*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Report of the Auditor General to the National Assembly on the Public Accounts of Guyana and on the Accounts of Ministries, Departments and Regions for the fiscal year ended 31st December, 2012
Date Laid
07 Nov,2013
Petition on behalf of the Private Sector Commission of Guyana Ltd. Respectfully requests that the National Assembly considers and pass the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrori
Date Laid
07 Nov,2013
Loan Agreement GUY/L0001 dated July 6, 2013 between the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and CARICOM Development Fund for US$7,317,996.00 for the upgrading of all weather access paved
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Compensation Agreement in the Framework of the PETROCARIBE Energy Cooperation Agreement dated May 17, 2013 between the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the PDVSA Retroleo S.A (PDVSA) for the cancel
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Loan Contract No. 274/BL-GY dated March 15, 2013 between the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank for US$66,200,000.00 for the Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Pro
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Loan Agreement No. 7/SFR-OR-GUY dated February 25, 2013 between the Caribbean Development Bank and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana for US$34,200,000 for the West Coast Demerara Road Improvement (F
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Third Annual Report of the Women and Gender Equality Commission for the period June, 2012 to June, 2013
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Report of the Special Select Committee on the Guyana Cricket Administration Bill 2012- Bill No. 31/2012
Date Laid
07 Aug,2013
Minutes of Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the Committee of Selection held on Thursday, 11th July, 2013
Date Laid
18 Jul,2013
Report of the Special Select Committee on the Deeds Registry (Amendment) Bill No. 11/2012
Date Laid
18 Jul,2013
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