*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Report of the Commissioner of Police for the Year 1960
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Report of the Commissioner of the Interior for the year 1960
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Report of the Second Commonwealth Education Conference 11-25 January, 1962
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Report of the Social Assistance Department for the year 1960
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Report To His Excellency On The Sugar Estate And British Guiana Sugar Producers Association July 1961
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Resolution No. XX Of The 1st February, 1962(Special Select Committee Interim Report)
Date Laid
22 May,1962
Regulation of 1962, Made Under the (Fisheries Ordinance 1956)
Date Laid
15 May,1962
Estimates 1962 (No. 2)
Date Laid
14 May,1962
Order 20 of 1961 (Labour Ordinance)
Date Laid
14 May,1962
Certified Statement Account of the Drainage Board for the year 1959
Date Laid
11 May,1962
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