Kelly K. Nystrom, PharmD, BCOP
- Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Omaha, Nebraska
Acanthosis nigricans: the characteristic skin changes are thickened everlast my medicine 7.5 mg primaquine, hyperpigmented and velvety areas over the labia majora and perianal region symptoms 1dp5dt buy cheapest primaquine and primaquine. Correction of basic pathology and prolonged topical antifungal therapy clears the infection treatment xdr tb order primaquine 7.5 mg with visa. It is an inflammatory response of the vulva following infections of the bowel or lower genital tract treatment nerve damage primaquine 7.5mg free shipping. Nutritional deficiencies of vitamin B12 symptoms bipolar disorder purchase genuine primaquine online, folic acid, iron and zinc have been found to be related. Sebaceous cyst: these are usually multiple and are formed by accumulation of the sebaceous material due to occlusion of the ducts. Cyst of the canal of Nuck: Part of the processus vaginalis, which accompanied the round ligament and got obliterated prior to birth may persist to form a cyst. Inguinolabial hernia: When the entire processus vaginalis remains patent, there may be herniation of the abdominal contents along the tract. The hernia may be limited to the inguinal canal or may extend up to the anterior part of the labium majus. One should be conscious of the entity as casual surgical incision on labial swelling may cause inadvertent injury to the gut. Vulvar varicosities: these are met predominantly during pregnancy and subside following delivery. If these fails, treatment by injecting sclerosing fluids or high ligature of the long saphenous vein may be of help. Elephantiasis vulva: It is mainly due to consequence of lymphatic obstruction by microfilaria (filariasis). Plastic surgery may be tried to restore the normal anatomy along with antifilarial treatment. Hydradenoma: Hydradenoma arises from the sweat gland in the vulva, usually located in the anterior part of the labia majora (38%). It is a benign lesion but its reddish look and complex adenomatous pattern on histology may be confused with adenocarcinoma. Its presence is limited only during reproductive period and becomes enlarged and tender during menstruation. Treatment is surgical excision and confirmation by biopsy (endometrial glands and stroma with hemosiderin-laden macrophages). Usually, they are located beneath the epidermis in the anterior half of labia majora. Alternative histogenesis is embryonic remnants or occlusion of pilosebaceous ducts of sweat glands. The vaginal epithelial inclusion (epidermoid) cysts arise from the epithelium buried under the mucosa during healing from a traumatic injury following childbirth or surgery. They are usually located in the lower-third of the vagina on the posterior or posterolateral wall. Patient may have associated other chronic pain disorders (irritable bowel, interstitial cystitis). Psychosexual counseling, biofeedback and physical therapy are needed for some cases. Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome is a condition of hyperesthesia (allodynia), pain without any painful stimuli. It is characterized by pain around the ducts of Bartholin gland and the introitus. Improvement of vulvar local hygiene, control of infective agents and allergens, diet modification (low oxalate) are the initial steps. Psychological tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, biofeedback, behavioral treatment and even surgery (vestibulectomy, perineoplasty, laser vaporization) have been tried. Infection, inflammation, trauma (scratching), autoimmune, allergy (atopic), nutritional (deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12, riboflavin, or achlorhydria) are implicated. Diagnosis of vulvar epithelial disorders needs details of history, symptoms, including sexual history. Women with lichen sclerosus or planus should be investigated for autoimmune conditions (p. Multiple biopsies are to be taken from the sky blue areas left behind after applying 1% aqueous toluidine blue and washed off with 1% acetic acid. Considering the risk, local vulvectomy is justified specially when associated with atypia (see p. Psychosexual counseling, behavioral therapy, tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline) are helpful. Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome-may be a generalized or focal painful condition of unknown etiology. Topical agents (steroids, antifungal creams), vestibulectomy, behavioral therapy, have been tried. When the estrogen level is high, it moves out so that the columnar epithelium extends onto the vaginal portion of the cervix replacing the squamous epithelium. Infection: the role of infection as the primary cause of ectopy has been discarded. However, chronic cervicitis may be associated or else the infection may supervene on an ectopy because of the delicate columnar epithelium which is more vulnerable to trauma and infection. Etiology Congenital Acquired Congenital At birth, in about one-third of cases, the columnar epithelium of the endocervix extends beyond the external os. This condition persists only for a few days until the level of estrogen derived from the mother falls. Pathogenesis In the active phase of ectopy, the squamocolumnar junction moves out from the os. The columnar epithelium of the endocervix maintains its continuity while covering the ectocervix replacing the squamous epithelium. The replaced epithelium is usually arranged in a single layer (flat type) or may be so hyperplastic as to fold inwards to accommodate in the increased area-a follicular ectopy. Underneath the epithelium, there are evidences of round cell infiltration and glandular proliferation. The columnar epithelium is less resistant to infection than the squamous epithelium. During the process of healing, the squamocolumnar junction gradually moves up towards the external os. The squamous epithelium grows beneath the columnar epithelium until it reaches at or near to its original position at the external os. Alternatively, the replacement is probably by squamous metaplasia of the columnar cells. The possibility of squamous metaplasia of the reserve cells is also likely (details in Ch 23). During the process, the squamous epithelium may obstruct the mouth of the underlying glands (normally not present in ectocervix) pent up secretion retention cyst nabothian follicle. This process of replacement by the squamous epithelium is called epidermidization. Management Guidelines: All cases should be subjected to cytological examination from the cervical smear to exclude dysplasia or malignancy (see p. Symptomatic cases Detected during pregnancy and early puerperium, the treatment should be withheld for at least 12 weeks postpartum. All the methods employed are based on the principle of destruction of the columnar epithelium to be followed by its healing by the squamous epithelium. It may be mucopurulent, offensive and irritant in presence of infection; may be even blood-stained due to premenstrual congestion. Associated cervicitis may produce backache, pelvic pain and at times, infertility. On rubbing with a gauze piece, there may be multiple oozing spots (sharp bleeding in