The Shops (Consolidation) Act |
Date Gazetted06 Nov, 1993 |
The Income Tax Act |
Date Gazetted25 Sep, 1993 |
The President’s College Act |
Date Gazetted24 Jul, 1993 |
The President ‘s College Act 1990 |
Date Gazetted24 Jul, 1993 |
The President ‘s College Act |
Date Gazetted24 Jul, 1993 |
financial administration and audit act |
Date Gazetted30 Jun, 1993 |
The Income Tax |
Date Gazetted05 Jun, 1993 |
The Municipal and District Councils Act |
Date Gazetted22 May, 1993 |
The Municipal and District Councils Act |
Date Gazetted22 May, 1993 |
The Police Act |
Date Gazetted15 May, 1993 |
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