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Seventh award, 1997: To Jeong Han Kim for the Ramsey number R(3, t) has order of magnitude ~~:t· which appeared in Random Structures and Algorithms 7 (1995) no. Williamson for Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming, Journal of the Association for ComputingMachinery42 (1995), no. Rao for Decomposition of balanced matrices, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 77 (1999), no. The Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student this prize, which was established in 199 5, is to be awarded to an undergraduate student (or students having submitted joint work) for outstanding research in mathematics. The award is made jointly by the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. First award, 1995: To Kannan Soundararajan for truly exceptional research in analytic number theory. Second award, 1996: To Manjul Bhargava for truly outstanding mathematical research in algebra. Third award, 1997: To Jade Vinson for wide-ranging research in analysis and geometry. The most exciting aspect of his submission was his extension of a category which more closely binds the associations between combinatorial group theory and combinatorial topology. Sixth award, 2000: To Jacob Lurie for his paper "On simply laced Lie algebras and their miniscule representations". Seventh award, 2001: To Ciprian Manolescu for making a fundamental advance in the field by giving an elegant construction of Floer homology. Ninth award, 2003: To Melanie Wood for research on Belyi-extending maps and P-orderings. He was a long-time member of the Institute for Defense Analysis Center for Communications Research and a prolific mathematician whose work (much of it classified) was in discrete mathematics. The prize is for a paper with the following characteristics: it shall report on novel research in algebra, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics and shall have a significant experimental component; and it shall be on a topic which is broadly accessible and shall provide a simple statement of the problem and clear exposition of the work. The Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics the prize was established in 1990 using funds donated by Joan S. First award, 1991: To Dusa McDuff for her outstanding work during the past five years on symplectic geometry. Second award, 1993: To Lai-Sang Young for her leading role in the investigation of the statistical (or ergodic) properties of dynamical systems. Third award, 1995: To Sun-Yung Alice Chang for her deep contributions to the study of partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds and in particular for her work on extremal problems in spectral geometry and the compactness of isospectral metrics within a fixed conformal class on a compact 3-manifold. Fourth award, 1997: To Ingrid Daubechies for her deep and beautiful analysis of wavelets and their applications. Fifth award, 1999: To Bernadette Perrin-Riou for her number theoretical research on p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa Theory. Smith for her outstanding work in commutative algebra, and to Sijue Wu for her work on a long-standing problem in the water wave equation. Seventh award, 2003: To Abigail Thompson for her outstanding work in 3-dimensional topology. Eighth award, 2005: To Svetlana Jitomirskaya for her pioneering work on nonpertubative quasiperiodic localization, in particular for results in her papers (1) "Metalinsulator transition for the almost Mathieu operator", Ann. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research these prizes were established in 1970 in honor of George David Birkhoff, William Fogg Osgood, and William Caspar Graustein and are endowed under the terms of a bequest from Leroy P. From 1970 to 1976 one or more prizes were awarded each year for outstanding published mathematical research; most favorable consideration was given to papers distinguished for their exposition and covering broad areas of mathematics.

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In 2007 symptoms nausea headache generic vastarel 20 mg otc, Congress mistakenly assumed that gasoline demand medications by class purchase vastarel 20mg online, and thus oil imports treatment of pneumonia discount vastarel 20 mg mastercard, would steadily rise medications ritalin buy vastarel 20mg with amex. Annual consumption, in fact, has significantly declined as a result of more fuel-efficient engines and slack economic growth. With an annually increasing ethanol mandate but decreasing demand for gasoline, the renewable fuel mandate for http://fuclfix. The Environmental Protection Agency approved blends up to 15 percent ethanol but the major automakers will not extend engine warranties above the I 0 percent blend. Refiners also resist higher blends to avoid product liability claims for damaged engines. When adjusted for energy content, ethanol from corn or natural gas is a less energy·efficient product than petroleum-based gasoline. What percentage of consumers would choose a fuel with over 30 percent less miles per gallon and with perhaps more emissions than conventional gasoline? To be eligible for the market guaranteed under the renewable fuel standard for ethanol, the fuel must reduce emission; of carbon dioxide by 20 percent compared to a baseline petroleum fuel. And while only 3 percent to 4 percent of the energy content of raw natural gas is lost when converted to compressed natural gas, likely half is lost when natural gas is converted to ethanol. There are so many more valuable uses for natural gas than converting it to an alcohol! It is time to repeal the renewable fuel standard- not to expand or entrench this market distortion. Genuine snake oil, in fact, might be a more thermodynamically efficient source than natural gas or corn. White is the Distinguished Senior Fellow in Residence and Director for the Armstrong Center for Energy and Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin. Texas is only beginning to see the rising food prices that federal ethanol policy could generate. The indirect costs of ethanol hurt Texans in the grocery store as well as key agricultural sectors of the state economy. All animal agriculturebeef