection than the mere average indicates. You can see that the higher the variance, the more will R0 increase, but also that if everyone has the same contact rate, becomes zero, and we are back to the simple formula for R0 in Chapter 11. Random Sampling of Networks Since the actual network of contacts in a population of any size is almost impossible to describe, one would need some method to get a representative sample of networks, from which a better understanding of the contact pattern could be attained. One such interesting strategy makes use of a kind of random walk in a network, and the method has been used to study social contacts in the population of Canberra in Australia [9]. From this list, a number of persons are chosen at random, and all these subjects are interviewed and asked to list all their contacts. If resources are available only for a certain number of interviews, one has to decide whether to choose a larger group of primary subjects and restrict the interviews to secondary contacts, or to choose a smaller group initially and continue to tertiary or higher-order contacts. In the Canberra study, it was decided to select 60 people out of a total of around 200,000 as primary subjects and to go on to tertiary contacts. They reported on average 30 links with other people in Canberra and by asking about age, sex, occupation, and so on, it became possible to describe the person-centred the Study of Contact Patterns 193 networks in some detail: of all reported links 8% were to relatives, 25% to current or former neighbours and 24% to work associates. It is interesting that as many as 67% of all links were directed, that is, A reported B as a contact, but B did not mention A. Obviously, there will be a number of people who are listed by more than one subject of the study. These were generally not interviewed, but by combining the lists of all the interviewees it was possible to link some 6000 people in Canberra in a large network where everyone was connected to at least one other person and where the maximum distance between any two people was six links. The core of this network obviously included the persons interviewed (since only they had listed all their contacts), but also 274 other persons named by two or more study subjects, and one could speculate that the characteristics of these should be of great interest for the understanding of infection spread in a population such as this. Summary Contact patterns play an important role for the shape of epidemics and endemics. On the most basic level, frequency of contact decides which diseases could persist in a population. Even with a given average contact rate, there may be large variations between subgroups. Simple epidemic models usually assume random mixing in the population, but this is unrealistic for most diseases. Contact patterns can be described with methods borrowed from sociology: graphs and contact matrices. A network describes the actual pattern of contacts between a group of individuals, whereas a contact structure tries to describe the probability of contact between groups of individuals with certain characteristics. The basic research method for investigating contact patterns is the interview or survey. However, subtyping of bacteria or viruses may sometimes make it possible to reconstruct the exact network through which an infection has spread. Different types of mixing with regard to rate of partner change will have implications for the rate of spread and final endemic level of an infection. Measles endemicity in insular populations: Critical community size and its evolutionary implication. Choice of sexual partner according to rate of partner change and social class of the partners. Abstract from Workshop on Generalizability Question for Snowball Sampling and Other Ascending Methodologies. The most common method is to look for clusters in space and/or time, but an example of an ecological study is also given. Also, one example is given of the converse: searching for a disease for a newly found microbe. Thoughts along the same lines had been published by Henle in the 1840s and by Klebs in 1877.