isolated spots in carcinoma). These thickened tissues tend to push out through the external os along the direction of least resistance. If there is no superimposed infection and the tear is small, the torn surfaces may appose leaving behind only a small notch. Nonobstetric causes of cervical lacerations are during operative procedures of dilatation of the cervix. Differential Diagnosis the diagnosis is confused with: Ectropion: the lips of the cervix are curled back to expose the endocervix. This may be apparent when the lips of the cervix are stretched by the bivalve speculum. Early carcinoma: It is indurated, friable and usually ulcerated which bleeds to touch. Causes Elongation of the supravaginal part is commonly associated with the uterine prolapse. However, congenital elongation of the vaginal part may present the following: Sensation of something coming down Dyspareunia Infertility. They are formed due to blocking of the cervical gland mouths usually as a result of healing of ectopy (epidermidization). The presence of the cysts furthest from the external os indicates the extent of transformation zone. Endometriotic Cysts these are situated in the portio vaginalis part of the cervix. Symptoms include intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding, deep dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea. Mesonephric Cysts these are usually situated on the outerside of the cervical stroma. The existence of the cyst is discovered on speculum examination and confirmation by excision biopsy. In presence of congenital prolapse, some form of cervicopexy has to be done (see p. Healing of the ectopy occurs through replacement of the columnar epithelium by downgrowth of the squamous epithelium or by squamous metaplasia of the columnar cells or the reserve cells. All cases should be subjected to cytological examination to exclude dysplasia or malignancy. Detected during pregnancy, treatment should be withheld for at least 12 weeks postpartum. Persistent ectopy with troublesome discharge should be treated surgically by thermal cauterization, cryosurgery or best by laser vaporization. Supravaginal elongation of the cervix is associated with uterine prolapse and elongation of the vaginal part of the cervix is congenital in origin. Supravaginal elongation needs to be differentiated from congenital elongation of the cervix. Histologically, this tumor is composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue, so named as uterine leiomyoma, myoma or fibromyoma. These are more common in nulliparous or in those having one child infertility Table 20. The prevailing hypothesis is that, it arises from the neoplastic single smooth muscle cell of the myometrium. The following are implicated: Chromosomal abnormality-In about 40% of cases, there is a varying type of chromosomal abnormality, particularly the chromosome six or seven (rearrangements, deletions). Estrogen dependency is evidenced by: Growth potentiality is limited during childbearing period Increased growth during pregnancy They do not occur before menarche Following menopause, there is often cessation of growth and there is no new growth at all 222 Textbook of Gynecology It contains more estrogen receptors than the adjacent myometrium Frequent association of anovulation. The growth potentiality is not squarely distributed amongst the fibroids which are usually multiple, some grow faster than the others. The uterine corpus is almost completely replaced by multiple myomas in subserous, intramural, and submucous positions Interstitial or Intramural (75%) Initially, the fibroids are intramural in position but subsequently, some are pushed outward or inward. Subperitoneal or Subserous (15%) In this condition, the intramural fibroid is pushed outwards towards the peritoneal cavity. When completely covered by peritoneum, it usually attains a pedicle-called pedunculated subserous fibroid. Although, this variety is least common (about 5%) but it produces maximum symptoms Table 20. Chapter 20 x Benign Lesions of the Uterus 223 Pseudocervical fibroid: A fibroid polyp arising from the uterine body when occupies and distends the cervical canal, it is called pseudocervical fibroid. The cut section, in the absence of degenerative changes, shows features of whorled appearance and trabeculation. They have more parallel arrangement and are pinkish in color in contrast to whitish appearance of the tumor. It is through this plane that the tumor is shelled out during myomectomy operation. It is due to contraction of the false capsule that makes the cut surface of the tumor to bulge out. In the supravaginal part of the cervix, it may be interstitial or subperitoneal variety and rarely polypoidal. Interstitial growths may displace the cervix or expand it so much that the external os is difficult to recognize. Naked eye examination on the cut surface shows irregular homogenous areas with loss of whorl-like appearance. Microscopic examination reveals hyaline changes of both the muscles and fibrous tissues. Cystic degeneration usually occurs following menopause and is common in interstitial fibroids. The cystic changes of an isolated big fibroid may be confused with an ovarian cyst or pregnancy. Calcific degeneration (10%) usually involves the subserous fibroids with small pedicle or myomas of postmenopausal women. When whole of the tumor is converted into a calcified mass, it is called "womb stone" (see p.
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Guidewire crossing of the stenosed native aortic valve and positioning of a tightly curved Amplatz extra-stiff guidewire in the left ventricular apex symptoms 3 days after conception order primaquine 15mg without prescription. Although some operators are avoiding predilatation medications without doctors prescription buy generic primaquine 7.5 mg on line, valvuloplasty is usually performed with an under-sized balloon using transient rapid right ventricular pacing at heart rates of 180 beats to 200 beats per minute to minimize pulsatile transaortic flow aquapel glass treatment order primaquine paypal. Advancement of the steerable delivery catheter and crimped valve assembly through the vasculature to a coaxial position above the native valve illness and treatment buy 7.5mg primaquine mastercard. Crossing the native valve treatment thesaurus generic primaquine 15mg with amex, retraction of the sheath, and final positioning in a transvalvar location with approximately 60% to 70% of the prosthesis above the annulus confirmed using coplanar fluoroscopic views +/- transesophageal echo (prosthesis will shorten ~3 mm from the ventricular side during deployment) (Video 29-2). Deployment of the bioprosthetic valve by slow balloon inflation during rapid right ventricular pacing to insure a stable platform (Video 29-3). Assessment of paravalvular regurgitation (by hemodynamics, angiography, and echocardiography). Removal of the catheters and suture-based closure of the percutaneous arteriotomy site or surgical repair of the access site. In patients with severe peripheral artery disease and/ or marked vessel tortuosity, or concerning pathological anatomy of the ascending aorta, there was a pressing need for an