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In studies heart disease journals safe 80 mg propranolol, catheter colonization has been documented at the exit site of skin coronary heart 0 chicago buy cheap propranolol 40 mg on-line, hub connections cardiovascular system maintain homeostasis buy 20 mg propranolol with visa, and the nursing staff hands (Hansen 2006) heart disease ribbon order propranolol 20 mg. Precautions for the prevention of the patient chewing or licking at the catheter or fluid line should be taken. If there are any signs of infection, the catheter should be removed and sent for culture and sensitivity testing. Thrombosis With intravenous catheterization thrombi can develop on the catheter and/or between the catheter and the vessel wall. The severity of the complications can be decreased if a problem is detected early on and the catheter is removed. When the catheter is removed, the thrombi break free and are sent into circulation. When thrombi are small in size, which is the most common, there is typically not a problem. The risk of thrombosis is higher in small veins (with low blood flow) or where the catheter passes through a mobile joint (Hansen 2006). The risk of serious thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism is increased in patients with preexisting phlebitis, glomerulonephritis, protein-losing enteropathy, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and any disorders that cause systemic inflammation (Hansen 2006). This can occur when air is injected with a syringe, when air in inappropriately evacuated through fluid lines, or during insertion of a central venous catheter. Large air emboli may cause respiratory distress, pulmonary edema, or respiratory/cardiac arrest (Hansen 2006). Air emboli can be prevented by taking care to evacuate all air from syringes when administering medications, as well as evacuating all air from fluid lines before connecting to the patient. When placing jugular catheters, the tip of the catheter can be exposed to negative pressure within the chest, and if the hub end is exposed to air, it will create suction. Catheter embolisms occur when a portion of the catheter is introduced into circulation. When placing over-the-needle catheters, a fragment of the catheter may be introduced into circulation. This can occur after the catheter is partially advanced off of the needle and pulled back over the needle while in the vein. Other situations that may occur are during catheter removal or bandage change where the catheter is accidentally cut or when the patient chews at the catheter, disconnecting the catheter from the hub. Catheter emboli can be prevented by taking care when placing catheters to not pull the catheter back, over the needle, or through the needle, when in the vein. When removing or replacing bandage material with scissors, the cut should be made well away from the insertion site. When possible, visualization of the catheter insertion site should be confirmed before cutting. Patients that are interested in chewing at the catheter should have an Elizabethan collar placed to prevent damage to the catheter. An integral component to monitoring is the accurate and detailed recording of information. These records provide the foundation for case management and are of particular importance in the critical patient whose treatment plans will likely be detailed and complex. The fragile physiological state and lack of reserve of these patients will result in little tolerance for missed or incorrect treatments. As technology has provided the veterinary profession with more and more complex and sophisticated monitoring equipment, the role of the veterinary technician has evolved to keep current with these technological advances. The use of noninvasive and/or invasive monitoring devices can assist the technician in the detection of organ dysfunction, patient compromise, or deterioration. This will enable the technician to alert the veterinarian who can rapidly initiate and/or alter treatment plans. It is prudent to remember that monitoring devices cannot replace a well-trained, skilled, and observant technician, and are best utilized in conjunction with "hands-on" patient evaluation and observation. Records and treatment orders will act as a reminder of physical parameters that need to be assessed as well as prompting the technician to administer scheduled treatments in a timely manner, and help plan patient care when patient numbers are high. Communication and recording of information gained is paramount for management and care of these patients.