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The collapsing variant may also be associated with pamidronate medicine website order mesalamine 800mg amex, captopril treatment abbreviation buy mesalamine 800mg without prescription, and parvovirus infection medications held before dialysis cheap 400mg mesalamine overnight delivery. The goal of therapy is to induce a complete remission of proteinuria treatment as prevention buy 400mg mesalamine fast delivery, which will lead to better long-term preservation of renal function medications an 627 discount 800 mg mesalamine fast delivery. Achieving partial remission is not optimal but slows the progression of kidney disease and substantially improves renal survival. Regardless of the cause, all patients should be managed with renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, a low-salt diet, and diuretics unless contraindicated. The degree of proteinuria and the achievement of remission in response to treatment are predictors of long-term clinical outcome. Findings: the patient is obese, has hypertension, and 1+ bilateral lower extremity pitting edema but does not have arthritis, skin rash, or any other obvious phys cal exam findings. Labs/Tests: Nephrotic range proteinuria is suggested by the urinalysis, along with hypoalbuminemia and preserved kidney function. Treatments: Regardless of the cause, all patients should be managed with renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, low-salt diet, and diuretics unless contraindicated. She also complains of increasing fatigue during this time and finds that daily activities have become more difficult. A facial rash has been progr ssively worsening over the course of several months, and erythematous, painful patche of skin on her lower extremities are causing distress. A diagnostic algorithm for chronic cough has been proposed by the American College of Chest Physicians, and practice guidelines have been developed and published. Skin exam findings include a patchy, nodular, plaquelike erythematous facial rash over the forehead, nasal, and nasolabial areas bilaterally, yet sparing the nasolabial folds. Although the patien is young with a limited smoking history, a primary lung malignancy or metastatic disease cannot be excluded. The cutaneous and pulmonary manifestations are consistent with sarcoidosis, and this should be at the forefront of the differential diagnosis. Nevertheless, sarcoidosis is a diagnosis of exclusion, and other granulomatous diseases and malignancies such as lymphoma, lung cancer, metastatic disease, infection, carcinoid tumors, vasculitides, and collagen vascular diseases must be ruled out. If sarcoidosis is suspected based on presentation and imaging, then a biopsy of the suspected organ involved should be pursued. A minor salivary gland biopsy, transbronchial needle aspiration, endobronchial ultrasound lymph node biopsy, or transbronchial lung biopsy is warranted in the absence of a peripheral lymph node or skin biopsy site. Chronic beryllium diseas is another granulomatous disease, primarily of the lung, most associated with occupational exposure. The noncaseating, epithelioid granulomata found in the lung are indistinguishable histopathologically from sarcoidosis. Common variable immunodeficiency, characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia with absent or decreased levels of specific antibody production leading to r current infections, also mimics sarcoidosis. Granulomatous and lymphocytic interstitial lung disease has been reported in up to 20% of patients with common variable immu odeficiency, and like sarcoidosis can involve multiple organs. Key differences include ecurrent infections, autoimmunity, and extrapulmonary manifestations favoring liver and spleen in common variable immunodeficiency compared to sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is a systemic, multiorgan disease characterized by the formation of noncaseating (otherwise known as nonnecrotizing) granulomas in a yet incompletely understood inflammatory process. Perhaps the most common symptom at presentation is fatigue, which may be seen in up to 80 to 90% of patients at presentation. However, the diagnosis is often delayed, as initial symptoms of fatigue and vague pulmonary symptoms are nonspecific and therefore patients may progress to subacute dyspnea or severe fatigue over the course of multiple office visits prior to diagnosis. Extrathoracic disea e is also common and may present in a variety of ways (see Table 46. Clinical manifestations of sarcoidosis include pulmonary, ocular, dermatologic, hepatic, splenic, cardiac, central and peripheral nervous system, peripheral lymphatic, renal, glandular, muscular, skeletal, nasal, and larynge l involvement. Gastrointestinal involvement is exceedingly rare yet generally asymptomatic (see Table 46. Aside from fatigue, pulmonary manifestations are the most common, noted in approximately 90% of cases, and include chronic cough, dyspnea on exertion, and rarely wheezing or pleuritic chest pain. Chronic dyspnea generally occurs only in late, stage 4 disease due to pulmonary fibrosis. