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Note that this category includes measures of actual driving on the road erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery buy viagra professional 100 mg fast delivery, or in a closed course erectile dysfunction nitric oxide buy 100mg viagra professional with visa, as well as a variety of measures from many different types of driving simulators and some piloting tasks erectile dysfunction organic causes cheap viagra professional 100mg without prescription. With such a wide range of different tasks and measures erectile dysfunction from a young age generic viagra professional 100 mg overnight delivery, it is not surprising that some of the tasks are not sensitive and so, for the 1st generation drugs as a class, only 48% (11 of 23) of the findings showed significant impairment. This compares to significant impairment reported in 13% (4 of 32) of the findings for the 2nd generation drugs. Also, looking at the findings for the individual drugs, it is clear that all of the 1st generation drugs studied consistently show the on-road driving impairment. In contrast, the only 2nd generation drugs showing significant impairment of onroad driving skills were cetirizine (1 of 2 findings) and terfenadine (1 of 11 findings). The findings for these two drugs mirror those for the complete group of driving measures. That is, significant impairment of any type of driving-related behavior was found in 29% (2 of 7 tests) of the findings for cetirizine and in 13% (2 of 16 test findings) for terfenadine. The other two 2nd generation drugs studied showed no impairment; (astemizole was not studied). For the 1st generation drugs, 44% (22 of 50) of the findings showed significant impairment whereas none of the 20 findings for the 2nd generation drugs demonstrated significant impairment. Again, there is considerable variability in the type of psychomotor skills and specific task demands evaluated in these studies. Thus, this behavioral category does not appear particularly sensitive to detecting impairment. Of note, analysis of the specific subcategories revealed that tasks measuring balance. In addition, finger tapping tests were found to show significant impairment for 50% (8 of 16) of the findings for 1st generation drugs versus none of the 3 tests for the 2nd generation drugs. No clear conclusions can be made for this category, however, since the available data from this review are quite limited: 14 studies produced a total of 26 test findings. For the 1st generation drugs, 35% (6 of 17) of the findings for the 1st generation drugs evidenced significant impairment of perceptual tasks whereas no impairment was reported in any of the 9 tests for the 2nd generation drugs (which only included astemizole, cetirizine and terfenadine). Looking at the figures for the individual 1st generation drugs, however, it appears that diphenhydramine was more often impairing than not (56% or 5 of 9 test findings) for perceptual tasks. Such measures were examined in 16 studies, producing 31 test findings regarding impairment. Significant impairment was found in 10 of the 15 tests (67%) for the 1st generation drugs versus only 1 of the 16 tests (6%) for the 2nd generation drugs. It should be pointed out, however, that the single finding of significant impairment for the 2nd generation drugs involved dynamic visual acuity and loratadine 40 mg, a dose which is much higher than the recommended 10 mg dose. It also should be noted that the most often studied 1st generation drug for this visual function category was tripolidine 10 mg which was found to cause significant impairment in 89% (8 of 9) of the tests. Since all of these test findings came from the same group of investigators, however, one cannot tease apart the effect of tripolidine versus the inherent greater sensitivity. As was the case with visual functions, the significant impairment by 1st generation drugs was most apparent in the studies of tripolidine (100% of the 10 tests). As such, this category of cognitive tasks, like psychomotor skills, reflects a wide range of tasks and measures with the result of increased variability and concomitant decreased sensitivity to detecting impairment. Of the 63 studies which examined cognitive tasks, a total of 201 test findings evaluated impairment. For the 1st generation drugs, only 37% (46 of 126) of the test findings showed statistically significant impairment as compared to only 3% (2 of 75 tests) for the 2nd generation drugs. Moreover, the two cases of impairment for the 2nd generation drugs involved higher than recommended doses, cetirizine 20 mg and loratadine 40 mg, and both tested digit symbol substitution skills. Given the large number of test findings and the wide variety of tasks represented, specific subsets of cognitive tasks also were analyzed. Results showed that digit symbol substitution tests were found to be impaired by 1st generation drugs in 38% (17 of 45) of the test findings versus only 7% (2 of 28 findings) for the 2nd generation drugs. Memory tasks were impaired in 39% (13 of 33) of the tests of 1st generation drugs whereas no significant memory impairment was found in any of the 13 tests for the 2nd generation drugs. Trail-making tasks appeared to provide the most sensitive measures in this category, albeit with rather limited data available in this review, with 50% (5 of 10) of the findings for the 1st generation drugs showing significant impairment versus none of the 5 tests for the 2nd generation drugs.