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Therefore, if decryption is challenged, the administrator or software company that knows the trap door key can provide you proof that would be able to pass verification (blind). Any points outside the A B points are not necessarily factored in yet can still be applied. Because it is pushing and pulling and keeping a short distance between the 2 candidates; but then a spike, which is how an algorithm presents; - and this spike means there was a pause and an insert was made, where they insert an algorithm. I have witnessed the same behavior of the election software in countries outside of the United States and within the United States. Observing the data of the contested states (and others) the algorithm deployed is identical to that which was deployed in 2012 providing Barack Hussein Obama a block allocation to win the 2012 Presidential Elections. John Owen Brennan and James (Jim) Clapper were responsible for the ushering of the intelligence surrounding the elections in -. The group had disclosed emails and other documents proving that their election was rigged and that they tried to avoid a fixed election. Their software updates are the reason vulnerabilities to foreign interference in all operations exist. I have not been promised, nor do I expect to receive, anything in exchange for my testimony and giving this statement. The software is designed, whether with malicious intent or through plain incompetence, in such a way so as to facilitate digital ballot stuffing via simple vote result manipulation and abuse of the digital adjudication manual review system. Under no circumstance should we allow a conspiracy of people and companies to subvert and destroy our most sacred rights. I am a network and information security expert with nine years of experience as a network and information defense analyst and a network security engineer. In my nine years of network and information security experience, I have successfully defended large websites and complex networks against powerful cyberattacks. I have engaged in extensive training and education and learned through experience how to secure websites and networks. When bulk ballot scanning and tabulation begins, the "ImageCast Central" workstation operator will load a batch of ballots into the scanner feed tray and then start the scanning procedure within the software menu. Information about scanned ballots can be tracked inside the "ImageCast Central" software application. The administrator of the ImageCast Central work-station may view all images of scanned ballots which were deemed "problem ballots" by simply navigating via the standard "Windows File Explorer" to the folder named "NotCastImages" which holds ballot scans of "problem ballots. Adjudication is "the process of examining voted ballots to determine, and, in the judicial sense, adjudicate voter intent. Based on my review of these materials, I conclude that a biased poll worker without sufficient and honest oversight could abuse the adjudication system to fraudulently switch votes for a specific candidate. The results data is located in an easy-to-find path which is designed to easily facilitate the uploading of tabulation results to flash memory cards. It is my conclusion that, before delivering final tabulation results to the county, it is possible for an administrator to mistakenly copy the wrong "Results" folder or even maliciously copy a false "Results" folder, which could contain a manipulated data set, to the flash memory card and deliver those false "Results" as the outcome of the election. D in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Davis and a Masters degree in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley. Given the data sources referenced in this document, I assert that in Georgia, Pennsylvania and the city of Milwaukee, a simple statistical model of vote fraud is a better fit to the sudden jump in Biden vote percentages among absentee ballots received later in the counting process of the 2020 presidential election. An audit to determine vote switching will be more difficult, since it is likely the Trump ballots have been destroyed in Georgia, based on reports of ballots being shredded there. Moreover there is evidence of vote switching here, which might give as many as 42365 additional ballots to Trump, and remove the same from Biden.

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Function Impaired joint movement does not invariably correlate with poor hand function and vice versa coronary artery ostia discount propranolol 20 mg amex. An understanding of the way in which examinations are designed heart disease gene 80mg propranolol with mastercard, implemented and scored ensures better preparation for the range of assessment formats that may be encountered during medical education and training programmes cardiovascular disease doctor purchase propranolol 80mg visa. In this chapter some important characteristics of assessment will be described briefly followed by a focus on the assessment of clinical competence capillaries are made of what tissue quality 80mg propranolol. Summative assessments measure the achievement of learning goals at the end of a course or programme of study. Summative assessments are formal and used to determine progression to the next stage of a course, to signify the need for remediation, for graduation purposes or registration with a national professional body. Formative assessments are designed specifically to provide feedback to learners about their progress. Formative assessments should be ongoing, frequent, non-judgemental and carried out in informal settings. They allow learners to engage with the educational process, offering them the opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses and take appropriate action. Feedback is central to formative assessment and should encourage learners towards deep learning and understanding. Key features of assessment tools Reliability: reflects the reproducibility of the assessment tool and the accuracy with which a score is being measured. It is higher in written assessments such as multiple choice and extended matching question formats, and lower in clinical competency-based assessments where there are more uncontrolled variables. Evaluation using generalisability theory can be performed to account for complex variables. Validity: reflects the accuracy with which a test measures what it is purported to measure. It is a qualitative factor that evaluates the authenticity of an assessment and its fitness for purpose. Educational impact: assessment is an important driver of learning; appropriate assessment tools encourage learners to acquire the desired knowledge, skills and attitudes. Cost-effectiveness: reflects the practical aspects of assessment and helps determine the choice of assessment tool. Acceptability: successful assessment formats must be acceptable to the teaching faculty and the learners. Blueprinting: ensures the assessment tool samples content across the full range of learning objectives for the curriculum. Assessment 67 Standard setting Numerous methods to determine pass-marks for different assessment formats are available. Norm-referencing: in norm-referenced assessments the pass mark is determined by examiners using comparison within the cohort of examinees and thus the pass-mark varies at each sitting. A percentage of candidates will pass the assessment on each occasion (Fixed Percentage Method). Norm-referencing does not take account of the content of the assessment or the competence of the candidates. Criterion-referencing: in criterion-referenced assessments the pass-mark is set in advance by a team of experienced examiners using their judgement about the degree of difficulty of the assessment and the minimum score expected of a candidate who just reaches the acceptable standard. A number of criterionreferenced standard setting methods are described including the Angoff and Ebel procedures. Good practice for summative assessments in medical education demands that a minimum competence (safety) level should be set ­ the assessment should identify the Pass/Fail border and all candidates who reach the required standard should pass the examination. Assessments should thus be criterion-referenced by experienced examiners who recognise the standard required of the candidates at whatever level of undergraduate or postgraduate experience. In addition, the examiner awards the candidate a global score, based on an overall judgement of performance. These methods have gained credibility as they allow experienced clinicians to make judgements about professional competence and they are currently the gold-standard methods for assessments of clinical competence. Assessments in medical education fall into three main categories ­ those that measure knowledge, competence and performance. Checks sensation starting distally with joint position sense, then light touch, pin prick 11. Checks for walking in lower limb examination and prontor drift in upper limb examination 12. Examines patient in a professional manner (gentle, watches for pain, maintains dignity and privacy) 14.

