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D. Berek, MD
Associate Professor, State University of New York Upstate Medical University
Air pollution detailed estimates are based on the Central Study Scenario only blood pressure low cheap 80mg inderal fast delivery, with ranges derived from the methods applied and detailed in the full report heart attack remind for you generic inderal 40 mg free shipping. Cumulative (20132050) present value of monetized impacts of the Study Scenario relative to the Baseline Scenario Costs © ЄBenefits $40 Chapter 3 Summary 137 Chapter 3 Summary Chapter 3 Summary Additional Impacts Associated with the Study Scenario the Study Scenario contributes to reductions in both long-term natural gas price risk and natural gas prices blood pressure chart british heart foundation buy inderal 10mg fast delivery, compared to the Baseline Scenario blood pressure 10 buy generic inderal 80mg on-line. Additionally, the Study Scenario leads to a potential $280 billion in consumer savings due to reduced natural gas prices outside the electric sector, equivalent to a levelized consumer benefit from wind energy of 2. The Study Scenario supports a robust domestic wind industry, with wind-related gross jobs from investments in new and operating wind power plants ranging from 201,000 to 265,000 in 2030, and increasing to between 526,000 and 670,000 in 2050. Wind project development examined in the Wind Vision affects local communities through land lease payments and local property taxes. Under the Central Study Scenario, wind power capacity additions lead to land-based lease payments that increase from $350 million in 2020 to $650 million in 2030, and then to $1,020 million in 2050. Offshore wind lease payments increase from $15 million in 2020 to $110 million in 2030, and then to $440 million in 2050. Property tax payments associated with wind projects are estimated to be $900 million in 2020; $1,770 million in 2030; and $3,200 million in 2050. Under the Study Scenario, the land area occupied by turbines, roads, and other infrastructure for wind development equates to 0. For comparison, this area equates to less than one-third of land area occupied by U. Land area occupied by wind power plants (accounting for requisite turbine spacing and typical densities) equates to less than 1. Land surrounding wind power plants is typically able to support other land uses, such as ranching and farming. Continued wind deployment will need to be executed with sensitivity to the potential impacts on avian, bat, and other wildlife populations; the local environment; the landscape; and communities and individuals living in proximity to wind projects. When wind power is a more significant part of the electricity generation portfolio, as is the case in the Study Scenario, electricity system costs are less sensitive to market fluctuations in fossil fuel prices. In addition, deployment and operation of wind power plants reduces demand for fossil fuels, including natural gas, leading to lower fuel prices within and outside of the electric sector and supporting cost savings for consumers. The predictable, longterm costs of wind power create downward price pressure on fossil fuels that can cumulatively save consumers $280 billion from lower natural gas prices outside the electric sector. Note: Cumulative costs and benefits are reported on a Net Present Value basis for the period of 2013 through 2050 and reflect the difference in impacts between the Central Study Scenario and the Baseline Scenario. Electric sector expenditures include capital, fuel, and operations and maintenance for transmission and generation of all technologies modeled, but excludes consideration of estimated benefits. In particular, offshore wind offers the ability to reduce wholesale market power clearing prices and consumer costs in transmission-congested coastal areas, supports local jobs and port development opportunities, and offers geographic proximity to densely populated coastal regions with limited renewable power alternatives. Distributed wind applications, including customer-sited wind and wind turbines embedded in distribution networks, offer a number of unique attributes relevant to the Wind Vision. On-site distributed wind turbines allow farmers, schools, and other energy users to benefit from reduced utility bills, predictable costs, and a hedge against the possibility of rising retail electricity rates. These suppliers maintain domestic content levels of 8085% for turbine and tower hardware and are well positioned to capitalize on export opportunities, including growing global demand for decentralized electricity. Overcoming these costs and achieving the Study Scenario would require an array of actions (detailed in Chapter 4), but analysis also suggests that robust deployment of wind offers the opportunity to realize a range of additional benefits. Based on current estimates, these benefits exceed the expected near- and mid-term investments and other costs that might result from continued growth of wind energy, across nearly all analyzed scenarios. Critics argue that the costs associated with deployment and operation of wind power offset the potential benefits. This chapter informs both perspectives by providing a detailed accounting of various impacts associated with wind deployment under the Wind Vision Study Scenario. While Chapter 2 is a retrospective analysis, Chapter 3 provides an assessment of potential future impacts. Changes in electricity rates, annual electricity consumer costs or savings, and cumulative system expenditures are quantified and reported based on a range of future fossil fuel prices and cost trajectories for wind technology. Issues related to electric system reliability, operations and markets, and public acceptance and local impacts are also considered and discussed. The Wind Vision impacts assessment relies on scenarios of future wind deployment to estimate incremental impacts.