cattle, dairy, swine, and poultry- uses corn-based feed grains. Environment Protection Agency highlights, these higher corn prices cost the Texas economy at least $1. A hefty 51-cent-per-gallon tax credit and a 54-cent-per-gallon import tariff also artificially drive the ethanol boom. Perhaps only 6 million are Flexible Fuel Vehicles capable of using 85% ethanol (E85). While domestic production of ethanol doubled between 2003 and 2007, imports of oil and refined gasoline increased. A deficit in refining capacity and an approaching surfeit of ethanol production capacity will not increase the security of our gasoline supply or stability of gasoline prices. A vehicle requires three gallons of ethanol for the mileage of two gallons of gasoline. Producing one gallon of ethanol may well take more energy than the end product contains. A February 2008 article in Science magazine concludes that the C02 released from converting forest and grasslands to corn crops could amount to a doubling of C02 emissions from these lands. Perry and Hutchison deserve praise for recommending solutions to the folly of our current federal policy to transform a major foodstuff into a fuel. Kathleen Hartnett White is Director of the Center for Natural Resources at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin. She served six years as Chairman and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Those higher prices are just now starting to show up on our grocery shelves, and Texas consumers are in for real pain unless we quickly move more corn back from our fuel supply to our food supply. But with each new day bringing stories about double- and triple-digit increases in the price of food staples, domestic food rationing, and Third World food riots, the solution will only come when the U. Texas livestock producers will suffer billions of dollars in additional losses, and the financial hardships suffered by Texas families will intensify. Ethanol is creating a global food crisis, with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund attributing three-fourths of the surge in food prices to international biofuel policy.

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A companion study to the above study by Suh and Koutrakis (2004) used a similar design for 16 healthy persons in Los Angeles durfng the summer and/or winter symptoms of generic 20mg vastarel fast delivery. Personal exposures to these three particulate measures were more strongly associated with indoor concentrations as compared to outdoor concentrations medicine 3 sixes discount 20 mg vastarel overnight delivery, which may be attributed to the fact that the subjects spent a- majority of their time indoors at home medications interactions generic vastarel 20 mg without prescription. However medications not to mix 20mg vastarel for sale, as with residences, the presence of indoor sources in public and wmmercial buildings can produce indoor concentrations that exceed concurrent ambient wncentrations, especially if smoking is allowed in the building. For example, in a study of 38 commercial buildings in the Pacific Northwest, Turk et a/. It is a product of incomplete combustion, emitted from sources such as vehicles (in exhaust), gas and propane appliances, woodstoves, kerosene heaters, and cigarettes. However, transient elevated concentrations in outdoor places such as tunnels and parking garages are not widely regulated. Symptoms of acute poisoning include headache, nausea, lethargy and inability to concentrate, unconsciousness, and death at very high concentrations. The types of cooking and heating appliances included in the indoor combustion appliance category were wall heaters (37%), freestanding heaters (19%) stoves (16%) water heaters (9%) furnaces (9%), and floor heaters (7%). Motor vehicles, such as those left running in an attached garage, also took a substantial toll. In a study of cardiovascular hospital admission data in Los Angeles between 1992 and i995, Linn et a/. Because they inhale more air per unit of body weight than do adults at similar activity levels, children will inhale a higher dose proportionately than adults, and will experience symptoms more quickly than adults. In a study of the relationship between ambient air pollution and low birth weight in the northeastern U. However, in many homes, short-term excursions up to 42 ppm were observed, such as when a gas space heater was turned on. It is emitted from combustion sources such as natural gas and propane-fueled appliances, wood burning stoves and fireplaces, kerosene heaters, charcoal grills and motor vehicles. Based on reports that 2030% of the population use their gas stove (despite clear warnings against this) for space heating (Phillips et a/. Investigators have also identified a relationship between women (age 20-44) in England who use gas appliances and develop asthma-like symptoms (Jar& et al. The women who used a gas stove also had reduced lung function and increased airway obstruction compared to women who did not use gas stoves. These associations were not observed in men, possibly because they did not experience the high concentrations of pollutants near the cooking source (according to the authors). Nitrogen dioxide is the most prevalent of the nitrogen oxides and has been the focus of numerous emission and indoor concentration studies. Measurement periods varied from approximately 1 to 5 hours, representing food preparation, cooking, and clean-up times. At this level, it is very likely that the 250 ppb California onehour standard was exceeded for at least some portion of the time. When investigators collect samples over several days, reported concentrations are lower than peak concentrations measured during a distinct exposure event. Mean concentrations in the bedrooms, living rooms, and outdoors were 18, 19, and 15 ppb, respectively. The median personal and outdoor levels were 35 ppb while the median indoor level was 24 ppb. However, the contribution of gas appliances and gas pilot lights to total exposure was evident. Ozone is chemically unstable, and so it breaks down or reacts with many surfaces, liquids, and chemicals. It becomes elevated indoors most commonly from the infiltration of outdoor ozone through doors, windows, and swamp coolers, and sometimes from direct emissions indoors by devices such as certain types of copy machines, laser printers, and "air purifiers". Increased occurrence of respiratory symptoms, such as cough, pain on deep breath, and difficulty taking a deep breath are associated with exposure to ozone (Schelegle and Adams, 1986; McDonnell et al. Ozone also induces cellular and biochemical changes indicative of lung inflammation (Devlin et a/. Epidemiological studies have found statistically significant associations between outdoor O3 concentrations and various adverse health impacts, including increased asthma symptoms (Wiiemore and Kom, 1960; Thurston et al. Ozone has also been linked to increased school absenteeism for respiratory illnesses (Gilliland et a/. Both standards are currentty under review, and California has proposed an &hour standard of 0.

