*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Report on the Audited Accounts of the Guyana Rice Board for the year ended 30th September, 1977
Date Laid
23 Jan,1978
Interim Financing Agreement (Corn/Soya Bean Regional Project-Guyana) between Caribbean Development Bank and Guyana dated 31st August, 1977 (Loan No. 2/SFR-GU)
Date Laid
23 Jan,1978
Guyana Housing Corporation (Dissolution) Order 1977 made under section 63 of the Public Corporations Act
Date Laid
29 Dec,1977
Telephone (Amendment) Regulations No. 17 of 1977 made under section 97 of the Post and Telegraph Act
Date Laid
22 Dec,1977
Annual Report of the Guyana National Insurance Board for the year 1976
Date Laid
22 Dec,1977
External Loans (Limitation Increase) Order No. 93 of 1977 made under section 3 (7) of the External Loans Act
Date Laid
17 Dec,1977
Agreement dated 25th August, 1977 between the Caribbean Development Bank and the Government of Guyana, in connection with a loan to assist in financing a study of the feasibility of establishing a c
Date Laid
15 Dec,1977
Agreement dated 10th September, 1977, between the Government of Canada and the Government of Guyana, in connection with a development loan for the purchase of laboratory equipment for an Institute o
Date Laid
15 Dec,1977
Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Guyana National Science Research Council for the year 1976
Date Laid
15 Dec,1977
Accounts of the Guyana Rice Corporation for the years ended 31st August, 1973
Date Laid
09 Nov,1977
Page 173 of 242 pages