The Land Registry Act |
Date Gazetted15 May, 1993 |
The Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) Act |
Date Gazetted12 May, 1993 |
The Ministers, Members of the National Assembly and Special Offices (Emoluments) Act |
Date Gazetted12 May, 1993 |
Under the Police Act |
Date Gazetted01 May, 1993 |
The Public Corporations Act 1988 |
Date Gazetted02 Apr, 1993 |
The Local Democratic Organs Act |
Date Gazetted20 Mar, 1993 |
The Travel Voucher Tax Act |
Date Gazetted13 Mar, 1993 |
The Sugar Industry Special Funds Act |
Date Gazetted13 Mar, 1993 |
The Immigration Act |
Date Gazetted20 Feb, 1993 |
The Immigration Act |
Date Gazetted12 Feb, 1993 |
Page 101 of 400 pages