The Constitutional Offices (Remuneration of Holders) Act |
Date Gazetted20 May, 1995 |
The Ministers, Members of the National Assembly and Special Offices (Emoluments) Act |
Date Gazetted20 May, 1995 |
The Registration of Births and Deaths Act (Chapter 44 :01) |
Date Gazetted06 May, 1995 |
The Acquisition of Lands for Public Purposes Act |
Date Gazetted11 Mar, 1995 |
The Co-operative Financial Institutions Act |
Date Gazetted09 Feb, 1995 |
The Co-operative Financial Institutions Act |
Date Gazetted09 Feb, 1995 |
The Consumpti on Tax Act |
Date Gazetted11 Jan, 1995 |
The Ministers, Members of the National Assembly and Special Offices (Emoluments) Act |
Date Gazetted24 Sep, 1994 |
The Income Tax Act |
Date Gazetted23 Sep, 1994 |
The Income Tax Act |
Date Gazetted23 Sep, 1994 |
Page 94 of 400 pages