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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

3. Account of the Milk Pasteurisation Plant for the year Ended 31st December 1961 (Report of the Director of Audit
Date Laid
13 May,1964
Triennial Report on   Education Division, 1957-  1960.
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Patoir Trust Fund, 1963       (Report of the Administrators).
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Government Wharves     (Charges) Rules, 1964,    Made by the Governor on     The 18th day of May 1964
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Financial Paper No.2/  1964 – Schedule of Additional Provision on the Development Estimates for January to April 1964, totaling   $ 66,587.00
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Financial Paper No.1/  1964 – Schedule of Additional Provision on The Recurrent Estimates for January to April 1964, totaling $199,812.00.
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Executive Commissioner,  Board of Commissioners Of Currency, British Caribbean Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year, 1962 (Report)
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
East Demerara Water Conservancy Board for the year ended 31st   December 1963 (Annual Report and Financial Statements
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
2. Accounts of the Fish Market And Centre for the two years Ended 31st December 1961 and 31st December 1962. (Report of The Director of Audit
Date Laid
30 Apr,1964
Executive Commissioner,  Board of Commissioners Of Currency, British Caribbean Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year, 1961.
Date Laid
04 Mar,1964
Page 203 of 242 pages