*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Report of Georgetown Mariner’s Club 1958-59
Date Laid
14 Jun,1961
Report of the Accountant General, 1959
Date Laid
14 Jun,1961
Report of the Transport and Harbours Department 1960
Date Laid
12 Jun,1961
Report of the Drainage and Irrigation in the Coastal   Plains for the years, 1957, 1958 and 1959
Date Laid
07 Jun,1961
Report of the British Guiana Tourist Committee 1960.
Date Laid
07 Jun,1961
Report of the B G Tourist Committee for 1958
Date Laid
07 Jun,1961
Report of the B G Tourist Committee 1958
Date Laid
07 Jun,1961
Report of the B G Volunteer Force 1960
Date Laid
07 Jun,1961
Trotman Trust Fund, 1959 Report of the Audit
Date Laid
24 May,1961
Sessional Paper No. 3/1961
Date Laid
24 May,1961
Page 222 of 242 pages