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory respira or pressures have also been shown to correlate with disease severity and may represent a reliable evaluation tool. Six-minute walk testing may show decreased distance that correlates with impairments on spirometry. Generally, variants of cutaneous sarcoidosis include papular rash, plaques, lupus pernio, psoriasiform, annular, subcutaneous nodules (asymptomatic, nontender nodules felt only on palpation), and scar hypertrophy or infiltration. Anterior, intermediate, or posterior uveitis is common, and they may coincide as in diffuse uveitis in 10 to 15% of patients wi h ocular involvement. Symptoms include redness, pain, photophobia, blurred vision, and decreased vision. Although symptoms may be acute, chronic uveitis is common and can lead to eventual blindness. Vitreous opacities may develop, and surgical intervention may be warranted if topical or systemic therapies fail. Sarcoidosis can present as renal calculus disease Hypercalciuria is more common, presenting in up to 50% of sarcoidosis patients wi h hypercalcemia in up to 20% of patients. Generally less than 10% of patients present with neurologic symptoms, yet autopsy studies have shown up to 25% of patients with sarcoidosis have central nervous system involvement. Some patients may present with mo ocular vision loss and oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid, making differentiation from multiple sclerosis difficult. Bony lesions have been noted on positron emission tomography scans, yet are usually asymptomatic and may be mistaken for metastatic disease. Treatment of sarcoidosis generally depends on disease severity and specific organ involvement. Glucocorticoid-sparing immunosuppressive, cytotoxic agents are becoming more commonly utilized, yet there are no established guidelines on their use at present. The patient is diagnosed with sarcoidosis and is treated with high-dose glucocorticoids with good initial response. She is tapered to a dose of prednisone 5 mg daily after 6 month and followed every 2 to 3 months. However, a few months later she develops increased dyspnea on exertion and lower extremity edema. The new onset progre sive dyspnea and lower extremity edema suggest possible cardiac sarcoidosis or pulmonary hype tension. Routine transthoracic echocardiography is essential, and additional diagnostic modalities may be warranted for adequate detection of cardiac disease activity. The latter is thought to be due to granulomatous involvement of pulmonary vasculature and hypoxic vasoconstriction effects. Cardiac catheterization is warranted if estimated right ventricular sy tolic pressures or pulmonary artery pressures are elevated out of proportion to left ventr cular systolic dysfunction. Prognosis of patients with sarcoidosis is variable, and there are few clinical predictors of disease persistence and severity. Transplantation of failed organs s possible and well studied in sarcoidosis, where lung transplant due to severe pulmon ry fibrosis is most common. Furthermore, comorbid conditions and complications, such as pulmonary hypertension, dramatically worsen prognosis. Although likely to be less significant with the advent of protease inhibitor therapy for hepatitis C, prior treatment egimens containing interferon therapy for hepatitis C were reported to be associated w th the onset of granulomatous disease such as sarcoidosis. Although historically with conflicting data, there are reported statistically significant increased relative risks of malignancy in sarcoidosis; skin and hematologic malignancies have the highest relative risk (up to twofold). Respiratory muscle strength, lung function, and dyspnea in patients with sarcoidosis. Fatigue and plasma cytokine concentrations at rest and during exercise in patients with sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis: a comprehensive review and update for the dermatologist: par I Cutaneous disease. Sarcoidosis-associated pulmonary hypertension and lung transplantation for sarcoidosis. Skin exam findings include a patchy, n dular, plaquelike erythematous facial rash over the forehead, nasal, and nasolabial areas bilaterally yet sparing the nasolabial folds. On exam of her lower extremities, you note tender, erythematous subcutaneous nodules up to 1 cm in size Labs/Tests: Hypercalcemia. Endobronchial ultrasound is performed in order to obtain a biopsy from the hilar lymph nodes, which demonstrates noncasea ing granulomas. Treatment: She responds to high doses of glucocorticoids, which are tapered to a dose of prednisone 5 mg daily after 6 months of treatment. Michelle Koolaee eb A 63-Year-Old Male With Acute e /eb Polyarticular Arthritis // t. Three days into his admission he begins to complain of severe bilateral wrist, elbow, and right knee pain On exam, he is febrile to 38. His cardiopulmonary exam is significant