Jo y h 0 ohnson and c colleagues estimate that hypertension screening icd 9 cheap inderal 10 mg overnight delivery, from 2010 to 2040 1 5 generic 40mg inderal mastercard, the percent tage of frail older adults without a living child w will increase from 14 to 21 percent an the percen 2 nd ntage with o only one or tw children will increas wo se from 38 to 49 percen (Johnson et al prehypertension in spanish generic inderal 10 mg overnight delivery. Between 1990 an 2010 blood pressure medication with diabetes discount inderal 10mg on line, the divorce rates nd among ad dults ages 50 and older doubled (Bro and Lin 2012) and an increasin proportion of 0 d own n, ng n women never marry (Jacobsen et al. Between 198 and 2009 for exampl the n t B 9, le, 86 percentag of never-m ge married, 50- to 54-year-old non-Hisp panic white women tripl from 2. Among African Am g merican wom of the same age, the men e percentag increased fourfold fro 6. Non-tradition household and comp family s N nal ds plex structures ar far more c re common than in n the past. This change has importa implicati e ant ions for fami caregivin because a ily ng adult stepchildren may have weaker fee e elings of obli igation and provide less care to their aging stepp p r parents than their parents (P Researc Center, 20 Pew ch 010; Silverst and Gia tein arrusso, 2010 van der Pa et al. Research also shows that divorce negatively impacts the quality of in h e ntergeneratio onal relationsh between older paren and their adult childr and redu hips n nts r ren uces resource transfers fr e rom parents to children (W o Wolf, 2001). In combination, race/ethnicity, low income, and limited education are strongly associated with poor health status and increased functional limitations among older persons (Crimmins and Saito, 2001; Molla et al. Gender and living arrangement are also important correlates of poverty in old age. Compared to men of the same age in every racial and ethnic group, older women have much higher levels of poverty. The share of older women living alone is substantially higher: 42 percent among women ages 75 to 84 and more than half (56 percent) of women ages 85 and older (U. The risk of poor health status and poverty that is associated with living alone is particularly worrisome in light of current trends in marriage, divorce, and family size. Women in the Workforce As discussed in Chapter 4, more than half of family caregivers of older adults are employed. This proportion is increasing, largely driven by the growing numbers of adult daughters and wives who work (Stone, 2015). The percentage of women over age 54 who work, for example, is expected to increase from 35. This trend is likely to contribute to the widening gap between the supply and demand for family caregivers of older adults. The United States is undergoing historic demographic changes that have significant implications for current and future policy regarding family caregivers of older adults. Much of the growth in the older population will be among those most likely to need intensive support-people age 80 and older. While the need for caregiving is rapidly increasing, the size of the potential family caregiver "workforce" is shrinking. Current trends in family patterns, including lower fertility, higher rates of childlessness, and increases in divorce and never-married status, portend a shrinking pool of potential caregivers in the near future. Unlike in the past, older adults will have fewer family members to rely on, may be geographically distant from their children and live alone, and are more likely to be unmarried or divorced. The committee has relied heavily on national data on older adults and their family caregivers and projections made by others who have used these data to identify the scope of problems related to family caregiving. As the population of older adults and their caregivers change in diversity, gender, identity, living arrangements, reliance on new technology, and other ways, national data collection needs to change correspondingly. Without adequate data on family caregivers and caregiving, public and private decision makers will not have the evidence base on which to make sound decisions. At a minimum, they underscore the enormous commitment of time that family caregivers contribute to the well-being of the large and growing numbers of older Americans with physical and/or cognitive limitations. Yet it is not clear that Americans understand and appreciate the amount of time and the likely demands of being a caregiver sometime in the future. Raising awareness and public education about the needs and challenges of family caregiving of older adults will be a critical step toward preparing the nation as a whole. However, as older people age, they are increasingly likely to have a physical and/or cognitive impairment that affects their ability to function independently. The demand for caregivers is increasing significantly not only because of the rapid growth in the number of older adults, but also because the faster growing cohort of older adults are those age 80 and older-the age when people are most likely to have a significant physical or cognitive impairment or both. Others have short-term, intensive needs for help with medical and nursing tasks during an acute illness or injury. Caregivers are as diverse as the American population: · · the nation is undergoing a historic shift in its racial, ethnic, and cultural composition. These changes will affect public attitudes, values, preferences, and expectations regarding family caregiving.