alternative to retrograde transfemoral arterial access. The first important nontransfemoral access site for balloon expandable transcatheter valves was the antegrade transapical approach,29 wherein the left ventricular apex was exposed via a small left anterolateral intercostal incision (fifth or sixth intercostal space) to expose the left ventricular apex. After purse string or mattress sutures are placed to secure the apex, direct needle puncture allows introduction of a hemostatic sheath into the left ventricle. Bleeding from the apical entry site is always a concern, and careful surgical closure is required to avoid complications. In addition to transapical access, other interesting alternative access concepts have been developed for patients with unsuitable anatomy for the standard percutaneous transfemoral technique. Recently, the direct aortic approach has become more popular, due to the familiarity with standard surgical procedures involving exposure of the ascending aorta and aortic root cannulation. This retrograde access site is used to Structural Heart InterventIon Other less commonly used access alternatives include direct iliac and distal descending aorta exposure via a retroperitoneal incision for placement of an iliac conduit, direct exposure of a carotid artery, and transcaval access with placement of a sheath from the inferior vena cava to the abdominal aorta followed by closure of the aortotomy hole using implantable occluder devices. In addition, quality of life, measured using the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, improved in 73. No evidence of structural valve deterioration was observed during 1-year follow-up. Overall, mortality at 30 days, 6 months, and 1 year was 15%, 30%, and 37%, respectively. Again, there appeared to be higher early and late mortality associated with the transapical approach, but it was difficult to determine if differences in baseline patient characteristics (co-morbidities) or the transapical access route were responsible. All data were site reported, there were no core laboratories or formal event adjudication committees, and currently, 2-year follow-up results have been reported. The 30-day, 1-year, and 2-year all-cause mortality for transapical patients was 11%, 26%, and 34. Most of the late deaths were from noncardiac causes, as the 2-year cardiac mortality was only 12. The Multicenter Canadian Study is another real-world registry that sought to capture the early experiences with balloon expandable valves in the Canadian population. Long-term outcomes including nearly 4 years of systematic follow-up results have been published. Patients with either porcelain aorta (18%) or frailty (25%) exhibited 30-day outcomes similar to the rest of the study population, and porcelain aorta patients tended to have a better survival at 1 year. Predictors of late mortality were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, and frailty. A mild nonclinically significant decrease in valve area was seen at 2-year follow-up, but no further reduction in valve area was observed during the later follow-up evaluations (mean 3. No late changes in paravalvular regurgitation and no cases of structural valve failure were observed during the extended follow-up period. Importantly, vascular complications were no longer associated with increased mortality, due to improved management strategies and fewer major events. There was dramatic symptom improvement in survivors at 1 year and all-cause mortality at 1 year was better in women (p = 0. The 1-year mortality was almost double in the transapical versus the transfemoral patients (27. In both studies, the follow-up was at least 1 year in all patients before assessing the primary endpoint results and other outcomes. The primary endpoint analysis at 1 year indicated a reduction in all-cause mortality from 50. There were no signs of structural valve deterioration during the current 5 years of follow-up. The left side of the panel demonstrates cumulative mortality in the two groups in the first year of follow-up. The middle portion of the panel shows mortality in the second year of follow-up, conditional upon survival up to 1 year. The right side of the panel shows mortality in the third year of follow-up, conditional upon survival up to 2 years. The right side of the panel shows mortality in the second and third years of follow-up, conditional upon survival up to 1 year. The primary endpoint was a nonhierarchical composite of all-cause mortality, disabling stroke, and repeat hospitalization at 1 year, using a noninferiority study methodology. The primary endpoint was a composite of all-cause mortality and disabling stroke at 2 years, using a noninferiority study methodology. An inflow portion with high radial forces to exclude the native valve and seal the annulus 2. An outflow portion that has low radial force to help orient the valve in the aorta Within the constrained portion of the frame is a sewn porcine pericardial tissue valve, which is designed to be supra-annular. This design allows the valve to remain circular at the coaptation point of the leaflets even in noncircular annular geometries, which in theory, leads to optimized hemodynamics. The second generation device utilized porcine pericardial tissue, thereby reducing the crimped profile and allowing delivery through a 21 Fr sheath. A firstin-human trial with the first and second generation systems demonstrated acute device success of 88% but with an in-hospital mortality rate of 20%. The third generation of the device reduced the profile further to 18 Fr, allowing for fully percutaneous delivery without hemodynamic support. Also the frame design was modified to have a broader upper segment, allowing for improved fixation in the ascending aorta. A multicenter study utilizing both the second and third generation devices demonstrated acute device success of 88% with a procedural mortality of 6%. Mean aortic regurgitation as assessed by the site based on echo and aortography was unchanged from baseline. The CoreValve ReValving system is currently available in four different sizes: 23, 26, 29, and 31 mm. The valve promises to have several refinements from the original CoreValve to improve anatomical fit, annular sealing, and durability. The nitinol frame has been designed to confirm better to the annulus across different size ranges, which may reduce the stress on the conduction system and thereby reduce the frequency of permanent pacemakers. The height of the Evolut R frame has also been reduced so that it is approximately 10% shorter than the prior CoreValve. Plus, the pericardial skirt has been extended on the inflow side to improve annular seal and potentially reduce paravalvular regurgitation. Moreover, the sheath has been integrated into the delivery catheter so that the outer diameter of the entire system is 18 Fr, which is equivalent to a 14 Fr sheath. The valve is currently available in 23-, 26-, and 29-mm sizes but a 31-mm valve will soon be available. ProceduralDetailsfor CoreValveImplantation the standard delivery route for CoreValve implantation is via the transfemoral approach, which requires two operators and in general the approach is similar across sites. Typically, it is inserted via the right internal jugular vein to facilitate patient mobilization. The vast majority of procedures are performed percutaneously utilizing the "preclose" technique for vascular closure, but surgical cutdown is utilized in some cases. