*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Annual Report   1994 – Ministry of Agriculture;
Date Laid
17 Apr,1997
State paper No. 1997: Submission of International Labour Convention and Recommendation to the National Assembly of the parliament of Guyana for implementation: 81st session held in June 1994 adopted
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Report of the Ombudsman for the period 1st October,1994 to 31st December,1995
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1995- Police Complaint Authority;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1994 Police Complaint Authority;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1995 – Guyana Prison Service;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1996 - Office of the President;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1995- Ministry of Home Affairs;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1994 – Ministry of Health;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Annual Report 1993 Ministry of Health;
Date Laid
17 Jan,1997
Page 149 of 242 pages