for an S3 heart sound, bibasilar crackles, and pitting pedal edema of the low r xtremi ies bilaterally. Musculoskeletal exam reveals tenderness and swelling of the wrists an e bows; here is a moderate effusion in the right knee with associated warmth and tendern ss. A systemic rheumatic illness is unlikely; these tend to present with chronic nflamma ory arthritis. The differential diagnosis of nodules includes xanthoma (history of hyperlipidemia), rheumatoid nodules (multiple joints involved), sarcoidosis (usually located on the lower rather than upper extremities), tumors (less likely to be present in multiple locations superficially), and tophi (which are due to deposition of monosodium urate crystals in and about the joint of a gout patient). The best way to determine the etiology of any arthritis with effusion is arthrocentesis. Furthermore, the uric acid level does not correlate with the sever ty of the gout flare (some patients have severe polyarticular flares with only modest e evation in the serum uric acid). Polarized light microscopy reveals several needle-shaped, negatively birefringent crystals. Septic arthritis can rarely oc ur simultaneously as an acute gout flare, but the leukocyte count is usually over 50,000/mm3 Table 47. Although this patient has type 2 diabetes and gout, both risk factors for septic arthritis, this diagnosis would be highly unlikely given that he p esented with a polyarticular arthritis (bacterial septic arthritis usually presents as a monoarticula arthritis). Also, when interpreting the synovial fluid cell count, note whether the patient received glucocorticoids prior to aspiration; this may also decrease the eukocyte count and lead to inaccurate results. It binds to tubulin (one of the main constituents of microtubules), thereby rendering the microtubule inactive. Colchicine also inhibits neu rophil motility and activity, which leads to an overall antiinflammatory effect /t. Because the patient has type 2 diabetes, systemic glucocorticoids may not be the best option for his polyarticular flare (they are not an absolute contraindication though and can still be given in someone whose blood glucose levels are not dramatically elevated with glucocorticoids). Colchicine, which may be used carefully in patients with renal impairment, is reasonable to consider. Colchicine is also an excellent abortive agent, which when taken at the first sign of a gout attack can often modulate the inflamma ory response and help resolve the symptoms of attack faster than if no treatment is given. Although an intraarticular glucocorticoid injection is the preferred t eatment for a monoarticular gout attack, it is less favorable in oligoarticular or polyarticular gout due to the need for multiple injections. Upon further questioning, the hospitalist notes that he has had several prior disti c episodes of pain and joint swelling for which he had not sought medical attention prior to the current admission. He is counseled on reducing his alcohol intake and decreasing his red meat and shellfish consumption. His hydrochlorothiazide is switched to a calcium channel blocker upon discharge to avoid aggravating his gout. He presents to his primary care physician 1 month after discharge feeling well with complete resolution of the flare. The patient has hyperuricemia with multiple distinct episodes of painful joint swelling consistent with attacks of gout (he has what rheumatologi ts refer to as "crystal proven gout"). Allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine to uric acid; it acts on purine catabolism, reducing the production of uric acid without disrupting the biosynthesis of vital purines. The usual goal is to reduce the serum uric acid level to below 6 mg/dL (and often lower than 6 mg/dL in patients with tophi, as in this case). This can be achieved by gradually increasing the allopurinol dose wh le che king uric acid levels prior to each office visit. Of note, as a patient is started on allopurinol and uric acid store are in flux, acute episodes of gout can and often do occur. This is why most patients are on a low dose of colchicine (with reduced doses for moderate to severe renal impairment) until the uric acid level is at goal. The patients have hyperuricemia, poor muscular control, intellectual disability, and a very striking manifestation of self-mutilating behavior. That is why when a patient presents with a gout flare and is already on allopurinol, the allopurinol should not be stopped (and by the same token, allopurinol should not be first started during an acute flare). For this reason, many clinicians mistakenly believe allopurinol is nephrotoxi, wh n in fact nephrotoxicity (in the form of an interstitial nephritis) is exceedingly rare. In patie ts with decreased ability to excrete the compound (which is renally cleared), allopurinol can increase the chances of these hypersensitivity reactions. Febuxostat is much more expensive than allopurinol, which is why it is not a first-line option for therapy.

