*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Documents Laid 2008 Index
Date Laid
30 Dec,2008
Note Verbale N0. 001504 dated March 6, 2008 between the Government of the Bolivan Republic of Venez
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
Loan Contract No. 2091/BL.GY between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank signed on December 12th , 2008 for Financial Sector Reform Program
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
Amendatory Contract Loan N0. 1558/SF-GY (Amendment No.1) between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank signed on October 16th , 2008 for Agriculture Support
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
Loan Contract No. 1938/BL.GY between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank signed on April, 6 2009 for Power Sector Support Program
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
Loan Contract No. 1929/BL.GY between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank signed on April, 6 2008
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
The Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) (No.3) Order 2008
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
The Ministers, Members of the National Assembly and Special Offices (Emoluments) (No.3) Order 2008
Date Laid
29 Dec,2008
Minutes of the 8th Meeting of the Committee of Selection
Date Laid
03 Dec,2008
Treasury Memorandum Pursuant to Resolution N0.63 of the National Assembly dated 1 July, 2008 on the Public Accounts of Guyana for the year 2002 and 2003
Date Laid
03 Dec,2008
Page 101 of 242 pages