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty with an undersized balloon can be performed at this point but is not necessary. The CoreValve device is advanced across the aortic valve and the fluoroscopic view is adjusted based on the distal marker of the sheath to ensure coaxial deployment of the valve. The valve is positioned so that the first "node" is at the annulus and the valve is slowly unsheathed by rotating the wheel on the delivery catheter. Aortograms are performed as the valve flairs to ensure that device is landing ~4 mm below the annulus (Video 29-5). Ventricular pacing at a rate of 100 bpm to 120 bpm can be performed at this point to stabilize the valve. Once the valve has made annular contact (one third deployed), the valve can be unsheathed to the twothirds position rapidly (blood pressure can drop at this point due to the prosthesis obstructing outflow). Assessment of aortic regurgitation is performed by multiple modalities (hemodynamic assessment, aortogram, echocardiogram). If significant paravalvular regurgitation is present, postdilatation can be performed with an appropriately sized balloon, which is typically the minimum diameter of the annulus as measured on 3D reconstructions. For patients without iliofemoral access, the CoreValve prosthesis can be placed via a subclavian or direct aortic approach. The procedure for implantation via the subclavian artery first requires exposure of the artery Structural Heart InterventIon AlternativeAccessApproaches 469 in the deltopectoral groove of the anterior chest wall. After placement of purse string sutures, a 6 Fr sheath is introduced into the vessel using a modified Seldinger technique. Next using an exchange catheter, a stiff wire is advanced into the ascending aorta. After successive dilatation of the artery, the 18 Fr delivery system sheath is advanced through the subclavian artery and into the ascending aorta. The sheath is withdrawn at the end of the procedure and the purse string suture is tied. Utilization of the subclavian approach requires careful preoperative screening to ensure that the vessel size is adequate (minimal size, 6 mm) and that there is minimal tortuosity and calcification. In cases where there is a patent left internal mammary artery supplying coronary flow, extreme caution should be used, and the minimal vessel size at that level needs to be large enough to allow flow to the mammary even with the sheath in place. When iliofemoral or subclavian access is not possible for CoreValve insertion, a direct aortic approach can be carried out via a small right anterior thoracotomy or a small right upper "J" hemisternotomy. After gaining exposure to the ascending aorta, pledgeted purse string sutures are placed. Operators must be careful to ensure that there is adequate distance (~7 cm) between the intended puncture site and the aortic valve. A 6 Fr sheath is then inserted within the purse string sutures using a modified Seldinger technique. Valve deployment then proceeds in the standard fashion without predilatation of the valve. After deployment of the prosthesis, the purse string sutures are tied under direct vision, and the chest wall is closed is in regular surgical fashion. Several different registries have reported short, intermediate, and long-term outcomes with the third generation CoreValve prosthesis. Procedural success in this early experience was 97% with a 30-day all-cause mortality of 8%. Recently, outcomes out to 3 years in 181 patients in the Italian registry demonstrate an all-cause mortality rate at 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years of 23. The actuarial survival free from a composite of death, major stroke, myocardial infarction, and life-threatening bleeding was 69. While varying degrees of paravalvular leak were observed in a majority of patients, no cases of structural valve deterioration were seen. A New Zealand and Australia CoreValve-only registry of 441 patients from 10 different centers reported 2-year outcomes. These early registries demonstrated that implantation of a CoreValve prosthesis was feasible with high procedural success, and survival was reasonable with appropriate patient selection. In addition, although not adjudicated, these early studies identified important procedural complications. First, all sites were experienced and had performed at least 40 procedures prior to participating. Second, all patients were monitored and the primary endpoints were adjudicated by a clinical events committee. Initially the study was designed as two separate randomized controlled trials for both "high-risk" and "extreme-risk" groups. Risk assessment was performed by the local heart team and adjudicated on a conference call with members of the trial screening committee. The primary endpoint for the "extreme-risk" group was all-cause mortality and major stroke at 12 months, while for the "high-risk" group it was all-cause mortality at 12 months. The Extreme Risk Study enrolled patients at 41 centers in the United States between February 2011 and August 2012. There was a high frequency of important co-morbidities such as severe lung disease (29. Also for the first time, detailed frailty metrics were collected revealing a much debilitated population. The trial met its primary endpoint of all-cause mortality and major stroke at 1 year with a rate of 26. Conduction abnormalities were frequent, and new permanent pacemakers were required in 21. Based on the strength of the data from the high-risk cohort, the Medtronic CoreValve was approved for use in high-risk patients in June 2014. Patients undergoing catheter-based techniques were significantly older and had higher risk profiles.
Common maneuvers to help navigate this include asking patients to take a deep breath to straighten the segment and or to use an angled hydrophilic guidewire treatment quad tendonitis purchase primaquine cheap online. In addition treatment xanthelasma eyelid discount primaquine 15mg on-line, sheathless guide catheters that allow a larger inner diameter catheter without increasing the outer diameter have been developed to provide more support medicine yoga discount 15mg primaquine. Perforation Perforation of the radial artery is usually caused by forceful manipulation of the hydrophilic wire treatment 8mm kidney stone buy 7.5mg primaquine free shipping, sheath medicine 3604 primaquine 15mg for sale, or catheter. Failure to achieve hemostasis can lead to hematoma formation and/or compartment syndrome in the forearm. If perforation is detected at the time of guide catheter advancement, the catheter should be advanced across the site of the perforation and the coronary procedure carried out. The guide serves as an internal hemostasis to prevent contrast extravasations even in fully anticoagulated patients. Hematoma at the sheath insertion site is usually due to ineffective 3 compression. Forearm hematoma is due to radial