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To make this comparison medicine 834 effective 20mg vastarel, the figure contrasts changes in real wages between 1980 and 2015 in the most-urban (top density quartile) versus least-urban (bottom density quartile) labor markets medicine vile order 20 mg vastarel fast delivery. Among non-college whites of both sexes medicine in ancient egypt purchase vastarel 20mg free shipping, there was a very slight decline in the urban wage premium medications you cannot eat grapefruit with discount vastarel 20 mg mastercard. This premium dropped by 5 to 7 percentage points among non-college Hispanics and by 12 to 16 percentage points among non-college blacks. Gains were larger for whites of both sexes than for blacks and Hispanics of either sex. And, consistent with the adverse occupational shifts plotted above, urban black college-educated men saw their wages fall relative to their non-urban counterparts-a distressing result that deserves far deeper exploration than this brief can offer. In interpreting this evidence, it deserves emphasis Figure 8 reports changes in urban relative to non-urban wage changes by demographic group. Thus, the steep decline in the non-college wage premium could reflect either a fall in urban wages among non-college workers, a rise in non-urban wages among non-college workers, or a combination of the two. As may be seen from close study of Figure 7, both factors are operative: urban non-college wages fell between 1980 and 2015 (particularly after 2000) while non-urban non-college wages rose. Though not visible in this figure, this pattern also holds across race and gender groups: the falling urban premium for non-college blacks and Hispanics reflects weak or negative wage growth among urban minority workers and reasonably strong wage growth among non-urban minority workers. The combination of these two forces means that the urban wage premium has collapsed for non-college blacks and Hispanics. Each bar represents the contrast between the change in mean log wages between 1980 and 2015 for the indicated demographic group residing in the top quartile of most-urban labor markets versus the bottom quartile of least-urban labor markets. The change in the occupational share for a demographic group is equal to the change in its share in high-wage occupations minus the change in its share in low-wage occupations. Rubric: Wht, Blk, and Hsp refer to white, black, and Hispanic; F and M refer to female and male; and Coll and Non-Coll refer to workers with and without college degrees. The Faltering Escalator of Urban Opportunity 127 the striking correspondence between changes in occupation and wage structures in urban versus non-urban labor markets invites the question of whether these are two halves of a whole. That is, did urban occupational polarization cause the non-college urban wage premium to fall? This is a challenging question to answer because these data are correlational in nature. In a hypothetical case where polarization was randomly "assigned" to one city, but not to another, we could directly assess how changes in occupational structure affect wages levels overall and among demographic groups. Lacking such an experiment, Figure 9 offers initial evidence that strongly suggests a connection. This figure presents a scatter plot of changes in urban versus rural wages between 1980 and 2015 among the 12 detailed demographic groups discussed above (college/non-college by male/female by white/black/Hispanic) against the contemporaneous change in their occupational employment shares in urban versus non-urban labor markets. Similarly, the demographic groups that saw the largest upward movements in occupational employment shares saw the largest wage gains. What it makes almost indisputable, however, is that these two phenomena share common economic origins. Accounting for the Rising Cost of Urban Living I began this essay by emphasizing the distinction between push and pull factors-costs and benefits-that affect the draw of urban labor markets for workers overall and by educational group. The evidence above makes clear that the pull of (formerly) highwage, urban labor markets for non-college workers has declined as the "quality" of jobs available to non-college workers-measured either by formal skill demands or conventional pay rankings-and as real wage levels have eroded. Absent any change in the push side of the urban labor market ledger, non-college workers would have ample reason to reconsider the conventional wisdom that thriving U. Nevertheless, the push aspect of urban labor markets is likely quite important, as discussed in Ganong and Shoag (2017) and Glaeser (2020). Thus, a demographic group that lost 10 points in middle-paying occupations, gained 3 points in high-paying occupation, and gained 7 points in low-paying occupations would receive an occupational change value of -4 = 3 - 7. To operationalize the push side of the ledger, I turn to Consumer Price Index data compiled by the U. Within each of these four regions, I include one thriving "superstar" city (New York, Chicago, Houston, or San Francisco) and a second city that is arguably less prominent (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, or Denver). These data enable comparisons of changes in real wage levels by city and education group accounting for changes in city-specific price levels.