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Of course medicine clipart order mesalamine 800mg otc, there are always exceptions to the rule; therefore medicine remix buy cheapest mesalamine, malignancy should always be excluded What is the assessment of risk for malignancy Risk factors include cigarette smoking medicine quetiapine order mesalamine australia, air pollution symptoms torn rotator cuff order 400 mg mesalamine fast delivery, asbestos exposure treatment xanax overdose buy generic mesalamine 400mg, radiation exposure, genetic factors, and collagen vascular diseases. Malignant effusions are diagnosed by the presence of foreign cells and their characteristics. Normal cells found in a pleural fluid include mesothelial cells macr phages, and inflammatory cells. Although there is no single feature diagnostic of malignancy, there are a few common characteristics of tumor types. Adenocarcinomas end to exfoliate in cell balls or glands, whereas lymphomas and melanoma are seen as single tumor cells. Malignant cells also tend to have an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, and the nuclei can be mor hyperchromatic with prominent nucleoli. The background cells (lymphocytes or red blood cells) can be used as a reference point to size. The patient can undergo a bronchoscopy if there is an endobronchial lesion or e larged lymph nodes identified on imaging. The patient is scheduled for a transbronchial biopsy with bronchial brushing and washings as the chosen modality. He undergoes the pr cedu e wi hout complication and is discharged with follow-up of the biopsy results. Although a wedge resection could be performed, there is a higher k own risk of recurrence, and the patient opts for the lobectomy. He undergoes the procedure without complications and is sent home on day 3 postop. You want to see what exactly is submitted, so you go to the lab and see the lobectomy specimen, which reveals a 2. Lung carcinoma is mai ly divided into non-small cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma of the lung. Adenocarcinomas have glandular differentiation and can have the presence of mucin. Squamous cell carcinomas display intercellular bridges (desmosomes) and keratinization. There are certain immunoperoxidase stains that can assist in differentiating types of lung carcinoma as well as distinguish primary versus metastatic disease. There are three overall prognostic groups/grades that have been identified according to 5-year disease-free survival rates. The intermediate group includes nonmuc nous lepidic predominant, papillary predominant, and acinar predominant, w th 90%, 83%, and 84% disease-free survival rates, respectively. The high-grade group includes solid predominant, micropapillary predominant, invasive mucinous adenocar inoma, and colloid predominant with disease-free rates of 70%, 67%, 76%, and 71%, re pectively. Lung cancer staging is based on the size of the primary tumor, lymph node involvement, and distant metastasis. He has no positive lymph nodes; however, his pleural fluid is involved, which makes his disease metastatic. Treatment and prognosis depend on the histologic type of cancer and the stage of the patient. Molecular profiling is the first step in therapy for patients with metastatic disease. The patient is then referred to an oncologist to follow up and get the results of his molecular testing. Pancoast tumors tend not to display the traditional symptoms of lung tumors (cough, chest pain, etc. Patients can present with edema of the face and arms as well as traditional cancer symptoms such as shortness of breath and cough. A new classification has been proposed to provide uniform terminology and diagnostic criteria for lung adenocarcinomas. This classification was submitted by a panel of experts including pathologists, oncologists, pulm n logists radiologists, molecular biologists, and thoracic surgeons. Most Pancoast tumors are non-small cell carcinomas, more specifically squamous cell carcinoma. This is demonstrated by facial congestion, cyanosis, and respiratory distress after 1 minute of elevating both arms to touch the sides of the face. Food and Drug Administration) approved for adenocarcinomas of the lung that are not amenable for surgical resection and metastatic disease. Napsin A, a new mmunoperoxidase stain, is the most specific marker for pulmonary adenoca cinoma. International Association fo the Study of Lung Cancer/ American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society International Multidisciplinary Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma. Thoracentesis and bronchoscopy are performed w th highly suspicious malignant