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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Customs (exemption from Duties) (No.2) Order 1973 (No. 149) made section 8 of the Customs Ordinance ,Chapter 309 (now Customs Act, Chapter 82:01) in the 22nd of November,1973 and published in the Ga
Date Laid
09 Jan,1974
State Paper on the National Service for the Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Date Laid
20 Dec,1973
Financial Paper No.7 /1973 – Schedule of Supplementary Provision on the Current Estimates for the period ending 15th December,1973
Date Laid
20 Dec,1973
Annual Report of the Guyana Telecommunication Corporation for the year 1971
Date Laid
13 Dec,1973
Customs (Export Duties) Order 1973 (No. 153) made under section 8 of the Customs Ordinance Chapter 309, on the 10th of December,1973 and published in the Gazette on the 10th of December,1973.
Date Laid
10 Dec,1973
Consumption Tax (Amendment) (No.3) Under 1973 (No.152) made under section 4 of the Consumption Tax Act 1969(No.13) , on the 10th of December,1973 and published in the Gazette on the 10th of Decembe
Date Laid
10 Dec,1973
Purchase tax (Motor Cars) (Amendment) (No.3) Order 1973 (No.151), made under section 5A of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance ,Chapter 280 on the 10th of December,1973
Date Laid
10 Dec,1973
Commonwealth Telecommunications Council – Fifth General Report and Statement of Accounts ,1972 to 31st March,1973
Date Laid
10 Dec,1973
Budget Speech for 1974
Date Laid
10 Dec,1973
Agreement entered into on the 30th of June,1973, between the Government of Guyana and the Public Service Association , the Federated Union of Government Employees , the Clerical and Commercial Work
Date Laid
07 Dec,1973
Page 180 of 242 pages