artery perforation during the introduction of the wire, sheath, or catheter. Larger hematoma can cause symptoms of hand ischemia, especially when collateral circulation of the hand is poor. Effective compression of the forearm can be achieved by using a blood pressure cuff, though such nonspecific compression may sometimes facilitate development of compartment syndrome. The forearm has the anterior compartment, which contains muscles and neurovascular bundles covered by the antebrachial fascia (deep fascia of the forearm). As such, any bleeding contained within the fascia can cause high fluid pressure (which prevents venous and lymphatic drainage with edema), nerve damage, and eventually muscle damage collectively called compartment syndrome. Pain is usually out of proportion to the injury, especially with passive extension of the fingers (pathognomonic sign). The true lumen was wired, a guide catheter was passed over it, and percutaneous coronary intervention was performed on the culprit artery. B, Perforation site at the end of the procedure showing no active extravasation of contrast. A and B show swelling at the radial artery puncture site 5 months after transradial procedure. C, Duplex ultrasound of the radial artery showing a large, patent vessel with a short neck of blood flow into a partially thrombosed pseudoaneurysmal sac. Treatment involves prolonged manual compression, cessation/reversal of anticoagulation as needed, ultrasound-guided compression/thrombin injection, and, in rare cases, surgery. Radial Arteriovenous Fistula sheaths (incidence up to 2% with certain older brands of sheath). Diagnosis is by biopsy that shows sterile granulomas with chronic inflammation and giant cell reaction. Radial Artery Avulsion Arteriovenous fistula between the radial artery and the veins is a rare complication (0. Sterile Granuloma this is a rare complication due to excessive radial artery spasm during sheath removal. In some cases, the sheath should be left in place and an attempt at removal should be performed several hours later. In very rare cases, general anesthesia may be necessary to completely resolve the spasm. The artery is usually smaller than the radial Sterile granuloma at the entry site is due to chronic inflammation at the arterial entry site due to hydrophilic coated 49 artery (although this is variable), has a deeper course in the forearm and wrist making it difficult to palpate, and lies in close proximity to the neurovascular bundle at the wrist. Preprocedural considerations, access technique, and postprocedure care including closure are similar to those described under radial access. Transulnar access has been found to have a higher crossover rate due to access failure when compared with transradial access. However, in a few patient subsets, the ulnar artery pulse may be stronger than the radial and can serve as an access site for failed transradial access. The advantage of brachial access over radial access is the larger size of the artery, which can accommodate larger sheath sizes. However, brachial access carries with it the risk of distal ischemia and embolization. The brachial artery is a continuation of the axillary artery below the lower border of the teres major muscle, runs down the ventral surface of the arm into the cubital fossa on the medial aspects of the biceps brachialis, and divides into the radial and ulnar arteries. The artery is in close proximity with the median nerve, which is medial to the artery at the level of the cubital fossa. In addition, a fascia covers the brachial artery and hence a hematoma can risk compartment syndrome. The basilic vein arises from the dorsum of the hand, traverses through the medial part of the forearm and arm, continues as the axillary vein and the subclavian vein, which joins with the internal jugular vein to form the brachiocephalic vein, which drains into the superior vena cava and then into the right atrium. The basilic vein at the elbow is being increasingly used for right heart catheterization. Procedure Procedure Have the nurse insert an intravenous heplock in the basilic vein in the prep area. Exchange the line for a 5 Fr sheath in the cardiac catheterization laboratory after prepping and draping the area. In some patients, the subclavian vein joins the internal jugular vein into the brachiocephalic vein at an angle that may make the passage of the Swan-Ganz catheter difficult. Complication the arm is abducted on an arm board and the brachial artery site in and around the antecubital fossa is prepped and draped. Preprocedural considerations are similar to those described under the radial access section. The artery is palpated just proximal to the antecubital fossa where the biceps tendon can be felt. The artery is entered with the modified Seldinger technique and exchanged for a suitable size sheath. Anterior wall puncture is preferable to a through and through puncture to reduce the risk of hematoma. After access is obtained, intraarterial administration of a vasodilator cocktail will help minimize spasm. Anticoagulation with heparin (or bivalirudin for patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) also can potentially reduce the risk of ischemic complications. In rare cases, perforation of the vein, especially at the point of insertion into the internal subclavian vein, can result in infraclavicular hematoma. OtherVenousAccess-Femoral/ InternalJugular Procedure ClosureandComplications After the procedure the sheath should be left in for a short period of time and removed immediately after diagnostic catheterization or after the effect of anticoagulants has worn off after interventional procedures (as described under the femoral arterial access section). The reported rates of complication are high and many patients with access complication require surgical correction (for brachial artery thrombosis or pseudoaneurysm). In addition, various vascular closure devices such as the Angio-Seal have been used for brachial artery hemostasis with a high success rate. The vein is distinguished from the artery as it is more compressible than the artery and with the triphasic Doppler signal from the artery. Once the ideal site is obtained, local anesthesia should be administered starting with the skin and working deeper (can be done under ultrasound guidance). An 18-gauge or a 20-gauge needle is then used to enter the vein under direct ultrasound guidance and using the modified Seldinger technique. Closure Manual compression is the most commonly used modality to obtain hemostasis after cannulation of the veins. Care must be taken not to pull back on the device too much as the thin-walled veins can tear. This is ideal for fully anticoagulated patients and those who receive thrombolytic agents. In addition, in patients undergoing structural heart procedure with the insertion of a sheath >10 Fr size, preclosure of the vein using the technique described under the 50 Perclose section has been found to be successful with a very 109 I low complication rate. Dangas G, Mehran R, Kokolis S, et al: Vascular complications after percutaneous coronary interventions following hemostasis with manual compression versus arteriotomy closure