appearing cells noted on both. Diagnosis: Invasive adenocarcinoma with a lepidic and acinar growth pattern in the stroma. He describes his pain as worse with ambulation (particularly going up and down stairs) and better with rest. There are several key questions to always ask anyone who presents to you with knee pain: Duration of symptoms: this patient has chronic knee pain (>3 months), which makes a crystalline arthritis (such as gout or pseudogout) or bacterial septic arthritis (usually monoarticular) a far less likely cause of his symptoms. Both crystalline arthritis and bacterial septic arthritis present with acute knee pain. This patient has limited morning stiffness, which makes a chronic inflammatory rthritis less likely. The right knee has a small effusion, with tenderness at the medial joint space; the knee is not erythematous or warm. There is no worsening of pain when compressing and grinding the patella upon the femur. This is a 68-year-old overweight male with no history of trauma who presents with chronic right knee pain that is worse with weight-bearing activity, medial joint space tenderness with a small effusion, and noninflammatory synovial fluid. The lack of a history of trauma or sensation that the knee is go ng to "give out" or buckle makes the possibility of an acute meniscal or ligament tear very unlikely. Normal articular cartilage is 2 to 5 mm thick and is composed of collagen, proteins, and chondrocytes (the main "worker bee" cell of the cartilage) Chondrocytes occupy only 5% of the cartilage volume but synthesize all of the pro eins needed to create the extracellular matrix (which occupies the remaining 95% of the carti age volume). The chondrocytes also work to maintain a careful balance between the anabolic and catabolic enzymes that promote cartilage integrity. This process results in an imbalance in the proteins that regulate matrix synthesis/degradation, which leads to further cartilage damage. In the majority of cases, history and physical exam are sufficient to establish a diagnosis. Note that on exam, these nodes feel firm and bony, in contrast to synovitis, which feels more boggy. Beneath the articular cartilage lies subchondral bone; when cartilage is damaged, subchondral bone undergoes a remodeling process that causes new bone formation. By payer, this is the second-mos costly condition billed to Medicare and private insurance (2011 data). This includes previous fractures, trauma, ligament tears, congenital abnormalities, and infections in joints. Radiographic features may include osteophytes (bony overgrowth), joint space narrowing, subchondral cyst formation, subchondral sclerosis, and malalignment. He is advised to wear a knee brace for additional support during work and is offered physical therapy to help strengthen hi quadriceps muscles. There are also topical age for pain, including methylsalicylate and menthol (found in over-the-counter pain creams) as well as capsaicin cream. If effective, these inje tions may be performed as frequently as once every 3 months. Due to high costs for these injections and questionable efficacy, many insurance companies do not reimburse for hyaluronic acid injections. If overweight (as in this case), weight loss plays a critical role in reducing symptoms, as this will help decrease mecha ical load on weight-bearing joints. However, there are few risks if any with its use so many clinicians do not object to its use. It is characterized by calcification of the spinal ligaments and results in very characteristic, bulky, flowing osteophytes in the spine (usually in the thoracic spine). In patients with lower extremity joint pa ns pay close attention to their footwear. The use of cushioned footwear such as running or walking shoes can help to reduce pain. Estimates of the pr valence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. The effect of running on the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the hips and knees. Findings: Knee exam reveals a small effusion, bony hypert ophy a valgus deformity, and crepitus. Labs/Tests: Radiographs of the knee reveal severe medial compartment joint space narrowing with subchondral sclerosis and osteophytes. Treatment: An in raarticular glucocorticoid injection provides moderate relief of his knee pain. He is advised to wear a knee brace for additional support during work and is offered physical therapy to help strengthen his quadriceps muscles. She is constantly tired and lack the en rgy to do her usual summer activities with her friends. She denies associated weight loss heat/cold intolerance, anhedonia, drug use, menorrhagia, unprotected sexual con acts, shor ness of breath, skin