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G. Yussuf, M.S., Ph.D.
Professor, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
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External Beam Radiotherapy human disease are needed for rare Treatment depends on tumor Enucleation childhood cancers such as retinoblasstage muscle relaxant cream buy discount mefenamic 500 mg on line, laterality and number of tutoma because not enough patients mor foci (unifocal muscle relaxant 750 order mefenamic 500 mg fast delivery, unilateral muscle relaxant apo 10 purchase mefenamic 500mg on-line, mulwith the disease exist for large-scale spasms meaning in english buy discount mefenamic 500 mg line, tifocal, or bilateral), the localization multicenter clinical trials. Despite the lack of clinical and size of tumors within the eye, presence of vittrials, rates of survival and ocular preservation have reous seeding, age and health of the child, and the improved. Involvement of certain tissues in and around the eye, including the optic nerve, choroid, iris, sclera, and orbit, increase the likelihood of tumor metastasis. In general, unilateral tumors can be managed with focal therapy alone; chemoreduction, intra-arterial chemotherapy with focal therapy, or both; or enucleation. If genetic testing is not performed, then patients with unilateral disease require close follow-up of the unaffected eye to exclude bilateral involvement. Alternatively, treatment for bilateral tumors will depend on the extent of tumor in each eye. In asymmetric disease, an attempt is made to salvage the eye with less severe disease. One may consider giving patients systemic intravenous chemoreduction as initial therapy to treat both eyes as well as to prevent metastasis and associated secondary tumors or to use local (intra-arterial) chemotherapy with focal treatment. Chemoreduction is then usually followed by consolidation, which is achieved by focal therapy (eg, laser photocoagulation, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, plaque brachytherapy). Surgical removal of the eye or enucleation is reserved for very advanced (group E) cases. Chemotherapy Intravenous: Systemic chemotherapy generally involves a combination 2-, 3-, or 4-drug regimen delivered through an intravenous catheter. Many centers use systemic chemotherapy in bilateral (germline) retinoblastoma for intraocular retinoblastoma control as well as to prevent metastasis, reduce the likelihood of the development of pineoblastoma, and to reduce the long-term risk of secondary cancers. Treatment failure in the form of persistent vitreous seeds, subretinal seeds, and intraretinal tumors following therapy have been attributed to the inability of the treatment drugs to reach the tumor. Vinca alkaloids such as vincristine bind tubulin dimers and block mitotic spindle formation. The medication is slowly delivered for 30 minutes in a pulsatile fashion with care to not occlude the artery and to minimize reflux into the internal carotid artery. Melphalan is the most frequently used agent, with topotecan added if extensive vitreous seeding is present. Consolidation is generally performed during the second or third cycle of chemoreduction. Another route of administration developed to address this problem is the intravitreal method, which involves injecting the therapeutic agent into the vitreous cavity of the eye through the pars plana under aseptic precautions. Although health care professionals were initially skeptical of injecting drugs through the sclera into the vitreous for fear of tumor spread along needle tracks, techniques for safe and effective intravitreal injections have been developed. A small-volume dose of melphalan, topotecan, or a combination of both is injected into the eye using a fine needle (30- or 32-gauge) and the needle is frozen with a cryoprobe as it is withdrawn from the eye to prevent tumor seeding. Reported adverse events include transient vitreous hemorrhage, chorioretinal atrophy, and extraocular tumor spread. Although it caused no systemic toxicity in humans or rabbits, melphalan did result in significant retinal toxicity at high doses and lower but safer doses only achieved incomplete tumor control. Periocular injection enables transcleral drug delivery, using the large surface area of the sclera and its high permeability to small molecules without the danger of puncturing the globe. The first-line indications for periocular chemotherapy are bilateral advanced group D or E eyes in which a higher local dose of chemotherapy is needed, treatment of vitreous seeds, and recurrent localized tumor. Subtenon chemotherapy using carboplatin can increase tumor control, especially if it is coupled with intravenous chemoreduction. Subtenon carboplatin showed initial favorable results as single therapy, but long-term follow-up revealed a high failure rate as initial treatment; therefore, it should be combined with other therapeutic approaches.
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