*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Documents Laid

Documents Laid

Document Laid 2010Report of the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly on the Public Accounts of Guyana for the years 2004 and 2005
Date Laid
08 Feb,2010
Documents Laid 2010:  The Ministry of Agriculture Annual Report for the year 2008
Date Laid
11 Jan,2010
Documents Laid 2010
Date Laid
11 Jan,2010
The Ministry of Agriculture Annual Report for the year 2008
Date Laid
11 Jan,2010
Documents Laid 2010:  The Ministry of Agriculture Annual Report for the year 2007
Date Laid
11 Jan,2010
Minutes of Proceedings of the 18th Meeting of the Committee   of Selection held on Thursday, 11th December, 2009
Date Laid
17 Dec,2009
Loan Agreement No.  18/ SFG- GUY between the Caribbean Bank and the Government of Guyana signed on April 27th,  2009 for US$7,500,000 for the enhancement of the Technical and Vocational Education
Date Laid
17 Dec,2009
Loan Contract No.  2235/ BL- GY between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-America Development Bank signed on November 23rd, 2009 for US$5,000,000 for the Financial   Sector Reform Program II
Date Laid
17 Dec,2009
Amendatory Agreement No.  1730/ SF- GY (Amendment No.  1) between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-America Development Bank signed on November 20th, 2009 for the Georgetown Solid Waste Managem
Date Laid
17 Dec,2009
Loan Contract No.  2102/ BL- GY between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-America Development Bank signed on April 17th, 2009 for US$24,900,000 for the Second Low Income Settlement Program
Date Laid
17 Dec,2009
Page 92 of 242 pages