*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Report by Dr. H. Rouse, Caffey,  Director, Rice Experiment           Station and Dr. J. Norman   Efferson, Dean of the Collage of   Agriculture of Louisiana State   University on an Appraisal
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
Regulation No. 21/1965 made         Under the Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 98).
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
Regulation No. 18/1965 made         Under the Post and Telegraph Ordinance (Chapter 132).
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
Regulation No. 16/1965 made         Under the Financial         Administration and Audit Ordinance,        1961. (No. 39 of 1961)
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
National Rehabilitation Committee (Report).
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
11. Guyana Industrial Development Corporation, 1964. (Annual Report).
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
10. General Election (under a system Of Proportional Representation). Report on the House of Assembly
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
8. Financial Paper No. 16/1965- Supplementary Schedule of Additional Provision on the Current Estimates for November and December 1965,  Totaling $ 189,280
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
7. Financial Paper No. 15/1965- Schedule of Additional Provision on the Capital Estimates for November and December 1965, totaling $ 653,803
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
6. Financial Paper No. 14/1965- Schedule of Additional Provision on the Current Estimates for November and December 1965, totaling $ 2,450,372.00
Date Laid
17 Dec,1965
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