devices. Koreny M, Riedmuller E, Nikfardjam M, et al: Arterial puncture closing devices compared with standard manual compression after cardiac catheterization: systematic review and metaanalysis. Nikolsky E, Mehran R, Halkin A, et al: Vascular complications associated with arteriotomy closure devices in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures: a meta-analysis. Gall S, Tarique A, Natarajan A, et al: Rapid ambulation after coronary angiography via femoral artery access: a prospective study of 1,000 patients. Nguyen N, Hasan S, Caufield L, et al: Randomized controlled trial of topical hemostasis pad use for achieving vascular hemostasis following percutaneous coronary intervention. Mlekusch W, Dick P Haumer M, et al: Arterial puncture site management after percutaneous, transluminal procedures using a hemostatic wound dressing (Clo-Sur P. Chevalier B, Lancelin B, Koning R, et al: Effect of a closure device on complication rates in high-local-risk patients: results of a randomized multicenter trial. Careful planning is necessary to choose the optimal access site, though for arterial access, the radial artery is gaining popularity. Nevertheless, femoral arterial access will remain important for procedures that need larger diameter access sites, such as for percutaneous valves or hemodynamic support devices. Hemostasis is also a critical part of the procedure, and this stage is crucial to minimize what has become the most common source of complications in patients undergoing interventional procedures-vascular complications. Rapoport S, Sniderman K, Morse S, et al: Pseudoaneurysm: a complication of faulty technique in femoral arterial puncture. Dudeck O, Teichgraeber U, Podrabsky P et al: A randomized trial assessing the value of, ultrasound-guided puncture of the femoral artery for interventional investigations. Yatskar L, Selzer F Feit F et al: Access site hematoma requiring blood transfusion predicts, mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: data from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Dynamic Registry. Branzan D, Sixt S, Rastan A, et al: Safety and efficacy of the StarClose vascular closure system using 7- Fr and 8- Fr sheath sizes: a consecutive single-center analysis. Sanghvi K, Kurian D, Coppola J: Transradial intervention of iliac and superficial femoral artery disease is feasible. Patel T, Shah S, Ranjan A, et al: Contralateral transradial approach for carotid artery stenting: a feasibility study. Shah B, Bangalore S, Feit F et al: Radiation exposure during coronary angiography via transra, dial or transfemoral approaches when performed by experienced operators. Sanmartin M, Cuevas D, Moxica J, et al: Transradial cardiac catheterization in patients with coronary bypass grafts: feasibility analysis and comparison with transfemoral approach. Coppola J, Patel T, Kwan T, et al: Nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, or both, in preventing radial artery spasm during transradial artery catheterization. Rhyne D, Mann T: Hand ischemia resulting from a transradial intervention: successful management with radial artery angioplasty. Dehghani P Mohammad A, Bajaj R, et al: Mechanism and predictors of failed transradial, approach for percutaneous coronary interventions. Sciahbasi A, Mancone M, Cortese B, et al: Transradial percutaneous coronary interventions using sheathless guiding catheters: a multicenter registry. Abu-Ful A, Benharroch D, Henkin Y: Extraction of the radial artery during transradial coronary angiography: an unusual complication. Lupattelli T, Clerissi J, Clerici G, et al: the efficacy and safety of closure of brachial access using the Angio-Seal closure device: experience with 161 interventions in diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia. The informed, effective, and judicious use of drugs in the modern interventional suite allows invasive cardiovascular procedures to be performed safely while maintaining hemodynamic and electrical stability of patients and minimizing complications. The pathogenesis of coronary arterial thrombosis is characterized by atherosclerotic plaque disruption (usually rupture or erosion), followed by platelet activation and aggregation and resultant thrombus formation. More than a century later, aspirin is one the most commonly used medications worldwide. These two initially separate pathways ultimately converge on the common pathway and activate prothrombin to the active enzyme thrombin which is important to catalyze the production of fibrin. The use of low-dose aspirin (81 mg in the United States, 75 mg or 100 mg elsewhere) is supported by the saturability of its antiplatelet effect at low doses, the lack of dose-response relationship in studies evaluating its clinical anti-ischemic effects, and the dose-dependent response associated with its bleeding side effects. Its use was eclipsed by the use of safer and more potent P2Y12 receptor inhibitors, especially given its significant hematologic toxicity. It is a prodrug that requires a two-step hepatic bioconversion to its active metabolite. Clopidogrel has a similar clinical efficacy as ticlopidine in preventing stent thrombosis. Pharmacotherapy in the Modern Interventional Suite Prasugrel Prasugrel is a thienopyridine pro-drug that requires conversion to an active metabolite before binding to the platelet P2Y12 receptor to confer antiplatelet effects. However,prasugrel was associated with higher rate of the key safety endpoint (major bleeding) and more life-threatening and fatal bleeding events. Notably, ticagrelor treatment resulted in absolute risk reduction in overall mortality of 1. On the other hand, maintenance therapy >12 months may also be reasonable in certain patients at higher risk of ischemic events. Because of its reversible inhibition of the P2Y12 receptor, ticagrelor is associated with quicker functional recovery of circulating platelets and a faster offset of effect than clopidogrel. This may theoretically pose a problem for noncompliant patients, especially given its twice-daily dosing regimen. Among clopidogrel non-responders, the directacting ticagrelor therapy inhibited platelet reactivity below the cut points associated with ischemic risk. Although these agents have a role in selective clinical settings, their use has diminished with the advent and widespread use of P2Y12 receptor inhibitors and newer anticoagulants. Double-bolus eptifibatide (180-mcg/kg bolus followed 10 minutes later by a second 180-mcg/kg bolus) and high-bolus dose tirofiban (25 mcg/kg) have been adopted to achieve a high degree of platelet inhibition, similar to abciximab. Longer infusions are associated with increased bleeding hazards and thrombocytopenia and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. When given as a bolus plus infusion, it quickly and consistently inhibits platelets to a high degree, with normalization of platelet function within 60 min after discontinuation. Thus, cangrelor is likely to play a role in patients who require rapid, predictable, and 4 profound but reversible platelet inhibition.
