*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Final Act of the International Conference of Bauxite Producing Countries incorporating the Agreement establishing the International Bauxite Association
Date Laid
21 Aug,1974
Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) Order 1973 (No. 71) , made under the Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) Ordinance 1962 (No. 26 of 1962 ), on the 10th of July ,1973 ,
Date Laid
10 Aug,1974
Report of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Transport and Harbours Department for the year ended 31st December,1970
Date Laid
07 Aug,1974
Rates of Postage (surface mail and Fees for Services) Order 1974 (No.81) made under section 16 of the Post and Telegraph Act , Chapter 47:01, on the 24th of June,1974 and published in the Gazette o
Date Laid
18 Jul,1974
Report and Accounts of the Guyana Airways Corporation for the year 1972
Date Laid
03 Jul,1974
Financial Paper No.2/1974 –Schedule of Supplementary Provision on the Current and Capital estimates totaling $441,754,520 for the period ending 15th June,1974
Date Laid
28 Jun,1974
Loan agreement between the Caribbean Development Bank and Guyana and the Guyana Co-operative Mortgage Finance Bank (Mortgage Finance) .Loan No.1/OR-GU
Date Laid
24 Jun,1974
Annual Report of the Forest Department for the year 1972
Date Laid
24 Jun,1974
Commonwealth Citizenship Order 1974 (No.63) made under section 15 of the May,1974 and published in the Gazette on the 18th of May,1974
Date Laid
22 May,1974
Minutes of the First Meeting of the Committee of Selection, held on Wednesday, the 10th of April,1974
Date Laid
17 Apr,1974
Page 178 of 242 pages