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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Proposal- convention and recommendations, which were adopted by international, labour Conference at its 82nd session, June 1995.
Date Laid
07 Aug,1997
Multilateral Agreement concerning the operation of air services within the Caribbean Community;
Date Laid
07 Aug,1997
International Tropical timber Agreement, 1994;
Date Laid
07 Aug,1997
Annual Report 1992- Ministry of Health;
Date Laid
07 Aug,1997
Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund Committee Annual Review 1996.
Date Laid
21 Jul,1997
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development ,Production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (chemical weapons convention) signed by Government of Guyana on October
Date Laid
10 Jul,1997
Annual Report –Ministry of Education and Cultural Development for 1994
Date Laid
10 Jul,1997
Report of the Special Select Committee on the Integrity Commission Bill
Date Laid
10 Jul,1997
Financial Paper 2/1997
Date Laid
10 Jul,1997
Financial Paper 1/97
Date Laid
10 Jul,1997
Page 148 of 242 pages