*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Financial Paper No.  2/2010
Date Laid
29 Jul,2010
Financial Paper No.  1/2010
Date Laid
29 Jul,2010
Agreement on National Micro Credit Programme; Women of Worth (WOW) facility
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
Revised Low Carbon Development Strategy May, 2010.  Transforming Guyana Economy while combating Climate Change
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
The Constitutional Office (Remuneration of Holders) Oder 2010- Order No.  16 of 2010
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
The Fifth Periodic Report of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Economic Services
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax Laws) (Canacol Energy (Guyana) Inc; formerly Ground Star Resources Inc) Order 2010-Order No.  11 of 2010
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax Laws) (CGX Resources Inc) Order 2010-Order No.  10 of 2010
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax Laws) (YFP Guyana Ltd; formerly Maxus Guyana Ltd) Order 2010-Order No.  9 of 2010
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
Treasury Memorandum pursuant to Resolution No.  114 dated March 11, 2010 of the National Assembly adopting the Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Public Accounts of Guyana for the years
Date Laid
15 Jul,2010
Page 89 of 242 pages