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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Customs Duties (amendment) Order 1975 (No.90) made under section 8 of the Customs Act, Chapter 82:01 , on the 29th of September,1975 and published in the Gazette on the 4th of October,1975
Date Laid
31 Oct,1975
Enactments (Amendment) Order 1975 (no.88) made under section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses (Amendment) Act 1975, on the 23rd of September,1975 and published in the Gazette on the 27th
Date Laid
31 Oct,1975
Agreement made on the 12th June,1975 between the Government of Canada and the Government of Guyana in connection with a development loan for the purchases of water well-drilling equipment
Date Laid
31 Oct,1975
Auditor ‘s Report and Final Accounts of the Guyana Forest Industries Corporation for the year ended 31st December,1974
Date Laid
29 Sep,1975
Financial paper No.4/1975 – Schedule of Supplementary Provision on the Current and Capital Estimates totaling $75,589,809 for the period ending 31st august,1975
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Auditor’s Report and Final Accounts of the Guyana Forest Industries Corporation for period 1st June,1973 to 31st December,1973
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Audited Accounts of the Guyana marketing Corporation for the year ended 31st December,1969
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Accounts of the Guyana Development Corporation for the year 1972
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Accounts of the Guyana Development Corporation for the years 1971
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Accounts of the Guyana Development Corporation for the years 1970
Date Laid
25 Sep,1975
Page 176 of 242 pages