The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 1986 ( Tax Laws (Modification)) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted13 Sep, 1990 |
Order made under the Rice (Regulation of Manufacturing and Marketing) Act 1985 (Padi and Rice (Prices) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted08 Sep, 1990 |
Guyana National Trading Corporation (Amendment) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted01 Sep, 1990 |
The Rice ( Regulation of Manufacturing and Marketing) Act 1985 ( Grading Fees) (Amendment) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted01 Sep, 1990 |
Social Impact Amelioration Programme Board Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted18 Aug, 1990 |
Local Democratic Organs (Neighbourhood Democratic Councils) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted14 Aug, 1990 |
Trade Control of Prices (Amendment) (N0.6) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted11 Aug, 1990 |
Order made under section 305 of the Municipal and District Council Act 1990 |
Date Gazetted08 Aug, 1990 |
State Pensions (Sher Mohamed) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted28 Jul, 1990 |
State Pensions (Eric Barrington Weekes) Order 1990 |
Date Gazetted28 Jul, 1990 |
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