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Documents Laid

Documents Laid

7. Order No. 28 of 1962, Minimum Wages (Laundry Employees) Order, 1962.
Date Laid
09 Apr,1962
1. Statements by the Minister of Finance on Modifications to the Revenue proposals in Budget Speech delivered on 31st January 1962
Date Laid
03 Apr,1962
1. Audited Statements of Receipts and Expenditure of the Georgetown Replanning Scheme for the period 1st August 1961 to 31st January 1962
Date Laid
03 Apr,1962
6. Order No. 21 of 1962 made under Section 8 of the Labour Ordinance (Chapter 103) (Minimum wages) (Sawmill Workers) Order 1962 on The 1st March 1962.
Date Laid
03 Apr,1962
5. Order No.15 of 1962 made under Section 8 of the Customs Ordinance Chapter 309 on the 21st day of February, 1962 and published in the Gazette on the 22nd day of February 1962.
Date Laid
03 Apr,1962
Order No 13 of 1963 Made Under the public Judicial Officers (Remuneration) Ordinance, 1962 No 26 of 1962
Date Laid
29 Mar,1962
Minutes of the First Meeting of the Committee of Selection Held in the Chamber of Legislation on Friday Feburary 1st, 1963
Date Laid
27 Mar,1962
Financial Paper No 2 of 1963 Schedule for additional Provision on the Recurrent Estimates for feburary to March 1963
Date Laid
27 Mar,1962
Financial Paper No 1 of 1963 Schedule for additional provision – Recurrent estimates for January 10 – March, 1963
Date Laid
27 Mar,1962
Finanacial paper No.3 of 1963 Schedule of additional provision on the development estimates for January to March 1963.
Date Laid
27 Mar,1962
Page 214 of 242 pages