*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Audited Accounts of the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance for the period 31st December, 2004.
Date Laid
07 Dec,2006
Audited Accounts of the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance for the period 18th December, 2002 to 31st December, 2003.
Date Laid
07 Dec,2006
Annual Report of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional of Development for the year 2005.
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
Annual Report of the Ministry of Education for the 2005.
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
Annual Report of the Supreme Court Registry for the year 2005.
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
Treasury Memorandum Pursuant to Resolution No. 100/2006 dated 2006-03-16 of the National Assembly on the Public Accounts of Guyana for 2000/2001.
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
Enhanced HIPC Debt Relief Agreement No. 1058 H between the Government of Guyana and the OPEC Fund for International Development dated October 6, 2005 for a total debt relief of approximately US$2,51
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
Debt Relief Agreement No. 1058H under the HIPC debt relief Initiative between the Government of Guyana and the OPEC Fun d for International Development signed on December 21, 2005 for a total debt r
Date Laid
30 Oct,2006
First Periodic Report of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on the Natural Resources.
Date Laid
04 Aug,2006
Report of the Standing Orders Committee of the National Assembly on the Drafting Standing Orders.
Date Laid
02 May,2006
Page 111 of 242 pages