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Liver function tests (transaminases): to exclude intrinsic liver disease heart disease deaths propranolol 80 mg generic, and as a baseline for monitoring while on statin therapy 5 blood vessels used to determine pulse 20mg propranolol sale. Creatine kinase: some advocate measuring at baseline prior to statin therapy coronary artery game cheap propranolol 80 mg overnight delivery, while others suggest checking only in those complaining of muscle symptoms while on treatment cardiovascular system steps buy discount propranolol 20 mg line. Management the primary purpose of treating dyslipidaemia is to prevent or reduce the risk and complications of cardiovascular disease. There is a large volume of powerful clinical trial data to show that lipid-lowering therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in at-risk individuals ­ both in the context of primary and secondary prevention. The decision to initiate treatment in those without a prior history of vascular disease is often based on an assessment of overall risk of coronary heart disease. For example, this can be calculated from cholesterol levels, age, sex and blood pressure using risk tables, such as those provided by the Joint British Societies (available at. Investigation Total cholesterol Fasting samples are not strictly necessary, although should be requested when patients record non-fasting cholesterol levels that would require treatment, and in those suspected of having dyslipidaemia. Non-drug therapy Diet Dietary modification may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but typically only by 5­10% (remember, < 15% of cholesterol is dietary in origin). Simvastatin is initiated at a dose of 40 mg/day (usually taken at night-time) unless potential drug interactions or adverse effects are a concern, when a lower dose of simvastatin or pravastatin should be offered. They are generally considered first-line therapy only in those who have marked hypertriglyceridaemia (> 10 mmol/l) or in those who cannot tolerate a statin. The fibrates may also cause a myositis-like syndrome (particularly in those with chronic renal impairment), and this risk is significantly increased when used in conjunction with statins. Colestyramine, colestipol and colesevelam are all effective in reducing hypercholesterolaemia, but may worsen hypertriglyceridaemia and cause malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins. However, their use is limited by side effects, particularly vasodilatation leading to flushing. Nicotinic acid is licensed for use with a statin or in those intolerant of statins. It is licensed as an adjunct to dietary manipulation in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia in combination with a statin (or alone if a statin is inappropriate or not tolerated), and in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in total fat intake 30% of total energy intake saturated fats 10% of total energy intake dietary cholesterol < 300 mg/day replacement of saturated fats with mono- or polyunsaturated fats five portions of fruit and vegetables per day two portions of fish per week, including one portion of oily fish. They reduce cardiovascular disease events irrespective of the starting cholesterol concentration, although patients with a total serum-cholesterol concentration of! In diabetes mellitus it is generally advised that all patients > 40 years of age be considered for statin therapy, which may also be indicated in younger subjects with complications (however, statins should be avoided in females desiring pregnancy owing to risk of fetal anomalies). Myositis (which can lead to rhabdomyolysis) is a rare, but potentially serious, adverse effect of statin Metabolic disorders 251 combination with a statin. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, and there is an increased risk of myositis/rhabdomyolysis when used in conjunction with a statin. Omega-3 fatty acid compounds (commonly known as fish oils) these may be used as an adjunct to reduce serum triglycerides; however, there is little evidence that they reduce cardiovascular risk. The prevalence of overweight/obesity has been estimated to be as high as 50% or more in Western societies, and childhood/adolescent obesity is an increasing problem. Aetiology In most instances, obesity is the result of complex interactions between genetic, environmental and behavioural factors. Although a sedentary lifestyle and excess caloric intake are major predisposing factors, there is increasing evidence to suggest that not only extreme forms of obesity but also more common variants are linked to genetic predisposition, i. In addition, obesity predisposes to sleep apnoea, joint failure (especially hips and knees) and cancer. Clinical features Age at onset, previous success/failure in attempts to lose weight, family history, diet/alcohol consumption and physical activity should all be enquired about when assessing patients who are overweight/obese. In all other cases, investigations are directed towards assessment of cardiovascular risk and other comorbidities. Data from prospectively followed cohorts, such as the Framingham study, indicate that morbidity and mortality are substantially increased in obese individuals. Common complications of obesity include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ischaemic heart disease, osteoarthritis/joint failure, herniae, gallstones and varicose veins. In women there is an increased incidence of hirsutism/menstrual disturbance and breast and endometrial carcinoma. Management Wherever possible, underlying predisposing disorders should be treated and offending drugs withdrawn/substituted.