The Trade Act |
Date Gazetted25 Oct, 1980 |
Interpretation and General Clauses Act |
Date Gazetted15 Oct, 1980 |
The Acquisition of Lands for Public Purposes Act |
Date Gazetted14 Oct, 1980 |
Drainage and Irrigation Act |
Date Gazetted11 Oct, 1980 |
The Holiday with pay Act |
Date Gazetted11 Oct, 1980 |
The Representation of the People Act |
Date Gazetted10 Oct, 1980 |
The Registration of the People |
Date Gazetted09 Oct, 1980 |
The National Registration Act |
Date Gazetted10 Aug, 1980 |
Local Democratic Organ Act |
Date Gazetted07 Oct, 1980 |
constitution Amendment Act |
Date Gazetted04 Oct, 1980 |
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