Finally medications 230 discount 7.5mg primaquine with amex, venous claudication symptoms at 4 weeks pregnant safe primaquine 7.5 mg, particularly with an increase in venous pressure by three times the normal with exercise compared with the contralateral leg symptoms nausea headache buy primaquine toronto, should raise suspicion for an iliac compression syndrome medications 1 order genuine primaquine. The most reliable test symptoms diverticulitis order cheapest primaquine and primaquine, however, in identifying iliac venous compression is the intravascular ultrasound. The treatment of superficial venous reflux can range from graded compression therapy, which is generally the firstline treatment, followed by ablative or surgical stripping of the refluxing superficial veins if symptoms persist. Compression therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of discomfort, swelling, and ulcerations in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. Historically, this method of treatment has been used since antiquity59 and remains the standard of care in the initial treatment of patients with venous insufficiency. Its aim is to reduce capacity and Compression Therapy Endovascular Heat Ablative Therapies Endovascular ablative therapies consist of thermal and nonthermal ablation methods. Steam Ablation is also a thermal ablative method available in Europe but not yet approved in the United States. Endovascular Laser Ablation bubbles mediated by red blood cells with shorter wavelength lasers, and heat conduction. In the same study, a slightly higher reopening of great saphenous vein is seen with the laser compared with surgery at 2 years. Some of these factors include the power settings (watts or joules per seconds), velocity of pullback of the laser fiber (cm per seconds), and vessel diameter. Other factors may include wavelength of the laser, fiber contact with vessel wall, and the type of fibers used (covered versus noncovered), but these need to be more validated in controlled studies. Vessel wall water has a higher affinity to higher wavelength lasers (1319 nm, 1320 nm, and 1470 nm) whereas red blood cells have a higher affinity to shorter wavelength lasers (810 nm, 940 nm, and 980 nm). Heat is then conducted to deeper tissue, causing endothelial denudation, denaturation of collagen, and obliteration of the vein with a fibrotic seal. It is effective in ablating smaller spider and reticular veins but also used for ablating deeper (done under ultrasound guidance) saphenous veins, nonsaphenous tributaries, or incompletely treated saphenous veins. Sclerotherapy with ultrasound guidance for incompetent truncal and tributary varicose veins was shown to be highly effective. Neurosensorial (migraine, transient blurred vision, transient ischemic attack and stroke [0. The most commonly used ones are polidocanol, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, hypertonic solution, and chromated glycerin. Polidocanol causes less pigmentation, necrosis, and pain than sodium tetradecyl sulfate. Typically the lowest appropriate concentration is used, and a low injection pressure is applied. Avoiding infiltration is important to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation and skin necrosis. Experimental models suggest that 1 steam pulse per cm is likely to create heterogenous results and is insufficient for vein ablation whereas 2 to 3 pulses per cm seem to be adequate. A metal wire with a small ball at the tip runs through the catheter and induces vein wall injury by rotating at 3500 rpm for 2 to 3 seconds. Also, it is 437 unclear how anticoagulation can affect the outcome of this procedure. Robert Muller, a dermatologist from Switzerland in the mid-1950s, refined this technique. This technique needs to be avoided in patients with skin infections near the phlebectomy site, severe lower extremity edema, and in patients on anticoagulation, or who have thrombophilia. It is generally performed under local or general anesthesia and is an outpatient procedure. One or more incisions are made over the large varicosities; the vein is tied off and removed using a stripper. The magnitude of the differences became less between 1 week and 4 months follow-up. Venous wall tension and hypoxia of the venous wall are likely to be underlying mechanisms for generating pain in the early phases of venous insufficiency. Hemorheological disorders with increased blood viscosity are likely to worsen the hypoxic injury to the vessel wall, which triggers an inflammatory reaction leading also to pain and restlessness. Venous pressures along with increase in capillary permeability due to inflammation lead to edema. Although the mainstay of treatment is to reduce venous pressures and obliterate refluxing veins, pharmacological management may have a role in the management of these patients. Randomized trials have shown that horse-chestnut extract is effective in reducing symptoms of edema comparably to compression stockings and significantly better than placebo. Dobesilate reduces capillary permeability and platelet aggregation with an increase in endotheliumdependent relaxation secondary to nitric oxide synthesis. Smaller and more recent ulcers tend to heal more frequently, and in a shorter duration of time (ulcers less than 5 cm2, 72% healed at a mean time of 7. In addition, at 3 years follow-up, the recurrence rate was reduced with surgery to 9% versus 38% in the compression group (p <0. Treatment of the refluxing truncal saphenous veins may lead to healing of ulcerations without treatment of perforators. For medial ulcers, the focus needs to be on the posterior tibial perforators, and for lateral malleolar ulcerations on the lateral calf and ankle perforators. These include radiofrequency,126,127 laser ablation,128 or ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. Abnormal spectral Doppler flow in one common femoral vein compared with the other should raise suspicion of proximal venous obstruction. Predictors of failure following treatment of refluxing perforators should raise suspicion for abnormal proximal venous flow. Deep venous valve reflux can contribute to the development of progressive chronic venous insufficiency leading to ulcerations and disability. Treatment of the deep venous valves is a target in patients with advanced symptoms of ulceration and impaired quality of life. An open surgical technique to treat the femoral vein valves has been described in a select group of patients with postphlebitic syndrome. A modification on this open technique is external venous valve repair (transcommisural valvuloplasty), which was described in a series of 179 patients with significant improvement of pain and swelling, and cumulative ulcer recurrence-free interval of 63% at 30 months. Finally, the construction of neovalve136 in the deep venous system seems to improve reflux and healing at a median follow-up of 5 months. Successful treatment of deep venous refluxing valves with no repair options (as seen in end-stage venous insufficiency or post-thrombotic cases) has so far been in autogenous valve transfer using surgical techniques. Transcatheter deep valve repair is a nonsurgical approach that is currently under intense investigation and remains well in its very early stages. In a goat animal model,139 endoscopic harvesting