Minimum Wages (Employees at Petrol Filling Stations) (Amendment) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted22 Oct, 2002 |
The Timber Grant Workers Wages Council Wages Regulation (Amendment) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted22 Oct, 2002 |
Labour (Condition ofEmployment of Certain Workers) (Minimum Rate of Wages) (Amendment) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted22 Oct, 2002 |
The Printing Trade Workers Wages Council Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted22 Oct, 2002 |
The National Industrial and Commerc ial Investment Limited (Transfer of Property) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted05 Oct, 2002 |
The Guyana National Cooperative Bank (Transfer of Property) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted21 Sep, 2002 |
The Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 20002 (Commencement) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted07 Sep, 2002 |
The Mining Act Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted31 Aug, 2002 |
The Guyana Tourism Authority Act 2002 (Commencement) Order 2002 |
Date Gazetted17 Aug, 2002 |
The Public Corporation s Act 1988 |
Date Gazetted10 Aug, 2002 |
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