When he took off the belt that carried his sword heart attack 64 chords order inderal 80mg with amex, this was the only part of his clothes left white blood pressure chart india purchase inderal 40 mg fast delivery. The soldiers accompanying him exclaimed excitedly that this combination of colors-red blood pressure chart android app cheap inderal 10mg on line, white blood pressure 13080 discount inderal 40 mg with amex, red - would be the design of the new banner that they would follow (Shakir, et al. This legend has been promoted by paintings since the beginning of the 16th century, and is still embedded in popular lore. In this perception, Turks and/or Muslims are not unknown aliens, but longstanding and well-known enemies. As dead Muslims, they are even integrated into the Austrian flag, the Austrian national symbol. This remembrance is initiated and perpetuated by the renaming of monuments and streets, and by commemorative acts. They frequently suggest that all aspects of every day behavior of Muslims are influenced by religion (Georg-Eckert-Institut fьr Internationale Schulbuchforschung 2011, 9). Austrian schoolbooks tend to relate current incidents involving terror with historic events, like the expansion of Islam during the Middle Age, or the construction of mosques with minarets during the Siege of Vienna (10). As a result of this popular "knowledge" regarding the two sieges, populist political parties in Vienna gain votes by warning of a third Turkish Siege of the city. Official rhetoric excludes the fact that the Ottoman Empire had no bellicose relationship with the AustroHungarian Empire during the 19th century and, on the contrary, both multi-ethnic empires became strategic allies against nationalist movements. Analysis of this relationship reveals differences within Germany: students in Hannover, who are mainly Protestant or atheist, were irritated by references originating in those parts of Germany where Catholicism predominates, which frequently invoked the "Blessed Virgin Mary" as the protector against the Turks (Spohn 2010). Subsequent discussions reveal differences within the country, and prejudices and stereotypes toward other provinces, especially Bavaria, which is mostly Catholic. Although foreigners tend to take Bavarian local customs as representative of Germany, this view is not shared by many Germans from other provinces. Differences in perspective regarding relationships between Germany and Islam/Muslims are visibly apparent between regions associated with Protestantism and those associated with Catholicism. These differences offer excellent learning opportunities for clarifying anti-Muslim racism as a structural element of society, as exhibited by the relevant religious, social and political contexts. In Northern Germany, emphasizing the underlying pattern of anti-Muslim racism in Vienna proved to be very useful for this purpose: German stereotypes toward Austria characterize the Southern neighbor as gemьtlich (pleasant), cute, and an attractive place to visit for holidays. Germans are knowledgeable about the Austrian flag, but tend to underestimate the differences between the two countries. Under such circumstances, the emphasis on the military history of Vienna contradicts, on the one hand, patterns of antiMuslim racism in Hannover, and on the other hand, belies stereotypes about Austria. This shift in the perception of what is considered fremd increases the awareness that cultural boundaries are flexible and situational. Muslims and non-Muslims socialized in a specific regional context most probably share these patterns and can recognize them as a cultural similarity. This has two implications: first, it makes visible the fact that members of Muslim minorities with migration experience are people who comprise a variety of (national and) cultural identities-including the one of the dominant national society, i. This leads to discussions about culture that rupture concepts such as Kulturkreis, which is based on ideas of ethnicity or race. For this purpose, more detailed investigation of the specific regional patterns underlying anti-Muslim racism is required. In the case of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, open questions include whether prevailing patterns correspond to the religious denomination of the majority in a given region, and whether they are differently adapted when Catholic or Protestant contexts shift towards atheism. In the case of Germany, specificities of the former German Democratic Republic are desired. In the case of Switzerland, patterns of anti-Muslim racism might be framed differently according to language frontiers. Migrants from the former German Democratic Republic are not considered to have Migrationshintergrund. Interdisziplinдre Beitrдge Zu Orientalismus Und Antimuslimischem Rassismus, edited by Iman Attia, 71-84: Unrast, 2007.
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