of a valve-containing segment of external jugular vein, sutured within a self-expanding Wallstent, was compressed and delivered through a 12 Fr sheath to the contralateral external jugular vein. On 3-month follow-up, 8 out of 9 valves were intact and nonthickened and were free of thrombus. Recently, and in a sheep model,141 a segment of vein from the internal jugular with a venous valve was mounted on a circumferential barbed stent and deployed into the contralateral internal jugular vein. At 6 months, there was no thrombus, tilting, migration, or incompetence in these valves. On the other hand, using a valve-containing vein segment harvested from a bovine jugular vein preserved in glutaraldehyde and mounted on a balloon expandable stent in six lambs in the inferior vena cava yielded total occlusions of these valves in 2 months. The autograft seems to have the most reliable success when implanted percutaneously or surgically. Several valve designs are currently in research with a particular focus on tissue-engineered valves. NiTi or nitinol is a nickel-titanium alloy, biologically inert, has shape memory, and could be made in ultrathin membranes (eNitinol) that are flexible enough to be used in valve development. Over 25 million people in the United States suffer from progressive chronic venous disease that eventually leads to venous hypertension, venous insufficiency, hyperpigmentation, and disabling venous ulcerations. The venous anatomy and physiology is complex and understanding it is important to correctly identify and treat superficial venous disease. Different safe and effective percutaneous methods have evolved in treating the superficial venous system, and surgical vein stripping is now infrequently performed. A full evaluation of the patient is important and a detailed mapping to the venous circulatory network is required for an effective therapeutic strategy. Percutaneous valve transplantation to the deep venous system may become an important future therapy in symptomatic patients with deep venous reflux. McGuckin M,Waterman R, Brooks J, et al:Validation of venous leg ulcer guidelines in the United States and United Kingdom. Lafuma A, Fagnani F Peltier-Pujol F et al: Venous disease in France: an unrecognized public, health problem [in French]. Revision of the venous clinical severity score: venous outcomes consensus statement: special communication of the American Venous Forum Ad Hoc Outcomes Working Group. Fowler B, Zygmunt J, Ramirez H, et al: Venous insufficiency evaluation with duplex scanning. Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al: Definition of venous reflux in lower extremity veins. Labropolous N, Kokkosis A, Spentzouris G, et al: the distribution and significance of varicosities in the saphenous trunks. Hirai M, Naiki K, Nakayama R: Chronic venous insufficiency in primary varicose veins evaluated by plethysmographic technique. Belcaro G, Labropoulos N, Christopoulos D, et al: Noninvasive tests in venous insufficiency. Caggiati A, Rosi C, Heyn R, et al: Age-related variations of varicose veins anatomy. Couzan S, Leizorovicz A, Laporte S, et al: A randomized double-blind trial of upward progressive versus degressive compressive stockings in patients with moderate to severe chronic venous insufficiency. Almeida J, Mackay E, Javier J, et al: Saphenous laser ablation at 1470 nm targets the vein wall, not blood. Schwarz T, Von Hodenberg E, Furtwangler C, et al: Endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins with the 1470-nm diode laser. Pannier F Rabe E, Maurins U: First results with a new 1470-nm diode laser for endovenous, ablation of incompetent saphenous veins. Thomis S, Verbrugghe P Milleret R, et al: Steam ablation versus radiofrequency and laser abla, tion: an in vivo histological comparative trial. Nael R, Rathbun S: Effectiveness of foam sclerotherapy for the treatment of varicose veins. Almeida J, et al Cyanoacrylate glue great saphenous vein ablation: preliminary 180-day follow-up of a first-in-man feasibility study of a no-compression-no-local-anesthesia technique. Petruzzellis V, Troccoli T, Candiani C, et al: Oxerutins (Venoruton): efficacy in chronic venous insufficiency-a double blind randomized controlled study. Diehm C, Vollbrecht D, Amendt K, et al: Medical edema protection-clinical benefit in patients with chronic deep vein incompetence. Vayssairat M: Placebo-controlled trial of naftozone in women with primary uncomplicated symptomatic varicose veins. Zamboni P Cisno C, Marchetti F et al: Minimally invasive surgical management of primary, venous ulcers vs. The care of patients with varicose veins and associated chronic venous diseases: clinical practice guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery and the American Venous Forum. Bello M, Scriven M, Hartshorne T, et al: Role of superficial venous surgery in the treatment of venous ulceration. Elias S, Peden E: Ultrasound-guided percutaneous ablation for the treatment of perforating vein incompetence. Maleti O, Perrin M: Reconstructive surgery for deep vein reflux in the lower limbs: techniques, results and indications. Lugli M, Guerzoni S, Garofalo M, et al: Neovalve construction in deep venous incompetence. Pavcnik D, Yin Q, Uchida B, et al: Percutaneous autologous venous valve transplantation: shortterm feasibility study in an ovine model. Boudjemline Y, Bonnet D, Sidi D, et al: Is percutaneous implantation of a bovine venous valve in the inferior vena cava a reliable technique to treat chronic venous insufficiency syndrome Moriyama M, Kubota S, Tashiro H, et al: Evaluation of prosthetic venous valves, fabricated by electrospinning, for percutaneous treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Weber B, Robert J, Ksiazek A, et al: Living engineered valves for transcatheter venous valve repair. To achieve this goal, vascular surgeons primarily use vascular accesses created from native tissue, but when suitable autogenous components are not available, prosthetic arteriovenous grafts are preferred over tunneled catheter systems. The creation of hemodialysis fistulas and grafts has become one of the most common types of vascular surgery in the United States, accounting for 40% to 50% of the operative volume in some programs. This chapter defines the pathophysiology of hemodialysis access failure, reviews the success rates for endovascular treatments, and uses color figures and videos to illustrate the catheter-based approaches for treating failing and thrombosed fistulas and grafts. In the hemodialysis population, the 1-year mortality rate after myocardial infarction exceeds 50%. A radial-cephalic fistula (small distal arrows) is created by an end-to-side anastomosis between the cephalic vein and the radial artery, with ligation of the distal stump of the cephalic vein. Another common configuration in the upper arm entails mobilization and tunneling of the basilic vein laterally and superficially for an end-to-side anastomosis with the brachial artery, creating a transposed brachial-basilic fistula. Loop grafts are favored over straight grafts because they increase the length of the graft amenable to needle entry.
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