rashes, or joint swelling. She does report mild episodes of diarrhea but it is well controlled with loperamide as needed. She states that she is a vegan since she started college to avoid the "freshman 15. Pregnancy should be considered in any female of reproductive age with nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue. Taking a sexual history and ordering a pregnancy test is therefore important in the evaluation. Many rheumatologic diseases can cause fatigue, and thus a thorough review of systems and a physical exam that includes the skin, joints, and nails are also important; these will help narrow down which of the many rheumatologic tests are indicated if at all. Laboratory findings include a normal chemistry panel, normal thyroid panel, and negative urine pregnancy test. You explain that her fatigue is likely due to anemia and that there are more tests that you have to order when she follows up in a week. This can be associated without anemia as in c ses of newborns or during pregnancy. However, in a patient with macrocytosis who has an otherwise normal clinical exam and labs, the main differential is between vitamin B12 and folate deficiency. The workup ncludes a peripheral smear, checking a reticulocyte count to confirm the anemia is due to decreased production, and ordering B12/folate levels. If B12 and folate levels are normal and there remains a high suspicion for deficiency, then homocysteine and methylmalonic ac d levels can be ordered as they are more sensitive. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be seen in decreased intake, poor absorption, and increased need. Therefore, vitamin B12 deficiency can happen in ndividuals who are vegan as well as vegetarians who do not consume enough milk, eggs or cheese and do not supplement the vitamin in other ways. This makes it difficult for decreased vitamin intake to be the sole reason for the significant deficiency seen in this patient. A good clinician would consider other reasons for a vitamin B12 deficiency in a young person who has only been a vegan for a couple years. It is possibly due to her diet, though not definitively, and you advise her to take vitamin B12 injections weekly for 8 weeks, then once monthly th reafter. She explains that she is going on a summer trip to Europe and cannot come back to the office that frequently. She also complains that her diarrhea has worsened and is now associated with greasy stools and a rash on her arms. Given that she did not respond to the oral vitamin supplementation, you suspect a malabsorption syndrome and refer her to a gastroenterologist. Malabsorption is characterized by abnormal or suboptimal ab orption of nutrients (fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and minerals) acr ss the gastrointestinal tract. Malabsorption can be subclassified into three categories: selective, partial, and total Selective malabsorption is seen with specific nutrients such as lactose intolerance the causes of malabsorption can be due to infective agents, structural defects, surgical changes mucosal abnormalities, enzyme deficiencies, digestive failure, and systemic diseases (see Table 37. The etiology is unknown, but it also causes ma absorption Unlike celiac disease, most of the injury is distal, with abundant lymphocytes and more eosinophils. The small intestine mucosa demonstrates numerous macrophages containing this organism with no significant inflammation. In addition to malabsorption symptoms, patients can p esent with migratory arthritis and heart disease. At that time, the gastroenterologist had taken multiple biopsies from the stomach and duodenum and submitted them to pathology. The columnar absorptive cells have microvilli on their luminal surface (brush border) to allow absorption. Note the 3-5: 1 villous to crypt ratio (A, low power left; B, high power right hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain). When one is exposed to gliadin, the enzyme transglutaminase modifies the protein, and the immune system cross-reacts with the small bowel, causing an inflammatory response. This response leads to blunting (flattening) of the normal villous lining of the small intestine (villous atrophy). The atrophic villi cannot absorb nutrients effectively, thereby causing malabsorption.


  • Short limb dwarfism Al Gazali type
  • Myofibroblastic tumors
  • Oculomotor nerve palsy
  • Rubella
  • Congenital cystic eye multiple ocular and intracranial anomalies
  • Chromosome 3, trisomy 3p
  • Bubonic plague
  • Split hand split foot nystagmus
  • Oral facial digital syndrome type 3
  • Drachtman Weinblatt Sitarz syndrome


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