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Neither state statutes nor the Texas Administrative Code give the Commission authority for granting this discount medications bad for liver discount 20mg vastarel mastercard. The lack of official authority opens the door for other facilities to request a discount medications and breastfeeding buy 20 mg vastarel mastercard. Recommendation the Commission should reconsider the discount granted to federal facilities treatment 0f osteoporosis discount vastarel 20mg without prescription. Ifthe Commission decides to continue the discount symptoms queasy stomach cheap vastarel 20mg without prescription, it should update its current rules and, if necessary, request statutory authority to officially authorize the discount. The Deputy for the Office of Permitting, Remediation and Registration is responsible for implementing this recommendation by June 2005. Federal facilities may have a legally supportable claim that they are not required to pay the part of this fee that is dedicated for use by local governments and regional planning commissions. The revenue directors and staff involved in the collection, transfer, and receipt of funds should meet annually to discuss changes that affect these processes. However, there are opportunities to improve the process and to assist the Commission in tracking and allocating the corresponding fees: As of August 2003, the Department had transferred 99. Testing of fiscal year 2002 records shows that the Department waited until year end to transfer sales of certificates collected via interagency transfer vouchers. In addition, the amount transferred at year end does not reconcile to interagency transfer voucher sales recorded by the Department in the reports it provided to the Commission. At the end of the fiscal year, the Department transferred approximately $14,000 in these vouchers to the Commission. The Commission depends on information provided by the Department in order to allocate collected fees among its programs. In particular, the Department should take steps to: Transfer funds using the Commission-requested Program Cost Accounts and fund numbers. Reconcile its monthly reports to its accounting system prior to providing them to the Commission. Provide the Commission with appropriate documentation so it can independently determine its share of sales by certificate type. Deposit reports are reconciled and monthly adjustment transfers are made on a more timely basis. Without periodic password changes, there is a greater risk that a the Commission has two primary data systems, Central Registry and the Consolidated password could be compromised and that an unauthorized Compliance and Enforcement Data System individual could gain access. It contains descriptive information on customers (caUed core data), as well as their relationships to a regulated entity. Core data includes the name, address, phone number, customer number, regulated entity number, permits, and registrations for each customer and regutated entity that is, or has been, of environmental interest to the Commission. In addition, there are no requirements to periodically update passwords in the Central Registry. The systems have the necessary features programmed to require users to change their passwords; however, this feature is not turned on. There can be problems with accountability in a system where the users do not change the initial passwords assigned to them. In the case of erroneous or unauthorized changes to data, it would be hard to track who made changes. Recommendation the Commission should activate the feature that prompts users to change their initial passwords when they first log in. It is aware of this deficiency and has reported that it is in the process of developing a plan. At that time, the Commission stated that it planned to have its business continuity plan developed and tested by August 31, 2003. The lack of a complete and tested business continuity plan leaves the Commission unprepared for a disaster, which could result in a delay in providing services to the public or in not providing services at all for an extended period of time. Agencies should maintain a written Business Continuity Plan so that the effects of a disaster will be minimized, and the agency will be able to either maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions. Recommendation the Commission should finalize its business continuity plan and have it approved by executive management.