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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

The Fourth Annual Report and Accounts of Guyana Sugar Corporation Limited for the year 1979
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Loan Contract between Guyana and the Inter – American Development Bank (programme of Food Crop Production and Marketing). Loan No. 583/ST-GY- Resolution DE-98/79. Dated December 20th ,1979
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Project Loan and Grant Agreement between Guyana and the United States of America for Agriculture Sector Planning – A.I.D. Project No. 504-0077. A.I.D. Loan No.504-T-017. Dated March 8th ,1980
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Loan Agreement (Balance of Payments Support) between Guyana and OPEC Fund – Dated May 5th ,1980 (Loan No. 1982
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Order No. 42 of 1980 – made under the Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) made under the section 5 of the Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) Act , Chapter 27:11 on the 3rd
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Order No.38 of 1980 made under the Consumption Tax Act, Chapter 80:02 on the June 12th ,1980 and published in the gazette on the 14th June,1980
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Regulations No. 4 of 1980 made under the Consumption Tax Act under the section 22 ,Chapter 80:02 , on the June 12th ,1980 and published in the Gazette on the 6th May,1980
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Order No.32 of 1980 – Consumption Tax (Amendment) Order made under the Consumption Tax Gazette on the May 6th, 1980.
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Statements of Guarantees given by the Minister of Finance under section 3 of the Guarantee of Loans (Public Corporations and Companies ) Act, Chapter 77: 01, 30th September ,1979,31st December,1979
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Report of the Directors of the New Widows and Orphans’ Fund for the year 1974
Date Laid
05 Aug,1980
Page 162 of 242 pages