*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19


– The National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (Transfer of Property) Order 18 of 2019
Date Gazetted
22 May, 2019
Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax Laws) (Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited, Cataleya Energy Limited (formerly Ratio Energy Limited), Ratio Guyana Limited and Hess Guyana
Date Gazetted
16 May, 2019
The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) (Tax Laws) (Repsol Exploracion Guyana S.A. (formerly known as Repsol Exploración S.A.), Tullow Guyana B.V. and Total E&P Guyana BV) Order 2019
Date Gazetted
16 May, 2019
The National Registration Act Revision of Registration Divisions
Date Gazetted
15 May, 2019
The Public Utilities Commission Order Exemption of the Linden Electricity Company Inc
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
The Public Utilities Commission Order Exemption of the Kwakwani Utilities Inc
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
The Public Utilities Commission Order Exemption of the Mahdia Power and Light Company Inc
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
The Public Utilities Commission Order Exemption of the Port Kaituma Power Light Company Inc
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
The Public Utilities Commission Order 2019
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Order 2019
Date Gazetted
30 Mar, 2019
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