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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

    Report of the British Guiana Rice     Development Company Limited for 1964
Date Laid
18 Jun,1965
Report of the Transport and Harbours department, 1962
Date Laid
18 May,1965
Report of the Forests Department, 1961
Date Laid
18 May,1965
Report to The Government of British Guiana on the Planning Agricultural Development
Date Laid
20 Apr,1965
Estimates of Current and Capital for the Year 1965
Date Laid
14 Apr,1965
Budget Speech 1965 (Sessional Paper No.2 of 1965)
Date Laid
14 Apr,1965
Financial Paper No. 1 Of 1965 Final Schedule of Excesses 1961 Totaling $1,113,268.28
Date Laid
07 Apr,1965
Regulations 1965 Made under Post Telegraph Ordinance (Chapter 132)
Date Laid
31 Mar,1965
Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Committee of Selection held on 31st March 1965
Date Laid
31 Mar,1965
Report on The Public Accounts Committee (Transport and Harbors Department) For the Year Ended 31st December, 1961
Date Laid
29 Mar,1965
Page 199 of 242 pages