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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Financial Paper No. 2 – Schedule of Supplementary Provision on the Current and Capital Estimates (Advances made from the Contingencies Fund as at 15th August, 1980, totaling $8,424,393.
Date Laid
05 Sep,1980
Financial Paper No.1 – Schedule of Supplementary Provision on the Current and Capital Estimates (Advances made from the Contingencies Fund in 1979, totaling $6,668,754.
Date Laid
05 Sep,1980
Minutes of the first Meeting of the Committee of Selection held on Thursday 1983-02-10.
Date Laid
15 Aug,1980
Annual Report and Accounts of the Guyana Liquor Corporation for the year 1979
Date Laid
15 Aug,1980
The Report of the public Accounts Committee on the Public Accounts for the year 1967
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
The Report of the public Accounts Committee on the Public Accounts for the year 1967
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Annual Report and Accounts of Guyana Sugar Corporation Limited for the year 1979
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Loan Contract between Guyana and the Inter – American Development Bank (programme of Food Crop Production and Marketing). Loan No. 583/ST-GY- Resolution DE-98/79. Dated December 20th ,1979
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Project Loan and Grant Agreement between Guyana and the United States of America for Agriculture Sector Planning – A.I.D. Project No. 504-0077. A.I.D. Loan No.504-T-017. Dated March 8th ,1980
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Loan Agreement (Balance of Payments Support) between Guyana and OPEC Fund – Dated May 5th ,1980 (Loan No. 1982)
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Page 160 of 242 pages